Omni Genius

Chapter 2094: Election campaign!

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Holding a green gang to elect a new lord, this is a good rule for the gang. After all, the country can’t be without a day, and the gang can’t be a day without a leader... The green gang is rooted in the country, and the external forces around it have already been stunned. A leader is in control and it is easy to get into trouble. * Literature Museum*

However, Song Yi, Peng Yue and Deng Hu, who are the masters of the current three major forces, do not really want to carry out this green gang at this time. They also want to start after the situation is completely controlled. A lot smoother.

However, although they are in power, the initiators of this time the Green Gang Congress are the veterans of the Gang. Even if they control the power and voice of the current Green Gang, they have to frown and agree.

I probably didn't think there was anything in the past, but I suddenly found out that this is not easy, and the relationship between these veterans and Yi Yi is quite good, then it is more interesting...

Understand this, Song Yi also nodded secretly.

I did not continue to communicate with the Qin side, but secretly noticed that it was easy...

However, at this time, Yi Yi took the initiative to retreat to the side. It seems that he is doing his due diligence. It seems that this Green Gang Congress has nothing to do with him... It is like a statue, standing in the meeting. At the gate of the hall.

Soon, the parties to the Green Gang have also arrived, and this Green Gang Congress has officially begun.

An old man with an age of more than 70 years old and a white-haired old man came up. This is one of the youths of the Green Gang. He has already retired from the right side for a long time, but his reputation in the gang is quite high, including Song Yi and several other big brothers saw him, and they all had to call a "Yang Bo".

This is the number of people who played with the former old gang. But still live to one of the current old people, sometimes the right to speak is quite heavy, for example... now! Green Gang Conference!

Yang Bo stood there, and he didn’t look embarrassed because he was old. He still looks mentally awkward.

Looking at everyone around, this is a slow way.

"The former lord was accidentally degraded, and he helped to mourn the inside and the bottom. But the country can't be without a day. The help can't be a day without a master..."

This old man is old, but the rules of speaking are quite clear, and the logic is quite good. Almost one after another, he said a little bit. Let everyone present can't help but nod.

There are a lot of words, but the general content is only a little bit, and there is...

"Now the green gang is a real internal and external problem, so I will launch this green gang, and I want to choose a leader who can lead the gang from the many gangs of the Green Gang. Lead our green gang to continue to develop. Go on..."

When the Yang Bo’s voice just fell, there was a very warm applause immediately.

Don't look at the ability to enter this conference hall, except for the seven or eight old people, there are only so many people. However, this applause is quite uniform, and it is quite a face to the father.

The face is given, but the next thing, it will not be so smooth.

After the Yang Bo’s speech, the thunderous applause gradually subsided. But suddenly there was a three-minute cold spot, not to mention the person who spoke. No one except the one who smokes and smokes.

In the face of such a situation, even a few veterans including Yang Bo are inevitably awkward, and at the same time, they have a little more anger on their faces... Although they have already retreated from those positions, they can also say how to help them. They have made great achievements, but now they are not coming to Taiwan. They are also very upset.

"Yang Bo, the old predecessors... I chose the helper, I naturally agree with both hands, but the gang's candidate..."

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, someone stood up and spoke.

"Yeah, yes... no one even has a choice. How can we choose?"

"Yeah, at least let us have someone to choose..."

When the words came out, some people immediately joined up.

"The choice of this gang, we are naturally conducting democratic deliberations, and you are nominating... and then from these nominees, choose a candidate to be the clerk!"

Yang Bo seems to have expected this point, and immediately said with a smile.

Or, he has been waiting here for a long time.

"Nomination... I propose Peng Yupeng Elder!"

The youngest disciple who spoke at the earliest shouted immediately.

"Peng Chang is a young man with a very strong strength, and he has always assisted the gang to manage the affairs of the gang. If he is a helper, we can easily pass this transition period!"

Although this young gangster did not stand behind Peng Yue, but from his mouth he knew who he was... and also knows which boss behind him belongs to which party!

"I propose Deng Elder Deng Deng..."

Of course, someone immediately proposed a new candidate, and it was a person from Deng Hu.

"Elder Deng is young, but he has struggled for many years at the bottom of the Green Gang. He is also the elder who understands the Green Gang and understands the younger disciples. If he is the leader of the gang, then our youth can definitely make the cadres more united. , cohesion is more powerful!"

Deng Hu’s people are also rude, and the reason seems to be reasonable. Deng Hu is indeed climbing from the bottom. Most of the people under his hand are pulled and cultivated by him. The loyalty is also quite strong.

"I propose to be an elder Song Yi..."

Those who support Song Yi, of course, will not be polite, but also immediately spoke.

"Elder Song Yi himself is the son of the Song family. The Song family is the **** of our youth. Although something happened, it does not affect the prestige of Elder Song Yi in the gang. He is the leader of the gang. Absolutely the most famous!"

The six major families have been in charge of the Qing gang for so many years, although they have offended many people, but some influences are also deeply rooted.

If the six major families are still there, then the position of the lord must be more unsuccessful by Song Yi... This is a factor of power checks and balances. The power of the six major families is already quite large. If they are to help the Lord, then Really cover the sky.

But now, the six major families have existed in name only, although there are still three that retain some of their strength, but they are not as good as before...

Without the six major families, the six elders naturally need to be replaced. In addition to this gang, Song Yi naturally has the qualification to compete!

"The three elders were nominated, and there are no other candidates..."

With a selection of people, Yang Bo’s face also showed a bright smile. He shouted there again. His voice was full of anger. It’s hard to imagine that he was a white-haired old man who was almost eighty years old. He seemed to be more than a young man. Be healthy.

Inside the conference hall, look at me, I look at you, but they are not talking.

Now, in the case of the Green Gang, who still doesn’t know, except for the three elders, such as Song Yi, Peng Yue, and Deng Hu, if other people dare to take the lead, they will definitely die very hard... even if that person is the three of them. Not under the hands of the men.

Once the lord is selected, in addition to taking some of the power inside the Green Gang, he will also master the most powerful Guards in the Qing dynasty. Qingyiwei... Although it has been almost completely destroyed, it can be rebuilt at any time.

This is a very powerful force, and it is completely loyal to the lord, even the powerful elders can not be transferred...

This can be seen from the fact that the six major families could not mobilize Tsing Yiwei...

The subordinates of the three elders can qualify to compete for the throne of the lord. Only those elders whose power has reached the middle level, although attached to the survival of the three elders, are also in control of a weak force.

If there is any help from Tsing Yi, then there will definitely be another big leap in strength...

The former helper was accidentally degraded. Everyone knows that this is the work of the six major families... But it is precisely because of this that the new helper will be strictly protected, until the helper can protect himself, or the strength of Tsing Yiwei is thorough. Up to standard!

Looking at the situation around, it is too strange. Qin Fang suddenly got into the ear of Song Yi, and whispered a few words with him.

Song Yi’s face was slightly changed, and there was a clear entanglement in his eyes. He was hesitated for a while.

I didn't dare, and after half a minute, he bit his teeth and immediately stood up. "I quit..."


When the words were exported, everyone who was suddenly present was shocked by the slyness. Almost everyone’s eyes were staring at Song Yi... including at the entrance of the conference hall, like a statue. Indifferent to the trade.

"Song Elder, you... isn’t you kidding?"

Even if it is a deadly match with Song Yi, Peng Yi should be happy when he meets the competition of Song Yi. But I don’t know why, he always feels that he seems to have missed something. This time he is also a dignified question.

Even Deng Hu is staring at Song Yi at this time, and wants a positive answer!

"Of course not a joke..."

Song Yi is calm and calm.

Originally, he decided to hesitate in this way, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly felt that he was somewhat grateful...

"The six major families have already existed in name only, but as the heir to the Song family, I decided to abide by the duty, and will only serve as the elders of the Qing dynasty. As for the position of the lord... I will not participate!"

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