Omni Genius

Chapter 1896: A arrogant lama!

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The evil sects such as the yin and yang sects may not be comparable to any of the five major sects. However, if they are combined with other major sects, then they are quite powerful... even more powerful than the five major sects. of.

Especially this time, a few evil sects are not going to go through with the five sects, but they want to play the idea of ​​a wilderness... This is quite a serious matter.

The wild little secret can be said to be one of the most important secrets of the five major sects. It is related to the future and future of the five major sects. Without this small secret, the five sects of the sect are equal to the loss of many large divisions and even the supreme power. of.

One or two losses will be counted. In the long run, the five major sects may be degraded from the altar and become a sub-class of Zongmen such as Tangmen and Xueshan. This is obviously not the will of the five major sects. Things.

Not to mention, this wilderness is controlled by evil sects. Under this circumstance, the power of evil sects will become larger and larger, and the consequences will be very serious...

Therefore, after Qingxu Laodao got the news from the Qinfang here, he immediately went to the five major sects to discuss the countermeasures. Perhaps the five major sects had competition and contradictions, but in the wild In the matter of the mystery, their interests are the same!

The matter of dealing with evil sects is naturally carried out by the sacred and honest people. The level of fighting is not the master of the Qin dynasty. Even if his combat power is amazing, in the group of supreme In the battle of the strong, it can only become useless cannon fodder!

Naturally, the Qin side is too lazy to manage these things and concentrate on preparing the five factions!

As time went by slowly, the remaining sects also rushed over, and the five main sects were all arrived.

However, the five major schools seem to be still negotiating about things, and they have not yet appeared. They are the doormen and disciples. I can only wait honestly... Some people are bored and bored. It was also smashed everywhere.

For example, the Wukong monk ran from the Shaolin side to the Kunlun school to find the Qin side.

There are still many people who have almost moved with Wukong monks, but most of them are looking for friends who have made good friends with them... Of course, they are also inevitably going to find the enemy.

"How, is it smooth?"

Although the two people agreed to meet in advance, only after Qin Fang’s apprenticeship, he was brought to the intensive training by the Qing Dynasty. Naturally, there was no time to meet with the Wukong monk until this time. Wukong monk ran over to ask.

"It went smoothly, but it also caused some trouble..."

For the Wukong monk, Qin Fang would naturally not conceal those things, and simply said something about himself and the Kunlun faction, naturally including the fact that he offended the Qingyuan.

"The close disciple of Kunlun's teaching... or you are the most cattle! I have heard about this person. I don't think he looks like a good talk. In fact, he is more guardian than anyone else... It’s for you! But in the dark... it’s hard to say! You’re still careful!”

In the end, Wukong monk is the five major disciples. Naturally, there are many more things about the major sects than the Qin dynasty. At this time, it is also a kind reminder.

"Reassured, I have a few in my heart..."

Qin Fang smiled and responded.


Just when Qin Fang and Wukong monk spoke, not far from the side was suddenly someone was bombarded and flew out, and it was not far from Qin’s side. It was also a slight surprise for Qin and Wukong monks. of.

"Cui Xiu. Is it okay?"

Qin Fang took a look. The brow wrinkled and immediately reached out and helped the disciple who fell to the ground to help...

He really knows this person. It is a three-generation disciple of the Kunlun School. It is a few years older than the Qin Dynasty. However, it is only a mid-level of the master class. In this time, the disciples who participated in the five-party Dabe can only be regarded as the middle-lower!

However, when it comes to seniority, this Cui Xiu is the apprentice of Qin’s master brother, that is, the Qin’s teacher... When Qin Fang worshipped the veteran road as a teacher, Cui Xiu and others came to see him. For other Kunlun disciples, these people are relatively close to the Qin side.

"Uncle Shi, I am fine..."

Cui Xiu was also a very hard return, then wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth, his face gloomy in front.

"Uncle Shi?"

At this time, it was someone who walked slowly, just to hear Cui Xiu’s name for the Qin side, and he couldn’t help but swear.

The identity of the person coming in is quite recognizable. You can know it by looking at the costume.

There are two factions in the five major sects, Buddhism, one is the Shaolin of Zen, and the other is the Tantric of the Western Region. Compared with other sects, the disciples of these two groups are of course the most conspicuous... and Shaolin and Tantric There are also obvious differences in dressing.


Qin Fang is also a bit strange to see this person in front of him, can not help but swear, no doubt, the other party must be from the Western Region Tantra, wearing a robe, the head of the hat is very strange!

"The boost is wrong..."

However, the Wukong monk said in the ear of Qin Fang, "This person is a famous master of the young generation of the Tantrics, but this person's temper... is also famous for being bad!"

"Cui Xiu, what happened?"

The Qin side simply glanced at this overpowering fault, and the strength was indeed quite good. It has reached the peak of the master class, almost entering the rank of the master class, and the age is equivalent to the Wukong monk, only twenty-six six, Really have this proud capital!

In comparison, Cui Xiu, who is about the same age as him, has a lot of strength. It’s no wonder that he will be flying out of it...

It can be said that his strength, among the players participating in the competition, is also very forward-looking... The people who can stabilize and stabilize him are really few! At least the Kunlun side, it seems that in addition to the Qin side, I really can't find a second one!

As for those disciples who are over 30 years old, although many people are stronger than him, they are inconvenient to take shots. This is a dispute between young disciples. They intervene in bad rules, so, including swords and breeze. Individuals can only glare at the ups and downs, but they can't shoot!

"Uncle Shi, I just said a word casually, he just started it..."

Seeing that Qin Fang’s face was wrong, Cui Xiu immediately explained the cause of the incident.

In fact, it is not a big deal. He said that this time, the Kunlun School can definitely get the first place in the five factions. It just happened to be wrong and passed by, and couldn’t help but ridiculously, the tone was quite arrogant, Cui The show naturally can't help but refute one sentence.

I didn’t expect that this force was wrong and I was directly angry. I would fly Cui Xiu in one hand...

Even with this hand, the force has been quite restrained, but Cui Xiu has been injured. I am afraid that it will affect the performance of this five-party ratio... Maybe he still had a barely intruder before. Thirty qualifications, but now it is definitely no play!

"So, is your first move?"

After figuring out the cause and process of the incident, Qin Fang looked at the arrogant afterburner, and the tone became cold and cold.

"Oh... the king is defeated, how much nonsense?"

The force is wrong, but it is quite proud. Just now he has carefully looked at Qin Fang. Although he knows that Qin is so light, he is the second generation of Kunlun. He must have something extraordinary, but he It was found that Qin Fang was only a late revision of the master class, and he was slightly worse than him. He suddenly did not put Qin Fang in his eyes.

When talking, it is also quite arrogant...

"A good king is defeated..."

Qin Fang couldn't help but smile, and the look of the wrong face was changed, as if he was looking at a fool.

"court death!"

After a lot of pride, he had received such a look, and suddenly he was angry... The palm of his hand was actually very aggressive and it was a good move to Qin!

Just now, Cui Xiu has been cleaned up. The Kunlun faction is not even afraid to let go. Those older disciples can't break the rules. They can only look at them but can't shoot them. Now they have cleaned up the Qin side, so it must be the same. Nothing will happen...

Afterburning the wrong way is to use such an idea, and will be the first to take the shot without any scruples!

"Oh, it’s an idiot..."

The Wukong monk was the first to react. At this time, he used the look of the fool to watch the attacking and attacking. The inside of the mouth couldn’t help but whisper.

Seeing such a scene, many people present can't help but squat, but different people and different identities naturally react differently!

For example, those of the Tantrics, that is, the brothers and sisters of the brothers who are doing the wrong work, are a form of watching the drama. They can't help but suppress the arrogance of the Kunlun faction... At least when they officially test, they can also take up A little cheaper.

The disciples of the Kunlun School are quite strange. The three generations of disciples are better here. The second generation of disciples are different. The sword breeze is so eager to stop, ready to laugh... just now he intends to signal Qin Fang took the opportunity to clean up the Tantric Lama, but did not expect this idiot to actually shoot first!

Of course, the other Kunlun disciples are also schadenfreude, waiting for the afterburner to eat in the hands of Qin Fang...

"Oh... Ignorance is fearless!"

Seeing this lama who dared to be so fierce to attack his own, it was Qin Fang who couldn’t help but sigh. At this time, even if he did not intend to shoot, he must shoot!

Otherwise, the terrible attack power exerted by this lama is the Qin Fang’s defensive power, and I am afraid it will be subject to certain injuries...

Obviously, Qin Fang does not want to be injured for no reason, then ... can only make his opponents unlucky! (To be continued...)

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