Omni Genius

Chapter 2003: The power of the madman!

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At the moment, Shi Songyun, who has been repaired, has already erupted to the extreme...

This sword also almost condensed all his attacking power, as if it could be opened to the ground, the power is unparalleled, the sharp swords are violent, and the evil spirits are even more horrible to the extreme, that is, Qin Fang outside the Lien Chan circle. I feel the chills of the body.

The sky of the sword broke out, and screamed to the sky in the sky...

Covering the sky, wrapping the violent temper, rolling up a violent hurricane, completely covering the surrounding area for a few miles... The horrible pressure is as strong as it can be Like.

There are only a few small trees on the wasteland that have already been broken.

Some raised stones on the ground, under such pressure, are also constantly cracked, and then they are broken into a pile of broken stones... even being squeezed and become more crushed. The powder is gone.

As the big hands of the sky continued to press down, Qin’s legs began to tremble...

Even if the Qin side has already erupted its most powerful strength, trying to resist such terrible pressure, it still makes him unable to support it!

In desperation, the Qin side can only quickly retreat from the original place, as far as possible away from the battle circle, and retreat in the direction of the wild little secret... The battle of the top master has a great reference for him, but he was The danger of simmering fish and pond fish must still be avoided.

No matter who the two masters are, it is not the Qin Fang that can compete now... even if it only releases a little momentum. It is enough to cause extremely serious trauma to the Qin side.

After escaping nearly a kilometer, I could hardly see the stone pine cloud, and oppressed the breath of Qin Fang, which faded...


At this time, Shi Songyun's sword gas has been completely released, and the horrible rush to the sky in the sky... The violent and dazzling swordsmanship, almost flashed the entire sky, the strength is a little bit worse, I dare not go to see that terrible sword.

The evil spirit swordsmanship is a terrible sword meaning that can be compared with the Qin Fang’s destruction of the sword. In the middle of the peak of the supreme position of Shi Songyun. The power is far from being comparable to that of the Qin side... even if it is the secret sword of the Qin side. It is also a lot worse.

Jianqi and the big hand hit the sky together...

More precisely, it is the big hand that has been pressed against Shi Songyun, and the evil spirit is trying to break through, but it can only struggle under the cover of the sky...

Qin Fang is in the distance. Although the most direct impact is not felt. But it is more clear.

Covering the sky, the handkerchief is generally pressed down. That range is like being covered by dark clouds, and the evil spirits are trying to break through such "black clouds", but they have never succeeded. It has even been constantly oppressed.

"Ang ~~"

In the big hands, there is a fascinating dragon with a mad dragon. It seems that there is a violent dragon scream...

In Shi Songyun's swordsmanship, it seems to hide thousands of evil spirits. The yin wind does not say anything, and there are some ghosts and crying voices. Although it is far less like the horror of the madman, it is also terrible.

"It’s a madman..."

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang naturally understands that the strength of the mad Emperor Chu madman is indeed stronger than Shi Songyun... Such a collision, Shi Songyun almost exhausted his full strength, but still be ridiculous The Chu madman suppressed it.

However, Shi Songyun does not seem to give up because of this...


A bloodshot burst out, and the mouth burst into a bang. I only felt that Shi Songyun’s evil spirits seemed to have more than doubled in an instant... This is Shi Songyun’s use of some powerful secret method, trying to save him. The gap with the madman.


Sure enough, the secret of this trick came out, the evil spirits became more violent, and the dazzling swordsmanship was more like forming a sky-light column, hitting the top of the sky with a big hand... faintly has to break through this sky. Signs of big hands.

Qin Fang’s mood has also become tense...

He knows that these two people are the top players in the rivers and lakes, but the peak of the late stage of the supreme world and the peak of the middle of a supreme position, the whole gap is a level... But can such a level gap be based on some secret laws to draw closer?

His realm is also weaker than Li Wuhua, but he relies on his own advantages and some special secret techniques to bring this gap closer... Master is like this, the same is true for the Master, and the Grand Master should also be able to Do it, but what about the supreme?

There is a big question in the mind of Qin Fang...

Shi Songyun’s sword is also confusing for the Qin side...


It seems that I feel the further provocation of Shi Songyun. The madman Chu madman who has never appeared before, seems to be a little angry, and there is a cold cry between the breath, and the whole world seems to have shaken.


Immediately, Qin Fang felt his ears squeak, and a terrible breath finally responded to the surrounding moments. He only saw that one of the big-handed hands shrank instantly... At least there were hundreds of meters so far. Now it is directly reduced by ten times, only about ten meters in diameter.

Not only that, this one day is no longer a slap in the palm of the hand, but a palm grip... actually the hard-spirited savage spirit of Shi Songyang is firmly in the hands of the sword. !

In the sky, this is the scene now...

Chongtianguangzhu stood there, a large hand holding the beam of light, and then slowly and slowly tightened... The beam of light is constantly becoming bleak and fragile, and there is a continual weakness. feel.

Snapped! !

And when the pillar of light became more and more bleak, the giant palm suddenly tightened...

Qin Fang only felt a loud noise in his ear, and he saw that the sky-light column was instantly crushed by the giant palm... It was turned into a starlight and quickly dissipated in the surrounding sky, just like blooming. Fireworks like.

Shi Songyun’s evil spirits are so easily smashed by the madman’s big hand...


At this time, the madman did not stop here, but with his roar, the one big man once again slaped toward Shi Songyun.


In the face of such a terrible cover-up, Shi Songyun can't dare to have a little bit of care... The previous fight has already explained the huge gap between him and the madman. The madman almost did not spend too much effort to destroy him. The evil spirits are savage.

Now that this palm is shot down, if he dares to look down, it will definitely fall into a bleak end of the powder...

The mid-level peak of the Supreme Court was completely shaken, and the field of suffocation was violently compressed. It was confined around the body of Shi Songyun. His body also released a faint glow, and the skin became black. There are some strange and unpredictable lines between the vague!

This is the embodiment of Shi Songyun’s cultivation into an extreme...

However, the previous time he was the main attack, this time it was changed to defense...

However, the savage madman’s big hand did not give up, and the slap was taken, the terrible strength swayed, and it was not completely pressed down. The ground was like being crushed by some kind of power. Like, directly recessed a layer.

At the same time, there was a violent hurricane that blew up and spread out to the surroundings.

As the center of the outbreak, Shi Songyun is under the most terrible pressure...


With the constant pressure of this giant palm, the sound of the sound is continuous.

The field of suffocating in front of Shi Songyun is like a burst of bombs. In the smashing of the smashing smash... Shi Songyun consumes almost all of his suffocation, resisting the savage giants Compression, impact.

However, the gap between the two is indeed too big, and the field of suffocation is still being bursting, broken bit by bit...

In the blink of an eye, it was broken seven or eighty-eight, and the power of the mad Emperor Chu madman has not completely subsided. The one that covers the sky is still there. Although it has become a little thin, it is still like that. Strong, violent!


Finally, when the remnant power of this giant palm smashed the suffocating field of Shi Songyun, and then directly bombarded the strange and unpredictable body of Shi Songyun, it gave a shock and crispness. sound……


Shi Songyun’s defensive power is quite amazing, and may even be no longer under the swearing of the Qin dynasty... but under the violent slap of the giant palm, he couldn’t help but spurt a mouthful of blood. .

Not only that, but his body is more like a terrible slam of unimaginable, directly shot by this giant palm.


Although Shi Songyun’s endurance was amazing, but suddenly suffered such a terrible blow, he couldn’t help but make a scream... A blood arrow burst out from his mouth and crossed in the air. A beautiful **** curvature.

"go away……"

At this time, the madman Chu madman did not seem to want to kill, and did not continue to poison the hands of Shi Songyun... but waved that one of the giant palms, very casual fanned a terrible wind.

At this moment, Shi Songyun’s body suffered a heavy blow. Although it was not hanged, it basically lost its combat power...

In such a terrible wind, his body is like a kite with a broken line, tumbling rapidly in the air, flying away in the distance... the speed is like a shell. That's almost the end.

However, Shi Songyun is a supreme master. Even if he is injured, his body is enough to protect him. He will not fall to death... (to be continued...)

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