Omni Genius

Chapter 1892: All limbs are interrupted!

First, buy, monthly, ~~~


The stone beam is violent...

The elite of the Kunlun School, one of the five major sects of the Tang Dynasty, and the master of the Grand Masters... I have won a very good ranking in the five factions, and the Qin Dynasty, who was born from a wild road, was forced to this extent.

What made him even more unacceptable was that his master-level revision was actually suppressed by the master of Qin Dynasty.

Not long ago, he was still laughing at Qin’s fists as powerless, but this is a powerless fist. He just played him with no temper, and even his body suffered an unimaginable heavy blow...

"No, you can't go on like this anymore! Otherwise... I really might die!"

Shiliang also never imagined that Qin Fang’s “cotton boxing” was actually a soft knife that hurts people... In the case that he is completely unaware of it, his body is extremely seriously hurt! When Shi Liang reacted, his injury was already quite serious.

If the lethality of the "cotton boxing" is only equivalent to tickle him, then every punch can make his blood tumbling... and so many punches are added together, let him There are many roots in the meridians of the body!

This kind of injury made Shi Liang think of the original five-party ratio. In the face of a top master in the Tianwai Building, he only had such a situation... However, his strength was not advanced to the rank of the master, and the other However, it is already a large division, and it is only when the strength of the two sides is not equal!

According to the normal state, it should be that he put the Qin side into this state, which is the most reasonable...

But the facts are contrary to common sense. Qin Fang is so good, Shi Liang did not even have a decent blow to the Qin side... This road is all over, the Qin Fang is attacking the stone beam, no matter the sword, the sword before. Meaning, or the fist now!

"Give me weapons..."

The body protection can't rise, and for Qin, the defense is not so strong. Shi Liang also knows that his own light is a fight against Qin Fang. Immediately sighed at the crowd next to him.

"Shi Shixiong, pick it up!"

At this time, some people immediately responded, and then they saw the man's hands smashed, two human-sized Zijin hammers, and they flew over the field... The speed of the shot was quite fast and quite hot!

There is no reason for this. This pair of hammers is not going straight to the girder. Instead, it went straight to Qin’s head... This speed is quite fast and the intensity is quite fierce. If the Qin side is unfortunately hit, even if it is not dead, it will definitely be hurt.

Qin Fang’s eyes also sharply crossed the face of the man, and there was a murder in his eyes... No doubt, this person is definitely a group with Shi Liang. I simply want to attack the Qin side.

However, such a sneak attack is still a little pediatric. The Qin side only needs to move slightly in the footsteps, so they can easily evade the past.

Moreover, the Qin side is also relatively disciplined, and it is obvious that the pair of Zijin hammers can be intercepted, but he is actively retreating. Let Shi Liang hold this pair of Zijin hammer in his hand... It’s plain. I just don't plan to take advantage of this.

Such an action, although some people think that Qin Fang is too stupid. But more people think that Qin Fang is quite graceful, at least one or two grades than Shi Liangqiang!


Zijin hammer in hand, Shiliang's temperament immediately changed tremendously, and the body's breath became a lot of violent, and there was no sign of a slight injury. It turned out to be an extraordinarily powerful.

There are also obvious differences between holding weapons and empty hands...

This is like the difference between a sword and a sword that is not held by a sword. It is not a level of strength at all. Shiliang may not reach such a big gap, but after holding a pair of purple gold hammer, he is indeed better than before. Stronger.

"Qin Fang, let's go out of the sword..."

Perhaps it was stimulated by the Qin side. The whole atmosphere of Shiliang was different. The haze in the eyes was even stronger. On one side of the mouth, the other side was suddenly exerted, and the speed was extremely fast. The Qin side went to kill here.

"To deal with you? No need for that..."

Qin Fang sneered, and responded with a look of disappointment.

At this time, Qin Fang is not a fool... If you really want to take a sword, then you must open the door.

Qin Fang may not do the kind of sneak attack behind, but the stone slab that has been completely violent is obviously not able to do it... From the perspective of his shot and the route, he is simply planning to sneak up to take the sword. Qin Fang.

However, he did not expect that Qin Fang did not go to take the sword... then his little wishful thinking, naturally it would be lost.


Zijin hammer, each of which has a weight of at least 30 kilograms, although it is not a particularly heavy weapon, but in the hands of a master-level master such as Shiliang, the lethality is absolutely unimaginable horror...

Not to mention being hit on the front, even if it is just a gentle rub, you can directly make a broken fracture... This is definitely not a joke!

The stone beam danced the purple gold hammer, and the fiercely fiercely killed the Qin side...


It is undeniable that the stone beam at this time is indeed much stronger than before. It is not as simple as one plus one and two equal. The lethality has skyrocketed several times! Even Qin Fang did not dare to take it lightly.


Qin Fang did not fear it because of this. Instead, his face showed a strange smile, and then... he immediately shot.

"Give me death..."

The Zijin hammer was oppressed by the terrible momentum of Mount Tai, and Qin seems to be able to dodge at this time, so that he can save himself without being hurt by any eyes... Of course, Shi Liang did not intend to hit it. Kill Qin Fang!


However, the choice of the Qin side is very strange, and it is completely beyond the expectations of the stone beam.

It can even be said that all the people present, even if they were very confident in the Qin side, did not think of it... Qin Fang did not choose to avoid, but when the purple gold hammer was about to fall on his head, he It is also blocked by direct shots.

A very weird sound, the stone beam that is full of confidence and thought that the Qin side can easily be killed, suddenly felt that his hand had uploaded a huge force that could not be countered... and then one of his hands I couldn’t grasp it, and the Zijin Hammer was taken away!

"How could this be?"

This kind of scene is even more surprising for everyone in the room who can't help but exclaim.

The Qin Fang, who had to be smashed by Shi Ziliang’s head, and whose brains were split, not only had nothing at all, but even from the hands of Shi Liang, he suddenly took a Zijin hammer...

嗡~~~啪! !

What is even more shocking is that while Qin Fang took the purple gold hammer, while the stone beam has not yet awakened from the shock, he directly waved the purple gold hammer, the one facing the stone beam. The arm squatted down.

The speed of this hammer is fast and embarrassing, and almost no masters like Shiliang have time to react...

The body suffocation was almost under the bombardment of this hammer, and it was directly fragile and ruptured... and the hammer was castrated, and it fell on the arm of the stone beam without any protection. !


Even the masters who are as strong as Shiliang, after losing the protection of their bodyguards, may not be stronger than the ordinary masters. Qin’s hammer is so fierce!

With a sizzling sound, there was a tragic scream of Shiliang...

Qin Fang’s one hit, not only protected himself, but also abandoned one of Shiliang’s arms... Another Zijin hammer also fell to the ground with a jingle, and made a crisp sound, his arm was broken, his hand There is no strength in nature.


However, the Qin party is not satisfied, and the purple gold hammer in the hand is also swept away!

This time, he was not attacking Shi Liang’s other intact arm, but he had poisoned his knees! With a very sinister move, I directly knocked the pair of knees of Shi Liang a crush...


Undoubtedly, the knees were shattered by the Qin side, and even if it was strong, the legs were soft and fell directly. The mouth was even more tragic.

It can be said that some people in the place have been such a sudden change, and they are quite surprised! Many people are slightly open-mouthed, and it seems that they don't believe that this would be a fact... even the sword breeze is almost the same reaction!

He knows that Qin Fang was irritated by Shi Liang, and he might be quite sharp in counterattack... but he never imagined that Qin Fang’s counterattack would be sharp to such a degree!


The old man of Qingyuan couldn’t sit still at this time, and he couldn’t help but burst into tears. Shiliang said that he is also his apprentice. The reason why he is like this is that he is secretly instigating... if he does not speak again, What unimaginable tragedy is going to happen!

The contest has learned this point, but no one has thought of it... What is even more unexpected is that Qin Fang actually dared to shatter the bones of Shiliang in the face of so many Kunlun disciples!

This is almost the face of the red fruit!

And still open the bow around, the slap!

But Qin Fang not only did this, but also done so thoroughly...


Even if Qingyuan’s old man spoke up, Qin Fang did not stop his movements. The Zijin hammer was knocking on the last intact arm of Shi Liang, and once again crushed his arm bones... To be continued...)

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