Omni Genius

Chapter 1998: Cover the sky!

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Huang Quanshui can help the evil masters easily enter the supreme world from the master level... The premise is that you can live the horrible and extremely corrosive nature of Huangquanshui and the invincible terrible evil power contained in the yellow spring water!

According to incomplete statistics, since ancient times, few people have been able to drink Huang Quanshui without dying...

However, Qin Fang, a refining pharmacist, knows very well that if you want to pick a lyrical bone flower, you must have a premise... drink the spring water, or take Zhengyang Dan!

Drinking Huangquan water, the chance of death is as high as 99%, only one percent of the chance can survive... Not only can it be directly advanced to the supreme, but also the scent of the sinus.

However, the average person does not dare to take such an adventure. It is really a dead life that is not enough to describe the danger...

Unless someone is mad at the horrible power of Huang Quanshui, the average person simply does not dare to do this!

Instead, the second is to take a kind of remedy called Zhengyang Dan...

This kind of medicinal medicine is not a very precious remedy. Even now, in all the major sects, it still retains the Danfang of Zhengyang Dan, and even refines a few spare ones...

However, anyone familiar with this kind of medicinal medicine knows that Zhengyang Dan has no advantage in healing and improving the repairing. It may even have some negative effects on the body. Its only advantage is that it can ignite the warrior. In the body to just the yang.

Don't think that this is a good thing, this is definitely the most boring thing...

If the gas in the body is just ignited, it will be ignited. If you can't get it in time... (generally it means practicing to the Yanggong method), it is likely to cause yang deficiency in the body, and even become a... eunuch!

The **** was cut off by a small dd, and taking Zhengyang Danji may not change the small dd, but it may become the unbeaten of the East...

Qin Fang saw King Uncle's novels. For the unbeaten character of the East and the martial arts of the Sunflower Collection, he initially suspected that he had eaten the result of Zhengyang Dan... This kind of medicinal medicine is simply a must. Good medicine.

Of course, it is also the special effect of Zhengyang Dan. After taking it, you can counter the evil power of the yin to the evil in the yellow spring water... Then when you squat against the medicine, you immediately pick the lyrical bone flower and leave quickly. !

This is also the only way to successfully take away the sallow bone flower...

but. The price paid is also unimaginable and terrible!

Therefore, each plant of the lyrical bone flower is extremely difficult to obtain. Then the secluded bones and broken soul soup is very difficult to refine...

The sacred stalk flower is grown in the extreme shade, and grows next to the yellow spring water, absorbing the power of countless to yin to evil, although it is far less terrible than the yellow spring water. But it is the most valuable treasure for the evil masters.

Perhaps it is the truth that things must be reversed. The place where the sallow bone flower grows is too dangerous and sinister. Although this lyrical stalk flower feels terrible because of its name, it is a very precious elixir... The effect is exactly the same as its name. It is not a bragging to say that a living dead or a fleshy bone of.

Simultaneously. The sacred bone flower can also enhance the skill. As long as it is taken, it can easily enter the supreme position from the grand division level, or even directly reach the middle of the supreme position... as long as the physical strength can withstand the process brought about by this process. Infinite pain can be!

Of course, there is also a certain probability of failure...

Although it is small, it is also about 30%!

It is for this reason that when Fu Hongyun mentioned the sorrowful bones and broken soul soup, Qin Fang felt that he was bragging...

There are phantom rot flowers in hand, Fu Hongyun is not used to take it directly, will be upgraded to the supreme, but to refine this poisonous and extremely poisonous, it is really unbelievable!

It can be said that as long as people with brains can understand, this is stupid...

In fact, it is true that someone did.


Fu Hongyun's face is also slightly embarrassing, it seems that the Qin side directly poked the key, let him suddenly speechless.

Although Fu Hongyun is one of the participants, he is indeed not the initiator of the ......

At the beginning, Fu Hongyun got the sinful rot flower in a very accidental situation. It just felt that it was very powerful and terrible. It seems that there is a magical power that is deeply attracted and makes him unable to extricate himself.

But before he figured out what the elixir was, he ran into the evil old monster that was famous for evil...

In the face of such an old monster with terrible strength and temper, Fu Hongyun, although repaired as a small, can not put a half fart... Wanduo geek wants to play dead Fu Hongyun, it is too easy It’s just a wave of effort.

In the face of this old monster, Fu Hongyun had to put this lyrical bone flower in his hands for the sake of his life...

This is also very exciting for the toxic old geeks, and unceremoniously accepted this stagnation of the stagnation of the bones... As a drug master, the ability to identify drugs is quite powerful, naturally will not recognize This phantom is rotted.

It’s just that this old blame is scrupulous about his face. He doesn’t want to carry a nickname for a bully. It means that he has taken over the elixir, but he will use it to refine a very powerful poisonous drug. Give Fu Hongyun!

Let the poisonous grotesque refining poisons, this is a big surprise for Fu Hongyun, naturally it is too busy to agree...

Therefore, the venomous grotesque was very excited to accept the lyrical bone flower, and enthusiastically began to study the formula of the sorrowful smashed bones soup... he had obtained a part of the broken prescription, he It is to slowly test according to this ruined prescription, and it really made him succeed in refining.

Moreover, in addition to leaving a small part for his own use, most of them were given to Fu Hongyun...

Even a happy, but also helped Fu Hongyun refine some antidote that can suppress the stagnation of the sorrowful sorrowful soup... Although it can not completely eliminate the toxicity of this highly toxic, it can also be effectively suppressed, not to be killed on the spot. .

In the face of such a good thing, Fu Hongyun was really very happy at the beginning...

But when he knew that the elixir he sent out was a sinister rot, he really wanted to tear the venomous monster into pieces... but he directly advanced to the elixir of the supreme world, although there must be The probability of failure, but he Fu Hongyun confidence can still be advanced.

But it is a pity that such a precious elixir is hardly made into such a terrible poison as the sorrowful and sorrowful soup... Although it can effectively improve the lethality of Fu Hongyun, it is not useful for personal cultivation.

It is not surprising that there is nothing more interesting than the poisonous drugs that have brought him more poison in his life.

Moreover, his own cultivation has already reached the middle of the supreme world, and even reached its peak. This secluded rotten bone flower is wonderful, but it can be used for the supreme power of this cultivation. Naturally, he would not think about it, and used it directly to make poison!

Of course, this kind of vomiting and humiliating thing, Fu Hongyun is absolutely impossible to say... Even if he even stunned the poisonous horror, he was afraid of being laughed at!

"How about the secluded bones and broken soul soup, I can't shoot anything, I use nothing..."

Seeing Fu Hongyun's face is a little abnormal, Qin Fang knows that there is a tricky inside, but he did not intend to go deeper, immediately physique movement, squatting Fu Hongyun spirit is a little less concentrated, once again running!

" Bye bye you..."

If Fu Hongyun poses a threat to the Qin side, in addition to his accomplishment of the peak of the Grand Master class, it is his arrow of the magical hand. However, Fu Hongyun’s stupid fork child is actually a long-term leader. Short, if you want to rely on the poison to control the Qin side, then it is really stupid to the extreme.

Others in the Qin Dynasty may be worried and afraid, but they are not afraid of poison.

"Where to run?"

When Fu Hongyun saw Qin Fang running again, he suddenly felt that he was being played again. His heart burst into flames and screamed, and he immediately chased him up. This time, his speed was faster and more urgent. The murder is more intense.

Although Qin Fang took a little lead, Fu Hongyun's speed was too fast, and soon the distance between the two sides was very close. After all, he immediately attacked the key parts of Qin Fang.

"Sky hands..."

At this time, Qin Fang suddenly turned his face, his face showed a very strange smile, like ridiculing Fu Hongyun, while one hand holding the sky, posing a very cool gesture ... quite A little hand-covered feeling.

"Pretend to be a ghost..."

Seeing this, Fu Hongyun naturally did not care, and his mouth whispered a little, because there was no special change around, there was no movement at all... He naturally thought that Qin Fang was playing his mind again.


However, just when he was about to touch Qin Fang, he suddenly felt that his body was imprisoned by an invisible force. His speed was also reduced to the extreme in an instant, and even completely imprisoned there. ......

At the same time, a majestic hand descended from the sky, and the slap of the slap on his unmovable body.


Only heard a muffled sound, Fu Hongyun's body was directly photographed on the ground by the giant palms... That was a handsome face, and it was intimately in contact with the hard rock on the ground. of.

Because the power is imprisoned, the body suffocation can not play a very good defensive role, and then come here so sly, Fu Hongyun's strength is to look at Venus, his face is also painful and painful... almost even The teeth were shaken off by this palm. (To be continued...)

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