Omni Genius

Chapter 1899: Goal: First place!

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The conflict between Kunlun and Tanzong caused such a big conflict. It also set off a big storm in the five major sects... and also let quite a few people notice the young but powerful second-generation disciple of Kunlun.

After knowing the news, the leaders of several factions immediately sent people to investigate the details of Qin Fang...

Of course, they are masters of martial arts and not special agents. They are nothing more than sending some disciples under the door. They are going to find the disciples of the Kunlun school to ask about some things about the Qin side... so young, but powerful, absolutely should not be what A nameless generation.

It can be said that several major sects are relatively familiar with each other, but they have never heard of Qin Fang, and naturally they are somewhat confused.

“With art instructor?”

"The wild path is born..."

However, when they got a small amount of poor information, they all felt quite surprised, and even utterly shocked!

If you don't know that the Kunlun School can't accept the disciples who have problems with the history, they even suspect that the Qin side is the undercover of the evil door and the evil sect. It is really too fascinating! Only when he is less than twenty years old, he has already reached the peak of the master class, and even his body is more abnormal than the force of the force!

More crucially, Qin Fang is actually a wilderness, which is even more against the sky... The practice of martial arts has been quite difficult, the external environment is too bad, and it is easy to get on the road without the guidance of famous teachers. Even so, Qin Fang still has such an achievement, this is the real domineering, genius and enchanting!

At the thought of this, several sects couldn’t help but sigh, and lamented how they had no such luck.

However, these Zongmen people have a message that they have not heard. There is a hard copy of the stone slabs that the Qin dynasty has smashed into a large division. This news has been revamped by the singularity. It is.

The only person who might explode the news was the person who did not deal with the Qingyuan old man who was not in the Qin Dynasty, but Shi Liang was an apprentice of Qingyuan. If he releases the news. It is equal to playing your own face, naturally he can't do that.

Of course, after knowing that Qin Fang is younger and more powerful than Jiali’s mistakes, several major sects have also taken action, and they are also prepared to deal with Qin’s operational plan... After all, the five factions are apart from Thirty shortlisted places. The rankings are also very important, and which ones want to occupy the top position as much as possible!

If you can win the first place in the five factions, it will be ecstatic...

There is no reason for this. In addition to the best cultivation space that can occupy the wild secrets, the first one can also obtain a special treasure produced in a wild and secret environment. A treasure of red eyes.

Qin Fang also listened to Jian Qingfeng said this. Although no one has ever blasted what kind of treasure is, it can be said that the first place of the five factions, except for the unlucky ones who have fallen because of the vendetta, all entered the supreme world without exception!

From this point of view, I know the treasure of this kind of treasure... Naturally, the temptation of the five factions is much stronger than that of the first place. It is almost equal to the knocking of the supreme world, which naturally attracts all the entries. The attention of the master.

The small sects outside, perhaps masters and masters, are already top-notch. It is the strong pillar of Zongmen... For example, Tiannan Zong and Yunhaizong on the side of the island familiar with Qin. And the Eagle Claw Gate where Song Qingshan is located, and so on.

However, the top sects like the five major sects, the supreme powerhouse is the real heritage. There may be a lot of masters at the master level. As long as the disciples in the door are not particularly firewood, they can almost enter the rank of the Grand Master.

After all, the selection of these disciples was also considered very carefully at the beginning, and the natural nature is also needless to say... and the five major sects are the top sects, and the resources may not be used up, but also Not much scarce.

Naturally, the difficulty of impacting the Grand Master is much easier than those of the small sects...

However, the Supreme Realm is not the same. This is not something that can be piled up by resources. Otherwise, there will not be so many high-level elders of the Kunlun School, all of which have been stuck in the peak of the Grand Master for decades, but they have never been able to break through. It is.

This hurdle almost made countless enchanting geniuses stunned...

Therefore, the attraction of the supreme world can be said to be fatal to the military...

Now it is equal to having a chance to go straight to the honor. Of course, any player is staring at it with blushing eyes... Even some young players with poor strengths should be slightly fantasized.

It is a pity that the five factions are held only once every five years, and there is only one person in the first place...

The young disciples who participated in the test have a total of hundreds of people. The number of shortlisted candidates is only 30, and there is only one person who really takes the first place. This shows how cruel the competition of the five factions is!

30% chance of being a finalist, 1% chance to take the first...

"Difficult, difficult, difficult..."

When Qin Fang and Jian Qingfeng chatted, when asked about this matter, Jian Qingfeng also said with a smile.

The talent of Jian Qingfeng is quite good. He participated in the previous five-party ratio, which is that his cultivation has reached the critical point of the master level, but he finally won the eighth place.

And he broke through the master class in the wild little secret...

However, it is obvious that the treasures in the wilderness and secrets are not with him!

Fortunately, his original mentality was also good. He knew that he was basically hopeless to take the first place and actively lowered his requirements. Instead, he achieved a very good record...

"However, your kid is so perverted, this first... It's really possible that you got it!"

The strength of these participating disciples in Kunlun School is also counted in Jianqingfeng. Although there are two strengths and metamorphosis, they have reached the rank of master class, but the real combat power is obviously inferior to that of Qin.

At least, the Qin side can hardly beat the stone beam into cripples, but the two can't do it... Even the two can be miserable by the stone beam, which is quite powerful.

Therefore, this time, the Kunlun faction’s hope of winning the five factions was higher than the first. Naturally, it fell on the head of the Qin side.


Qin Fang is not modest, he also directed at the first place of the five factions!

The advantage of the first place is the biggest. Aside from the treasure that makes it easy to step into the supreme world, the best practice site is the most important thing for Qin... He is slightly different from others.

Perhaps his advance speed is much faster than other warriors, but the difficulty of his breakthrough is also unimaginable by other warriors... There must be a terrible accumulation, and there is a need for a terrible aura supplement in the breakthrough process. !

We must know that in the first battle with Chen Zhi, Qin Fang forcibly broke through to the late stage of the master class, but absorbed such a huge aura in the Lingquan of the underground palace, and did not allow him to break through the peak of the master class.

Even if there is a reason for Qin to reshape the body and consume a lot of aura, it also shows that the Qinfang breakthrough is difficult...

Today, Qin Fang is only a little bit away from the peak of the master class, and can break through at any time... However, Qin Fang is trying to hit a higher division, so the demand is also unimaginable.

The lower the ranking, the worse the venue for cultivation... Naturally, in order to accomplish its own purpose, Qin Fang must occupy the best practice site, which will make greater breakthroughs in the hope of the Grand Master.

Of course, this is just a hope. Whether it can be successful is still an unknown number!

"What kind of treasure, I also look at what it is... useful, I am welcome! But if it is of no use, hehe!"

As for the treasure, Qin Fang is not very valued.

There are many ways to break through the Supreme Realm. For example, the Qinglong Dan in the hands of Qin Fang, such as the secret technique of the spirit of the Qin Fang research... These are easy to impact, but the Qin party has already mastered it easily. Naturally, there is little interest in this kind of treasure.

Of course, if there are other precious uses for discovering such treasures, then Qin Fang will not be polite...

What's more, even if he doesn't need it, there are other people around him who use it, and naturally he won't waste it!

"It is also said that with your child's metamorphosis, the supreme situation is almost at your fingertips. That thing is not necessarily a good thing for you, and may even curb your development..."

The sword breeze is a very rare one, and it seems quite agreeable.

What the treasures are, they are not very clear, but in their view, most of them are also the way to achieve alternative supreme... This sword and the Qingfeng absorb the vitality, try to find another way to impact the situation, it is also the same. .

In the past, Jian Qingfeng may also discuss with Qin Fang to discuss whether he can let Qin Fang evenly give this treasure to himself... Even if he knows that this hope is not big, Jian Fengfeng will definitely try it.

But now, Jian Qingfeng is already bearish...

He and Qin Fang in the small Kunlun world, but absorbed a lot of vitality, his ambition is not particularly large, as long as the breakthrough of the supreme situation is enough ... now, he can also get the admission ticket, natural I will not care about this treasure!

However, it is obvious that his expectations for the Qin side are quite high. Even he hopes to see the Qin side becoming a surpassing supreme territory... Then, naturally, it is not in favor of the Qin side to adopt this alternative way to advance. Supreme! (To be continued...)

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