Omni Genius

Chapter 1864: Life and death!

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The two people in the Qin Dynasty were so easily shaken by the earthquake... Two people slammed into the stone pillars of the base, which was able to fall to the ground and gave a very dull sound. How powerful it is.


The body of Jian Qingfeng was slightly weaker, and the body suffocation had already been shattered. This kind of violent impact also caused his guilt to be shaken to a certain extent. He couldn’t resist the blood and immediately spewed out.

A blood spurt out, the breath of the sword breeze is firmer, but the face is a bit pale. It can be seen that this is also a damage to him. Although it may not be very serious, it will never be very light. .

The two of them have already killed dozens of people on the other side, and they have not suffered too much trauma, but they did not expect to be on the leader. They just made a nasty attempt, which made them so embarrassed. The strength of this person is also strong. It will be obvious.

Compared with the injury of Jian Qingfeng, the Qin side should be slightly better.

The power of the **** secrets is very strong, and his body is built like the strongest, and the defense is not weaker than the bodyguard... and the body can be broken, but his body But it won't break.

At most, there is such a little damage, broken skin and bloodshed... Qin Fang has a large number of blood Dan, this little injury and pain, will not be in the heart.

Even the guilt has been a little bit shaken, but it is much better than the sword breeze.

"Too strong……"

Fortunately, the other party seems to disdain to kill both of them, otherwise they have long been unable to hold back... At this time, the two recovered a little, and could not help but smile.

Even if they took the explosives, the strength of the two has reached the late stage of the Grand Master... It seems to be only one level worse than the other, but the gap is still as great as before.

Both of them almost used the strength of breastfeeding, but they didn't even touch each other's clothes. Instead, they scorned each other and made a random blow. They nearly abolished them. .

"The other party is too strong. It seems that Qinglong Dan is useless..."

The effect of Blasting Dan has been very strong. But the strength has improved a lot, but it is still useless, so the use of Qinglong Dan is not very significant.

In the high-speed operation of the brain of Qin Fang, it is also beginning to seek other ways to cope.


At this time, the third killing shock wave also began, and the impact strength was getting stronger and stronger. Even the Qin side was bombed out several steps. This is sturdy... The situation of Jian Qingfeng is even worse. It is also a blood spurt out, and the guilt is once again wounded.

"Can't go on like this..."

The physical condition of Jian Qingfeng is deteriorating. Even if he took the explosion, he still became more and more bad... With such a heavy injury, the altar was always in shock. It is easy to hang up because of this.


The Qin side had just finished thinking. The sword breeze slammed a spurt of blood, and then fell to the ground. His face was pale and terrible. It seemed that the consciousness was blurred for a moment.

"Sword brother, sword brother..."

Qin Fang was also anxious to drink, checked the body of Jian Qingfeng, and the injury was very serious.

In the face of this situation, Qin Fang can not be too embarrassed. Immediately found out a Yuan Ling Dan into the mouth of the sword Qingfeng ... Although this remedy can not let his injury instantly recover. But it can be guaranteed that he will not hang up further.

Although the gas shock is dangerous, as long as his injury does not continue to deteriorate. The possibility of being killed is very small.

This is the case, the sword breeze has also become confused and fainted.

"do my best……"

It was confirmed that Jian Qingfeng would not be in danger for a while. Qin conveniently placed him in a relatively safe area. Then he looked at the mercenary leader and his face became iron-green. At this time, he could not care so much.

The sword breeze has passed out, and even if Qin Fang is playing a card, he can't see it.

Now, Qin Fang and the other mercenary leader are also endless, and where is the need for scruples...

The wrist was shocked, and a black shadow immediately appeared next to Qin Fang. It was such a powerful and incomparable monk... This is why even the thousand-year-old zombies who have reached the supreme position in the flesh can be hard-pressed.

Although this mercenary leader can enter the supreme world with only one step, but in the end is not the supreme, the deaf is naturally not afraid of him...


The other party also noticed the sudden appearance of the big guy, but also had such a moment of loss.

Such a big guy is not able to hide and squat, and he is also very surprised where Qin Fang came from...


However, Qin Fang was unwilling to talk nonsense, and immediately slammed a bang, and with the monks, quickly rushed to the other side.

Since the long-range attack can't achieve the effect, it can only be beaten close to me... Perhaps, with the strength of the late stage of his master class, he is a lot worse on the other side's grand division, and there is a great danger. But he also wants to make a surprise attack.

Explosives can be used to count Yang Tianlin, and it may not be impossible to count the mercenary leader.

What's more, there are still people who are assisted by others.


Although the mercenary leader is somewhat interested in the sudden appearance of the monks, it does not mean that he will put Qin Fang in his eyes.


Before the Qin party came, he easily waved his hand. Without the master of the Dragon Kingdom, there was a very strange force that struck the air... Qin Fang subconsciously put on a defensive posture. However, it was still flying out with a strong fan.

However, the monks did not have any influence. The strange power also applied to it, but it only caused a slight tremor. Its footsteps were not hindered, and they went straight to the other side to kill.


This is even more surprising to the other party. The blow that I just made, although it is only a very casual shot, but the attack power is quite powerful... Even the Qin Fang, whose temporary strength has soared to the late stage of the Grand Master, has been hit. And flying, but this monk is unaffected, of course, makes him feel strange.

boom! !

The monk did not have so many thoughts of him. He rushed to the mercenary leader and immediately waved his violent fist and smothered the mercenary leader. The punch was terrible. The sound of sound bursts is one after another.


Where the punch is. It is even more windy.

In the face of such a terrible punch, the mercenary leader did not dare to easily parry, afraid that he did not hold it, but it was easy to be injured.

Huh ~~

But the monks will not relax as a result, and they will follow the punch and punch. The speed is getting faster and faster, and the shots are getting more and more embarrassed... but the mercenary leader is forced to keep pushing Dodge and back.

When ~!

The attack speed of the monks is very fast. But in the end it was made of metal. The reaction was no way to compare with humans. After a brief contact with the mercenary leader, he immediately understood the weakness of the monk.

Easily evaded the other's punch, then flashed to the back of the monk, and slammed his fist against his head.

The horrible punch is on the head of the monk. A crisp crash was made.

But the monk did not have any damage at all. Instead, the mercenary leader suddenly slammed his fist and stepped back... The punch he had just punched was quite violent. If it was bombarded on the Qin side, it would be possible to put Qin. The square body hits a pair to wear.

However, such a punch is acting on the slut, so it is no different from itching.

The strength of the mercenary leader, although close to the supreme level, is not always the supreme. This power is also a lot worse... the strongest of the supreme. It may be possible to leave traces on the monks, but this mercenary leader is obviously not good.

Not only failed to hurt the monks. Instead, he injured his own fist.

The role of force is mutual... How fierce attack he used to bombard the monks, then how violent anti-shocks will come, and the result is that there is nothing wrong with him, he himself hurt his fist.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang really has the urge to laugh at the sky.

Actually, compared with the deaf, the person is definitely kicked by his head...

However, soon Qin Fang was very sad.

The mercenary leader is not stupid, and an offensive has suffered such a big loss. He understands that this monk can't fight, and immediately concentrates on the Qin side. The eyes are also very fierce.

"I wipe it..."

What surprised Qin Fang was that the mercenary leader immediately abandoned the monks and rushed toward the Qin side.

The thief first smashed the king. He planned to clean up the Qin side and say the other.

In this regard, Qin Fang can only roar a sentence, then turn around and flee...

The monks can win the bombardment of the mercenary leader, but he can't. The difference in strength between the two is really too big...

"Want to run? Hey..."

The mercenary leader will not be so easy to let go of the Qin side, and immediately speed up the speed.

Qin Fang’s snow-free body is indeed quite mysterious, and now it has been temporarily upgraded to the late stage of the Grand Master class. It is also possible to use this set of mysterious footwork to the fullest... The whole person is transformed into one in the altar. Black shadows are almost hard to capture.

However, the strength of the mercenary leader is also very strong, and the speed is quite swift. Seeing that the normal chasing is not catching up with the Qin side, it actually went against it, and suddenly changed the line of the march.

This is a good time, Qin Fang did not pay attention, the other party suddenly appeared on his route, this time the speed is too fast, it is to hide can not hide ...

"Give me death..."

Although the mercenary leader injured one hand, but the strength of one body did not lose much, and now stopped the Qin side of the way, immediately cast a very terrible combat skills, killed to the side of the Qin side!

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