Omni Genius

Chapter 2097: Turn your face and start!

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"Qin Shao, do you want to do it?"

Song Yi has always been secretly paying attention to it. Naturally, Peng Yue’s little tricks have been quickly taken up. He couldn’t help but scream with Qin Fang. Now he is in the process of voting for the election gang. This kind of negotiation is not too much. Eye-catching. * Literature Museum*

"Don't worry! Let's watch the show..."

Qin Fang said with a smirk.

Don't look at the power that he just made so loud, but in fact she is not a green guy.

Peng Yue and Deng Hu are even as easy as they are, they are all standing opposite to them. These dogs are biting their hair, and he is too lazy to get involved. Just now he looked at it, so many people present, A master on the other side of the game can barely fight him, and no one else can do it, then he is afraid of a ball!

"You let the brothers prepare, they may need them to make a shot at a critical moment..."

However, the Green Gang can not be destroyed in the hands of these people, Qin Fang also simply told me.

Don't look at this conference room. There seem to be a lot of young gangsters, but they also have a lot of people from outside forces. If it is really troublesome, it is absolutely confusing. How many people may die?

Almost all of them gathered here are the middle and upper levels of the Green Gang. If the whole army is over, then the Green Gang may really fall apart... As for those below, no one is leading, it is too easy to collapse.

Coupled with the hatred between each other, the contradiction is even more intense...

Peng Yue has placed a lot of good hands around this manor of Qingbang. Isn’t Song Yi and Deng Hu not?

It’s just that their people are a little far away. It’s not as convenient as Peng Yue, so Peng Yue is also a big bargain... If this is not the case, how dare he play such a play?

Once you get started. It’s not one or two people who are offended. It might even be that they want to kill other big ones...

Success, it is naturally all right, he can completely complete the excessive power in the shortest time, become the true green lord, no one can threaten the status of his green lord.

If it fails, it will be terrible.

Song Yi and Deng Hu will not let him go. This is very certain. I will definitely join hands to pack him...

Yi and those veterans can't let him go. This is a taboo for help. It is how many people should be blamed and reviled. Even if they are exposed, Peng Yue will become a street mouse called by everyone...

People in the rivers and lakes sometimes do not need to take care of morality, and blindly pursue the interests of themselves. It’s really easy to be spoiled and something goes wrong.

Not to mention that the power in the hands of Yi is also quite good. It can even be said that it is not inferior to Peng Yue. Peng Yue thinks that he can easily get started, and there are enough people to install, but he will not think that Yi is more than him. Convenient,

Even the layout of the venue was prepared by Yi Yi. Can Peng Yue compare him?

I didn’t see that Yi Yi stood at the door of the conference hall from beginning to end. As long as he held the door, then everyone in the conference hall would not want to run. Take a sneak peek directly...

The voting process is still going on...

Song Yi also carefully filled out the ballot papers, then put them in the envelopes and handed them to Yang Bo who was waiting there... Every elder who has the ballots will vote in this way.

All envelopes are the same. Eliminate the possibility of cheating...

Soon the vote was over. Yang Bo took away all the envelopes and put them into a box to mix and disturb... Then he took out the envelope from the box and read the name inside, and sang the ticket!

"Sui Yi, Yi Yi, Peng Yue, Yi Yi..."

The ticket is still going on. Yang Bo mechanical took out one of the votes from the envelope, and then read the name above...

Every time you read the name of Yi. There will be a hint of concealed smile in his eyes, but Peng Yue’s face will have a bit of gloom... The ticket is still not over half, and he is more than half behind.

Even at this time, it is basically possible to announce that the ticket is over, because even if it is all of his Peng Yue's name, it is impossible to catch up with the number of Yi... He has already lost in this battle!

As he speculated, no matter whether it is Song Yi or Deng Hu, or those veterans, few people would like him to be the leader of the lord, so they chose the more "neutral" s...

This choice seems to be more in line with the needs of the Green Power checks and balances... but this is not what Peng Yue would like to see.

Peng Yue immediately made a suggestion to someone in a certain position... At this time, he has no choice! In addition to violent pursuit of cooperation, he has no other better way!

Let him be patient?

This is impossible...

"All the votes have been announced, and the result of the vote... There are 24 votes in total, including six of Peng Yue's elders, and elders of the embarrassed... eighteen!"

At this time, Yang Bo also began to announce the results of the vote. "According to the past practice of the Green Gang Conference, Elders of the Elders won the vote by more than two-thirds. He will become the sixth generation of the Green Gang..."


I haven’t waited for Yang Bo’s words to speak out, I heard...


Yang Bo’s screams...

Everyone's eyes were concentrated on Yang Bo's body, and he found that there was a blood hole in his eyebrows... There was a black dart in it, and it was obvious that someone was poisoning the old Yang Bo!

"Yang Bo..."

Seeing this, many people are subconsciously exclaimed, including the Yi.

"The dart is poisonous..."

Someone immediately prepared for the rescue, but before he got close to Yang Bo, he heard him exclaimed... Only around the shooting site of the black dart, the skin immediately turned black and started quickly. Rotten, Yang Bo’s head has become even more horrible.

"court death……"

However, when everyone's attention was attracted to Yang Bo, he heard Song Yi's roar.


Then he saw that with his generous palm power, he directly shot a young gang who was close to him and slammed it out... The master-level master showed his powerful destructive power and lethality at this time!


The young gangster had no more than a scream.

"Song Yi, you dare to kill me for no reason..."

At this time, Peng Yue suddenly became violent, because the one who was killed by Song Yi was a man who started his hand... The strength has reached the peak of the master class, and it is his very powerful confidant.

However, this confidant did not kill Song Yi, or even serious injuries. It was like sending himself to Song Yi’s hand. He directly killed him in the palm of his hand... How can this be more angry with Peng Yue?

Don't look at the people under his hand, but there are only a few confidants that can really control him. The one that was just killed by Song Yi is the confidant in his heart, but he is unfortunately killed...

"Idiot! I thought I didn't know your point of thought?"

Song Yi is a satirical one that doesn't care at all.

Although he did not say anything, but this sentence is implicitly mentioning a little.

"You...deceive too much!"

Peng Yue seems to have been completely angered by Song Yi’s words. The angry roared up. “Brothers, Song Yipfu dared to move our brothers, hacked him to me... Revenge for the Chaoping brothers!”


When I heard the voice of the boss, the people of Peng Yue would be polite, and immediately burst into a series of roars, and then I saw that Peng Yue himself personally rushed to Song Yi. As for the other younger brothers... Of course, he rushed to the distance. My recent "enemy."


In the horror of some people, Peng Yue’s people immediately started to work for Deng Hu and Yi Yi.

Yes, they are hands-on!

The result of the voting just made Peng Yue quite dissatisfied, so he has decided that the soft is not good, it is hard to come directly...

Just when everyone’s attention was attracted by Yang Bo’s death, he let the confidant attack Song Yi, and even another confidant to attack Deng Hu... As for Yi Yi, okay, he was ignored. !

It is a pity that Song Yi has been guarding him for a long time. At first glance, this guy is in a bad heart. Of course, he is not at all polite. Without waiting for the man to do it, Song Yi has already made a pre-emptive strike.

Don't look at Peng Yue's mouth and yell more than anyone else. In fact, his innermost heart is the most guilty. He thought that his confidant action was broken by Song Yi, even with a sneak attack and assassination plan that might destroy him!

Unexpectedly, Deng Hu and Yi Yi were also a bit embarrassed by the conflict between Peng Yue and Song Yi, and they were not prepared to go to Peng Yue and dare to go all out...

When they reacted, they found their own confidants. Many people have been wounded, and even their lives have been lost and lost. The people who started it... are just those who are squatting to kill. Song Yi’s men who avenged his brother’s revenge...

"Peng Yue, you are deceiving too much..."

The literary and sinister Deng Hu, this time is also a complete outbreak.

He has always been only a part of his yin, but he did not expect that it would be overcast by Peng Yue today.

Therefore, Deng Hu joined the battle circle unceremoniously, and went straight to Peng Yue.

This guy is not a good bird. The reason why he chose to go straight to Peng Yue, isn't he trying to join Peng Yi to kill Peng Yue?

Song Yi, Peng Yue, and Deng Hu are all masters of the ranks, and they are quite close to each other. The one-on-one situation is estimated to be at least half a day before they can win with physical strength, endurance and perseverance. ......

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