Omni Genius

Chapter 1871: Five sects!

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"Oh, then wait for the next time..."

Jian Qingfeng also knows that he can't be forced, and naturally he will no longer be a bitter, and he will sigh.

"Hey, I remembered..."

I was preparing two people to stop here. When I went back to each family and looked for each **, Jian Qingfeng suddenly took the wind like it. He slammed his thigh, and the slap was quick and awkward. Qin Fang I can't help but look at the pain.

"What do you think of?"

Qin Fang is also a bit stunned, it is very strange to look at the sword breeze, not too much tomorrow he is the one who made the crazy.

"Five factions are big..."

The sword breeze is cheerfully replied.

"Five factions? What is it..."

The Qin side was a stunned look. It was a strange question.

"Er... are you really a big door?"

The sword breeze was also awkward, and then it was very strange to ask... Although Qin Fang had explained it to him once, he still felt that Qin Fang was definitely a talented disciple trained by a large class.

If you are self-taught, there are a lot of things that are very difficult to get started with. The martial arts is a good thing to say, but refining, it is definitely not only the talent of the district, you can learn by yourself.

Even the alchemists of the alchemy halls in the Kunlun school have gone through countless failures, failures, failures... numerous practical operations, coupled with the guidance of famous teachers, which have slowly grown. Get up.

If they only rely on their own words, they can have half or one-third of their instinct, and it is already enchanting to the sky!

But the reaction of Qin Fang just now can prove that he is really not a enchanting man who came out of the big door... At least not the most powerful disciple of the five major martial arts in the martial arts!

"Five factions are big... Five major gates?"

Qin Fang frowned, very curious to ask.

He knows a lot about some things in the martial arts, but now he can listen to the meaning of Jianfeng. It seems that he only knows the tip of the iceberg... At least these five major gates, he is not very clear.

"Shaolin, Kunlun, Tanzong, Tianwailou, Tianyahaige... This is the five strongest martial arts in the martial arts."

Jian Qingfeng briefly introduced the situation of the five major sects.

"There is no need to say this about Shaolin. Although this group of monks is called a monk, the Shaolin monk is also very powerful. There are so many metamorphosis in almost every generation! Shaolin’s 72 skills may be exaggerated. I wrote a book, but some of the school's scholastics are quite domineering! Plus the losses that have been suffered for thousands of years are not great, and the strength preservation is relatively complete!"

Qin Fang couldn't help but nod. He had contact with Shaolin, and even a good brother with Wukong monk is quite iron. Naturally, I know some of Shaolin's situation. At this time, I will listen to Jian Qingfeng, Shaolin. The status is also deserved.

"Western Tantra, this is also the tribe of Buddhism, it is located on the plateau over there... The losses suffered over thousands of years are more sorrowful, and the individual secret skills are no longer under the monks of the Linna group, and even the past of……"

For the Western Region Tantric, Qin Fang’s brows were slightly wrinkled. The inner merits of his cultivation of joy and meditation came from the Western Regions. This internal strength is not so tyrannical, but it can neutralize other instincts and reach a Very harmonious.

It can be said that the infuriating body in the Qin Fang, the reason why they can coexist peacefully, in addition to the special physique of the Qin side, there is a considerable correlation with the internal strength of the joyful Zen!

In addition, it seems that Tantra's big handprints, **** handprints, and dragons like prajna, etc., are also extremely powerful horror... Of course, these are secrets, and only a very small number of faculties can be taught. I don't want to be as popular as Zen.

"The Tianya Haige is actually the former Tianshan faction... Unfortunately, for some reason, the Tianshan faction disappeared, and the Tianshan faction was inherited by the Tianyahaige, and after several hundred years of development, this is With today's scale, the strength is no longer under the other major sects! And hesitant to geography, the Tianya Haige has almost no loss, the development is quite stable and swift..."

The Tianshan School, Qin Fang naturally knows, it was a once brilliant sect, but there was no news later... Qin Fang thought that like the other sects, it became a small sect. This will be no sound.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a direct change, and it has become the current Tianya Haige... In name, it seems that the Tianya Haige has replaced it. It is obvious to everyone that this is definitely a plan for the Tianshan faction.

As for why the Tianshan faction wants to play such a trick, then only they know it... and things have passed away for hundreds of years now, perhaps the historical truth has long been drowned in the historical torrent.

Speaking of this, Jian Qingfeng is silent, it seems to make the Qin side slightly digested.

"What about the outer building that day?"

However, Qin Fang waited for a while, but found that Jian Qingfeng did not want to continue to say it, and could not help but ask... Several other sects have already said that Jianfengfeng himself is a Kunlun school, then it is not necessary. More introduced, but there is still one left to say!

"Tianwailou... among the five major sects, it is the most mysterious! No one knows where its sect is. The only thing that knows is that Tianwailou has its own branches almost all over the country. The disciples in the door are rarely born, but once they are born, they are absolutely enchanting enchanting! So, I initially suspected that you are a foreigner..."

The face of Jian Qingfeng showed some strange expressions, and his eyes were also staring at the Qin side. This was a brief introduction to the situation of the Tianwai Building.

"This... really not!"

From the introduction of Jian Qingfeng, Qin easily knows the mystery of this extraterrestrial building, but he also simply denied that he is the disciple of Tianwailou... He even heard the name of Tianwailou for the first time, and How could it be a disciple of Tianwailou?

"Forget it, whether you are or not, we are all friends..."

Seeing that Qin Fang is very firm, Jian Qingfeng will no longer think about this matter. After a simple sentence, he added a few more words. "The mysterious building is mysterious, how many disciples in the door are there, too. No one knows... but every time a disciple is born, it is extremely enchanting!"

Here, basically the situation of the five major sects has been introduced, and Qin Fangxin also has a general understanding.

As for Tangmen, who was in front of him, and can be tied with Shaolin and Kunlun, it is obviously not enough for the five major sects. It is estimated how to lower one or two levels!

"Between the five major sects, there are also cooperation and contradictions..."

After finishing those gossips and returning to the topic, Jian Qingfeng continued to say,

"But the competition for various resources is getting more and more fierce. The outside is that there are six evil gates. The five major sects can only work together in general. This leads many small sects and join forces to fight against foreign enemies. !"

Qin Fang also nodded secretly. Although the magic gate went overseas, they never wanted to kill them at any they sent many people to disperse their actions and master more and more power.

This is even when the fish is dead, the magic door can also retain the most elite strength, leaving seeds for the follow-up comeback...

"At the beginning, the five major sects joined forces to force the six pieces of the magic door out of the country in one fell swoop. This is also the cooperation of the strength of the five major sects to a peak... The so-called prosperity and decline, the relationship after the five major sects is also extreme This is all for one reason..."

Speaking of this, Jian Qingfeng could not help but sigh.

"what reason?"

Qin Fang is also very curious to ask, even if there is already an answer in his heart, it is nothing more than a certain interest... enough to allow the five major sects to endure the interests of the side, then there is a mutual It is also a very normal thing to hate.

"A secret place..."

Sword Qing Feng replied softly,


The Qin Fang lived, and some strangely looked at the sword breeze...

If he did not make a mistake, the five major sects must also live in the mysterious and intimate world of the aura. Even Shaolin and Tantric are no exception... Now that you have a secret, why bother to go? Engage in other secrets?

"Yes, mystery..."

Jian Qingfeng nodded with a certain affirmation. "This is not a general mystery, but a wild mystery in the legendary three great peers... a small world attached, although not comparable to the wilderness, but also better than others. The small world of the door is much stronger.

The wilderness is the most mysterious, powerful and scary part of the three mysteries. It is said that with the strength of the sword and the wind, it is likely to be easily killed. Qin Fang estimates that it is not strong. of.

In the three major mysteries, there must be a master-level revision to be eligible to apply for membership. It is only possible to reach the strongest in the supreme world... Unfortunately, this is impossible, and the supreme power is less than a last resort. They are all unusable.

The wilderness mystery is one of the highest level, the most difficult, and the most dangerous....Because the wilderness is too strong, even the small world attached to it is quite powerful, just like the Kunlun secret to the same reason as the small Kunlun world!

"The wild secret..."

I heard this, and even Qin Fang’s face was deeply shocked.

"Then what are your five major sects, for what?"

This is also a rather big question in Qin Fang’s mind. It is very incomprehensible to ask... These people are definitely fighting for something, but he has not figured it out! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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