Omni Genius

Chapter 2075: incite defection!

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Can you not know?

If you don't know, he won't be so confident to carry out the assassination mission...

In his usual style, all the information on the target is investigated first. Even some details that ordinary people don't care about are very clear. It is certain that they already know the goal very well, and this will start. Literature Museum

It doesn't seem to be useful to look at these details, and how many times it doesn't come in handy, but in some accidents, these details often play a crucial role, and this is why the mercenary Wang Linghu can once Once again, kill the target and complete the root of the mission.

But this time, the mercenary king Ling Hu has lost his hand...

At this moment, a brief summary of the reasons for the failure, the information about the Qin side is not complete enough, it can even be said that this is a fatal mistake of the mercenary Wang Linghu ... Perhaps this task is the last one of his mercenary career The task, he is a bit slack, and the requirements are not so high, this will be too low.

When the employer only provided a very simple piece of information and found that the target was not old enough, the mercenary Wang Linghu did not get too entangled with these... but did not expect that it was such a slack that made him so close to the present. Desperate situation.

The strength of Qin Fang, although the mercenary Wang Linghu is not too sure, but also knows that it is definitely not inferior to him.

Coupled with the support of the 18 beasts in front of you, the half-step supreme powerhouse can't stop it, let alone a big master-level peak in his district...

"I recognize it..."

The mercenary Wang Linghu is also quite simple, directly discarding the army thorn in his hand and admitting defeat.

The situation is stronger than the people, and he has no way to fight it... It’s hard to say whether it will hurt or not. Anyway, he will definitely die very ugly.

"Say, what do you want?"

The bullet mercenary Wang Linghu can be so long in the underground world. How rich is the experience? How can he not see the other intentions of Qin?

At least, Qin’s killing of him is not strong at all...

It is also true, although the mercenary Wang Linghu tried to assassinate him several times, but in the end the two did not have any deep hatred, it was entirely because the mercenary mission was linked together... This kind of hatred is not small. It can be said that the big is definitely not big.

"Help me do things, I will give you freedom..."

Qin Fang smiled, and then said very calmly... Mercenary Wang Linghu is a wise man, and naturally he can see his purpose, simply not hiding. Directly clarify your true purpose.


The mercenary Wang Linghu was silent for a moment, vaguely feeling that Qin’s request might make him embarrassed, but he still considered it.

"Help me bring your employer out..."

Qin Fang said very simply, since someone hired the mercenary Wang Linghu to assassinate him, then it would be the best choice for Qin Fang to kill such a latent enemy.

"This is impossible……"

The mercenary Wang Linghu stunned, although he refused very simply.

"Although I don't want to die, I can't sell my employer... This is the rule of the mercenary community, and the rules of the entire underground world. Even if I am ready to wash my hands, I still can't go against it. The consequences are not what you and I can afford!"

As the saying goes, no rules can't be square.

The forces in the underground world are intricate and seem to be fighting each other. The world on the bright side is hailed as a group of rabble, but in fact the entire underground world also has some hidden rules. It is these unspoken rules that maintain the stability of the underground world.

Sometimes, this unspoken rule is more restrictive than those of the plain text.

For example, confidentiality of employer information, employment information, etc...

This is not only the rules of the mercenary community, but also the rules of the entire underground world. The mercenary alliance is like this, and the killer alliance is also like this...

Otherwise, if you sell the employer’s information privately, who would dare to come to the underground world in the future?

"You don't have to be embarrassed! In fact, even if you don't say it, I have already guessed who is looking for you..."

The answer of the mercenary Wang Linghu was also expected in the Qin side. Whether it was a mercenary or a killer, even if the mission failed, they could die, but they could not sell the employer’s information...

Once things leak out, the consequences are very serious.

Not only the mercenaries and killers must die, but even the target of the assassination must die. Even the comrades-in-arms with mercenaries and killers will die, and sometimes even may be implicated in their loved ones, friends, etc...

This is why the underground world does not have the big forces to have its own law enforcement team or scavengers...

Qin Fang is also a registered killer of the Killer League. These rules are naturally known, but it is because he knows that he still said this. Naturally, he also relied on it. "The Kunlun people of Qingyuan and the **** sect of Hu Yiren..."


Originally, the mercenary Wang Linghu didn't care much about Qinfang's words. Only when Qin Fang was deceiving him, but when these two names were said, his face was also a momentary silence, and his mouth was slightly opened, but he said No words are coming.

"I don't only know that these two people are behind the scenes, but also know what they want to do for me..."

Qin Fang said with a smile.

For what?

Still not for the drop of blue heart in the hands of Qin Fang!

Of course, there are other reasons. The contradiction between Qin Fang and Qingyuan’s old man is completely irreconcilable. Although the two sides cannot say that they are not dead, in the Kunlun faction, such a contradiction will sooner or later erupt. of.

Instead of waiting for the Qin Fang wing to gradually start again, it is better to take advantage of the fact that the Qin party is still shallow in the Kunlun school, and directly remove him and then quickly, all the crises are smashed in the bud, obviously more relaxed.

As for another Hu Yiren of the Blood Demon, Qin Fang is not sure of his true purpose...

Although the positions of the two sides are opposite, there is no resentment between the two sides, especially the news that Qin Fang got from the Qingyi bat Wang Weichunqiu. It seems that the leading person behind this incident is Hu Yiren, not Qingyuan old man.

"Just to let Qingyuan old man take the opportunity to go up, in order to make their cooperation with each other smoother? I don't think it..."

Qin Fang also has considerable doubts in his heart, but unfortunately he is not sure.

"Since you already know, why bother asking me?"

The mercenary Wang Linghu looked at Qin Fang with a strange look, and then asked quite strangely.

"You don't make a mistake! I am not asking you, but asking you to bring them out for me... You said nothing, all this is what I guessed, then you are not a bad underground world. Rules!"

The Qin side waved his hand and denied the statement of the mercenary Wang Linghu. The tone became softer and more intimate.


I have to say that the mercenary Wang Linghu was also slightly moved by the Qin side.

Is this a bad rule?

Strictly speaking, it must be a bad rule!

But if you let it loose, then it’s not a bad rule...

The mercenary Wang Linghu has been in the underground world for more than ten years. It has always been a single one. It is not afraid of any underground world sanctions... Of course, it is better not to have such troubles.

Therefore, he is also very excited about this proposal by Qin Fang.

"And, this single is already the last single task in your mercenary career. If your direct mission fails and you die... although your fame will be affected a little, it will make you completely in the underground world. The disappearance! What does this mean, presumably you know it too..."

Qin Fang added a sentence with a smile.

This is what he guessed from the words of the mercenary Wang Linghu, which was just used as the last straw that overwhelmed the camel...

"Okay, I promise you..."

The mercenary Wang Linghu immediately nodded and agreed. "However, I have a small request. I must have my participation in the formulation of this plan..."

"no problem……"

The Qin side certainly knows the purpose of the mercenary Wang Linghu's request. He is afraid that Qin will repent afterwards and cross the river to break the bridge. Therefore, he wants to leave some backhand for himself, in case he needs it!

“Happy cooperation!”

"Happy cooperation..."

In this way, Qin Fang, the king of the future killer, shook hands with the mercenary Wang Linghu and made such a promise of cooperation.


Although it was only a verbal promise, but Qin Fang also said that it was done. With a big hand, I saw that the 18 beasts immediately disappeared into the dense grass around them at an extremely fast speed. ......

Such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of the mercenary Wang Linghu.

To be honest, the sorrow of his heart is also unabated!

He had just played with these beasts, and they were all level of the beasts. They were quite powerful, especially the three or five beasts, and it was a waste of the masters of this great master. ......

However, so many of the beasts are actually raised by the Qin side, which is quite terrible...

In the martial arts, the strong is always respected.

The realm of martial arts is only one aspect of strength, although it is mainstream, but there are some tyrannical alternatives.

For example, the beastmaster is an alternative.

The beastmaster may not be too powerful in its own strength, even far weaker than the masters of the same level. It is entirely possible to kill a single stroke.

But if anyone dares to slay the beastmaster, it will definitely die very, very fierce...

At this moment, in the eyes of the mercenary Wang Linghu, the identity of Qin Fang is the mysterious beastmaster, and it is still the kind of powerful sorcerer who can impinge more than a dozen spirit beasts. It is absolutely standing at the peak. Strong.

Perhaps a little worse than the supreme, but it is already terrible...

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