Omni Genius

Chapter 2096: Cold gun!

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"Hey elders..."

Many people can't help but swear at this time. Obviously they all feel quite surprised. [r/>

For a long time, Yi Yi has been a role that has been ignored in the Green Gang.

Although he has a very special status, it is precisely because of this that he is completely out of touch with the power level... The six family members absolutely do not allow the sons of the former former old lord to have power.

Even the story of the so-called refusal to help the Lord at the beginning of the game was something that some people deliberately fabricated...

At least the inside story of this matter has always been a mystery. The former lord did not say that, Yi Yi himself is not mentioned!

Nowadays, the six major families have existed in name only, but the replacement of the power level will not bring much change to the company. Although he is the elder of the law enforcement hall, he actually cannot do things in the law enforcement hall. Force.

This is also doomed to be a display in the Green Gang, in addition to a name, he is no one, no power, no power!

This is really because of this, but when Song Yi proposed to support the embarrassing position of the helper, someone immediately responded...

It’s not those who are thinking about the elders who let you go to the top, but...

"Song elders said the words I want to say first... I am also planning to recommend the elders to run for the help of the Lord!"

Deng Hu was still so elegant and indifferent, and said with a smile.

I don't know if he saw something, or he was completely confused... After he reconciled Song Yi and quit the competition, he actually echoed Song Yi’s words and recommended the competition to help the leader. .

"This one……"

Yang Bo’s expression is also a bit strange, and his eyes are on the side of Yi Yi... It seems to be saying, you make your own decision!

Song Yi, Peng Yue, Deng Hu are all three people. Before that, I almost ignored the existence of Yi, but now I think about it. It seems that I think it’s the most suitable candidate.

First, Yi Yi is the son of the former former old lord, and has the opportunity to board the position of the lord, but he gave up himself... active or forced, it is no longer important.

Secondly, Yi Yi has always been a "flower vase" in the presence of the helper, just a display. Without a little bit of real power, even if he is on the throne in the future, he can only control the Qingyiwei he has established. Song Yi, Peng Yue, Deng Hu and other three parties will almost not follow his command.

And these three forces add up, almost occupying the strength of the Qing gang's ** to become more than...

So even if you want to make trouble. That doesn't have enough strength. At most, like the former gangsters, it is just a symbol of the green gang!

However, one person is certainly not very happy.

Peng Yue's face is gloomy and terrible, and his eyes are also quite bad. He is almost staring at the sinister. It seems that as long as he dares to agree, Peng Yue is absolutely rude to him.

Of course. From the point that Song Yi and Deng Hu recommended Yi Yi to run for the help of the lord, Peng Yue would not be easy to soften.

This is in the face of Peng Peng with his rice bowl, Peng Yue will be polite?

Moreover, once it is in the upper position. That will inevitably make a bad relationship with Peng Yue. Instead, it will be handed over with Song Yi and Deng Hu, the two guys who recommended him to the top. This is a reversal between Song Yi and Deng Hu, and the control of Tsing Yi. . Deal with him Peng Yue together.

One plus one is enough to make Peng Yue's tormenting horrible, if one is added. Then Peng Yue will only be swept out of the door, and even the life is very problematic!

What's more, there is still a feeling inside...

Peng Yue was originally the confidant of the former lord, and the former lord was the lord who was snatched away from the hands of the singer. The two of them were originally incompatible with each other. Even if Peng Yue took the initiative, he would never let go. his.

Whatever the reason, it is doomed to the opposition between Peng Yue and Yi Yi...

Originally, Yi Yi did not pose a threat to Peng Yue. Peng Yue naturally did not put him in the eye, but was tossed by Song Yi and Deng Hu. Peng Yue also felt a considerable sense of crisis... even he secretly gave himself Some people hinted at the horse.

As a party's trader?

At the moment, he is also quite tangled.

He couldn't figure out whether Song Yi's move was unintentional or deliberately...but there is no doubt that Song Yi did this, destroying his overall plan, and letting things go to something he didn't expect. situation.

As for Deng Hu, it is entirely the meaning of Song Yi, and more is directed at Peng Yue, but he is not prepared for him! ""

"Promise, don't promise?"

Yi Yi is also a bit embarrassed!

Promise, he has a very high chance to be on the position of the lord... The vote for this campaign was mainly carried out by several big men and those veterans, and he has basically mastered those veterans.

However, this is absolutely endless trouble...

Peng Yue is the first person to start with him. He will not allow him to go up! Not to mention the robbing of the position that should have belonged to him Peng Yue...

Then there is Song Yi and Deng Hu...

These two people are definitely not a kind-hearted person, and they definitely do not really support him.

Once this side has tossed Peng Yue, the two will definitely do something to him immediately...

As for what is justified, in the face of real hegemony, it is simply a joke, who laughs at the end is the winner, the previous victory can not represent anything!

Do not agree, such a good opportunity is lost again!

Things have completely gone beyond his expectations, which means that all the layouts have been shattered... and then want to arrange such a bureau, it may take several years to slowly prepare, which is not in line with the needs of the easy!

These veterans are old enough, and the time of the world has already entered the countdown, and it may be that one day it will be stunned...

And just because Song Yi did this, these old men seem to have some opinions on him, and may not be so obedient in the future!

When I think about it, there are pros and cons, and Yi is also entangled there.

"I don't think the elders are too willing..."

At this time, Peng Yue was an open mouth, and the yin and yang were screaming.

Eyes straight on the hook, staring at Yi, his face is quite gloomy, and his eyes are not concealing his threat... It seems that he is saying that as long as you dare to promise, Lao Tzu will kill you!

"The two elders are so in love, then you are not welcome..."

Peng Yue estimated that he did not think that he would not give such a threat to the eyes of Yi Yi, and that there would be some tangles in the trade. However, when such a look was lost, Yi Yi immediately made up his mind and moved toward Song Yi and Deng Hu. Said the fist.


Deng Hu couldn't help but admire it, and then the demonstrator lost a provocative look toward Peng Yue.

He doesn't know how easy it is, but as long as he can be disgusted to Peng Yue, he will be quite happy... As for the result of the final election, who will finally be in that position, he will not care!

Only Song Yi and Qin Fang had a very short-lived exchange of eyes, and they all saw some meaning from the other's eyes...

"it is good!"

Yang Bo immediately spoke at this time. "Now the elders of the elders have joined the list of candidates, so there are no other people to participate... If not, then I will announce that I will start voting!"

There was a moment of silence at the bottom, and it seems that few people would think of things going to this point.

Whether you are Peng Yue, Deng Hu or those veterans, or you are easy to yourself, you never thought of this...

It is estimated that only Qin Fang and Song Yi are relatively calm. They are the only ones who know the inside story. They can even say that the situation at the moment is entirely created by them...

"Yang Bo, vote..."

Seeing that no one else has participated, Song Yi is also a very open channel.

This sentence, almost did not let Peng Yue violently thunder...

There are no other candidates, then she is only Peng Yue and Yi Yi, and the chance to choose one...

However, Yi Yi is recommended by Song Yi and Deng Hu, then they will certainly support Yi Yi. Many of those elders are old people who follow the easy father and the old gang, and how they will support 裴It’s easier to have more. After one plus one plus one, Peng Yue’s almost half chance of winning is gone.

"In this case, then we start voting..."

Yang Bo, of course, was incapable of asking for it.

Although there was a great deviation in the matter, the result seemed to slowly lead back to the right track. He didn't need to worry so much, and immediately began to announce the move to the next voting process!

"In order to be fairer and more just, this vote is by secret ballot..."

Yang Bo also briefly introduced the voting process.

At this time, Peng Yue had already completed eye contact with his men. The hall seemed to be busy voting, but no one noticed that Peng Yue’s people were quietly dispersed...

Not everyone did not notice it, at least the Qin side noticed.

"It seems that Peng Yue is not going to be soft, it is hard to come straight..."

Qin Fang couldn’t help but stunned, and secretly gave Song Yi a hint...

Compared with Deng Hu, Peng Yue and even the people on the side of Yi Yi, Song Yi has only two people, he and Qin Fang. They are both masters and masters. They are quite strong and have some mobility. In the event of a fierce battle, the two of them are the easiest to get out of.

Qin Fang has already checked, Peng Yue seems to have a picture of this Qingbang conference. Although he brings these people to be extremely elite and around the manor, he also arranged a lot of masters to hide...

He is the confidant of his former lord. He is familiar with this manor, and it is much easier to arrange than Song Yi and Deng Hu...

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