Omni Genius

Chapter 1969: Confused Kunpo!

Second, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket~~~


"Not less than 30%..."

Upon hearing this answer, several people present were unable to tolerate some silence and bitterness... At least they were bitter than the Qin side, because they had a lower grasp of the people, and even said that there was no possibility of winning at all. .

From this point of view, it can be understood that there is a certain gap between them and the Qin side.

"The enemy machine first... control the rhythm, if there is no good way, it is really difficult to beat Li Wuhua!"

Even Wei Chunqiu, the green-winged bat Wang who is the supreme, can't help but mention something.

He did not see the match of Li Wuhua, but from the Qin side, he vaguely knew the characteristics of Li Wuhua, and naturally he could understand it with his personal experience and understanding.

"However, it is not completely impossible."

However, he was a voice, and said with a smile.


Whether it is the Qin side, or some other people, they are all slightly stunned, all looking at the green winged bat Wang Weichunqiu with a longing look... although the old man is now nominally Qin’s follow-up, but No one dares to treat such a supreme power as a "servant."

"Predecessors, is there really a way?"

Qin Fang still hasn't opened his mouth, but the Wu Tian monk can't help but swear.

The six strong qualifying wars have been carried out for two rounds. Qin Fang defeated Tantric's Dragon Elephant King and Wu Tian Monk respectively... The same Wu Tian monk also lost to Qin Fang and Leng Bing, and then went out to the brothers. Outside of one. He happens to be fighting the dragon and the king.

On the individual's cultivation, Li Wuhua and Wu Tian's monk are both in the early stage of the Grand Master class. They should be said to be quite equal. The real difference is in personal skill, that is, Li Wuhua can be the enemy of the enemy and control the rhythm of the battle. At the beginning, it took the initiative.

If this continues, Wu Tian’s monk will be led by Li Wuhua, and it’s hard to lose it...

If there is a way to destroy this rhythm, even if the Wutian monk still can't beat Li Wuhua. But it will not lose too ugly... It can even provide a little reference for Qin. Naturally, there are some benefits.

"I have a martial art. If I learn it, I can almost confuse the perception of anyone below the Supreme Court. Naturally, I can't be expected by Li Wuhua..."

The green-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu also said with a smile.

His body is very mysterious. Few people know the inside story... except for his fascinating green bat body. He does not know anything about martial arts.

I did not expect it. He actually has such martial arts in hand, but it is also very unexpected for Qin Fang and others.

"Do you want to learn?"

The blue-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu has now entered the supreme position, and this set of martial arts has little meaning for him. These are the leaders of the younger generation of the five major sects. This can be a good thing for these people, and there is no harm to him.

Even if he parted ways with the Qin side in the future, it would be equivalent to selling the five major sects of a single person... more or less can also be related.

"Of course I want to learn..."

Several people have also said one after another.

These are all martial arts masters, and they are still quite young. Naturally, I hope that I will be involved in more and more extensive... Listening to the introduction of the Winged Bat Wang Wei Chunqiu, I know that this martial art should be relatively rare. Qimen secret technique.

This is a school that can't ask for help. How can you not want to practice?

In this case, they are generally worried that the Supreme Strong, such as the Green Winged Bat Wang Wei Chunqiu, will not teach... Now, Wei Chunqiu is willing to teach them, how can they not want to learn?

Of course, since it is a secret secret, it is naturally not so simple, and there are certain requirements for the practitioners...

"You don't be too happy to be too early..."

The green-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu couldn’t help but spill a cold water on them.

"This set of martial arts is difficult and difficult to say. It is quite easy to say that it is easy... Some people will learn once, and some people can only touch a little bit of life for a lifetime! You have to think clearly, but Don't try to get things out, don't give yourself a blow!"

"No, no! Absolutely not..."

In the face of such an opportunity, no matter what the outcome, several people have said that they will not be like that... Even the coldness that is not quite compatible with several men seems to be quite interested in this kind of school.

"That's good!"

Qingyi bat Wang Weichunqiu nodded. "If this is the case, then I will not hide it... Time is tight. I will teach you briefly now. As for how much you can learn, look at personal understanding!" ”

Including the Qin party, several people also converge, waiting for the demonstration of the green wing bat Wang Wei Chunqiu.

"I don't know exactly what name this school is called. But according to its effect, I named it chaotic boxing... mainly based on boxing, but also can be evolved into palm, sword and so on! ”

Wei Chunqiu was so snarled. "First of all, I will teach you the spirit of this chaotic boxing method, and then give you a specific move..."

Wei Chunqiu has always been a slogan of running a single gang. Apart from friends who are fairly close to each other, they have always been solitary. Without the elders of the division, there will naturally be no younger generations. I have never received a disciple.

Perhaps it is because of this that it is rare to have such an opportunity as a master. Naturally, it is also very happy...especially these "apprentices" are also the best of the younger generation in the five major sects, and they are more satisfied with him. Slightly a little excited.

In this way, we will not spare any effort...

First of all, the method of chaos is taught. Until everyone can be meticulously recited and firmly imprinted in the heart, he is satisfied, and then he begins to practice this set of chaotic punches.

It’s a move, but it’s more like playing alcohol...

It seems that the whole set of boxing methods is quite chaotic, and I can't find any clues... Because no one is following the practice, naturally, I can't see the specific effect of this set of chaos in the tricks.

However, when the blue-winged bat Wang Wei Chunqiu went to the third time, several young people also saw that they had come to the fore, and they all stood up and followed the green winged bat Wang Weichunqiu.

Learning, many times from the beginning of imitation...

"Er... it’s so hard!"

A few young people feel that their understanding is quite good, otherwise they can't have such a cultivation at a young age, and they can't stand out from the top five elite sects of the top three!

However, when I really started to learn this very strange martial arts secret technique, they only know why the green-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu splashed them cold water in advance... This set of chaotic punching methods is not only messy and complicated, but also learned. It is even more difficult.

Some movements seem to be quite simple, but when they do, they are surprised to find that... their bodies seem to be unable to achieve such an effect, and the slightest effort has the danger of flashing to the waist and pulling the broken leg. .

In the next half hour or so, several young people have also suffered different degrees of blows... all of them have become quite ugly.

Of course, there is one person who is the exception.

That is... Qin Fang.

"Congratulations on your understanding of the chaos method..."

With the hint of Qin Fang’s mind, Qin’s movements are becoming more and more standard, and the degree of fluency is obviously much stronger than before. Some of the movements are even more than the Qingyi bat Wang Weichunqiu’s cultivation chaos. The "predecessors" of the year are more familiar and smooth!

So that the blue-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu had a stunned look, and looked at the ghost face, so he stared at Qin Fang so straight, it is hard to believe that the district can take this set in half an hour. Chaos boxing is cultivated to this extent.

"I rely on it, there is no heaven..."

Not only the "master" of the green-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu saw it, but several other people also saw it. Each one also saw a ghostly expression, and could not believe that there was such a terrible enchanting!

Jian Qingfeng and Wukong monk are also known to the Qin side. Although they are also shocked by the shackles, they can at least respond to a slightly better one. The Wufa monk directly admires the hateful mourning. .

"Little monk, you go up and try the power of this boxing method..."

Perhaps he heard the mourning of the Buddhist monk, and the blue-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu appeared directly behind him, and then simply said such a sentence, without waiting for the Wufa monk to respond, he was directly thrown into the Qin by Wei Chunqiu. The side is over.

The green-winged bat Wang Weichunqiu is the supreme powerhouse. He is not stronger than the Wufa monk. He wants to throw a shame, and the Wufa monk is simply unable to compete... it was thrown to the Qin side. .

"Qin Shidi, eat me a palm..."

However, the Wufa monk is very simple, and he also wants to know whether this set of boxing methods is as magical as the blue-winged bat Wang Wei Chunqiu said. The man has not yet arrived, but the palm of the hand has already been killed.


And Qin Fang, at this moment is immersed in this strange boxing method, did not pay attention to the voice of the monk of the Wufa, but felt a strong threat, almost subconscious, he made a dodge Actions.

Then, I saw that Qin Fang’s figure changed from one to three, and at the same time rushed to three different directions... No one is the direction that Wufa’s master can hit! In other words, the Wufa monk is so close to the palm of his hand, actually hit an empty!

"I rely on..."

Seeing such a scene, a few young people present couldn’t help but sigh like this... (to be continued...)

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