Omni Genius

Chapter 2161: Mink tactics!

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The speed of coming is very fast, and the shot is also unusually rough and strange... A cold dagger has almost arrived at the chest of Qin Fang, a compelling chill, even more fierce directly through the Qin Fang The clothes were introduced into his body.


People also appeared, and how could Qin Fang not know who the hands-on people are?

It’s the long-haired male Douglas who is very uncomfortable with the black ghost Jeff... This is to say that he wants to single-handedly Qin, but he didn’t expect this guy to be much more despicable than what he said. Pick the most critical moment in Qin!

"Give me death..."

Douglas’s face was dark and his face was a cruel smile. The dagger in his hand went to the heart of Qin Fang with great fierceness. The speed was fast and embarrassing. He did not intend to leave it to the Qin side. There is room for evasion.

As for the black ghost Jeff, there is a bright smile at the moment, and no one is angry because Douglas grabbed his opponent... Even Qin Fang has a little bit of it, these two guys have a great fight. But in fact, it is very tacit.

"Two idiots..."

In the face of such a terrible threat to life, the Qin side is quite calm, even if the other's dagger has pierced his bodyguard Lantern, he is still as stable as a mountain, not moving, and his mouth is still soft. Said.

It is undeniable that the sudden appearance of Douglas is somewhat unexpected beyond the expectations of Qin. In particular, the timing of Douglas' choice was so accurate that it really made Qin Fang a little off guard!


It’s just that!

"Want to kill me? Next life..."

Qin Fang’s face showed some ironic smiles, and then he saw a black shadow suddenly appearing in front of him... This black shadow appeared so out of thin air, and it hit a very fierce speed. .


Douglas that would kill a blow, just hit the black shadow, gave a crisp sound, and even splashed a little spark, but... Douglas had not had time to react, the shadow directly directed His body hit the past.


Although Douglas is a typical Caucasian, he does not belong to a tall, strong type. Instead, it is closer to the Asian body. The one that is thinner and weaker... The shadow is also not particularly tall, but it is so powerful that the strength and speed are quite embarrassing.

Only heard a dull sound, the face of the smile instantly solidified Douglas. It was inexplicably hit by the shadows...

Not that his strength is not strong enough. It is really the body of the shadow is too hard. The power is also a bit too big... It’s not that Douglas’s small body can compete, and it’s estimated that the sturdy body of the Nigger Jeff may not be able to hold it.


The Black Ghost Jeff is also a bit embarrassed by this sudden change...

Douglas has always been lurking around him, and they have worked together for a lot of time. Jiao Jiao does not leave Meng, Meng is not out of focus, so when he was attacked by Qin Fang, Douglas naturally knows.

Therefore, Jeff will count on the plan, directly wrapped around the Qin side, and then let Douglas take the opportunity to start!

Unexpectedly, their plans went quite smoothly, and it was almost time to kill the Qin side at the crucial moment on the spot. Qin Fang’s body suddenly popped up with such a weird thing, not only their elaborate assassinations. Destroyed, and also caused Douglas to be injured.

"You completely angered me..."

Qin Fang naturally will not let such a good opportunity, the flow of the sword in the hands immediately turned into a streamer, fiercely shot toward the black ghost Jeff's chest ... speed is the ultimate, and two The distance between people is so close, Jeff is almost inevitable.


Feeling such a strong threat, Jeff was also frightened. He screamed in the mouth, and there was a strange force in his body. The whole person seemed to become a pure metal.

This is Jeff's special secret technique that allows the body to be metalized instantly...

Dangdang ~~~~

The sword of Qin Fang is not a simple sword-sword or sword-striking attack. It is a direct use of the characteristics of the slashing sword. The smashing impact is completely metalized by the black ghost Jeff. The body is over.

There was a series of crisp sounds in the ear... Although it was only an attack, the Qin side used a very special technique, which can be hit dozens of times in a flash, and the natural destructive power is relatively amazing. A lot.


Dozens of times of constant collision, the same position of the impact, plus the sharpness of the shadow sword, finally a strange sound, the flow of the sword actually broke the black metal Jeff completely metalized body, straight into His body is gone!

Of course, Jeff’s body at the moment is completely metalized. Even if it breaks the defense, it can’t penetrate too much. At most, it’s only three or five centimeters... even if it’s broken into the human body. It’s not the heart of the heart, the threat is not too big.


However, this is a wounded thing, but it is something that Jeff can't accept. His mouth is also bursting out. The whole person seems to be mad at once, and his body is also rapidly rising and becoming more violent. More terrible!


"What about people?"

When the Nigger Jeff was angry and was preparing to unload the eight pieces of Qin Fang, he was surprised to find that Qin Fang was gone!

"How come Douglas is gone?"

What surprised him even more is that his good partner Douglas disappeared without a trace... In addition to the sound of the waves that continually slammed the boulder, there was no ghost shadow around, let alone what the sound was.

"How come people are gone?"

To the brain, this is obviously not the strength of the black ghost Jeff. It is very strange to look around, and there is such a big question mark in the head!


At this time, the black ghost Jeff suddenly felt something, almost subconsciously looked at the past not far away... There was already on the beach, there seems to be a figure standing there, and obviously with a strange Unpredictable breath.


However, the other party is talking.


This person is not Qin Fang or Douglas, but Morric, who is splitting with them. "I found the guy and joined forces with Douglas. But let him hide, and Douglas is gone!"

"However, his weapon is in my hand..."

The black ghost Jeff looks very angry, but there is also a little bit of good news. He pulled out the Qinfang's sacred sword from his body, and also said it is to show off the general... As for the injury of the body, He didn't care.

He is a metal reformer. Apart from the part of the **, the others are all metal. They don't care about this injury... they don't even need to nurse, and they will soon be completely restored!

"Douglas is gone?"

Moric was a slight glimpse, and his brow wrinkled. "How long have they been away?"

"It’s just a few breaths... it seems to be gone out of thin air!"

Speaking of this, the black ghost Jeff is also very surprised. The invisible empire of his invisible empire is quite terrible and quite amazing, but the Qin dynasty's technique seems to be even more terrible, even he is completely unaware of it.

"This is impossible……"

Moric said subconsciously. "You just started to play, I have already come here... I just didn't find someone leaving here!"

"No one left?"

The black ghost Jeff is also a slight glimpse. Morric’s strength is stronger than that of him and Douglas. Almost half of his feet have entered the ranks of the Golden Shield killer... He said that no one left here, so much No one really left.

Unless the strength of the other party is even stronger than Moric...


"The sea!"

"The sea!"

Morric and Jeff almost thought of a possible possibility at the same time, and their eyes also shifted to the rough sea underneath... Only when they entered the sea, they could easily avoid the perception of both of them!

Sea water is the most natural bunker. It can feel the perception of the warrior, and it can cover up a lot of breath. Coupled with the sound of the waves, the waves are so turbulent, even if something happens in the sea, it is quite difficult to find.

And in fact...

"The two guys are really not stupid..."

Qin Fang was really hiding in the sea at the moment. After discovering the reaction of the two men, they could not help but admire it.

The reason why he chose to come to the beach to deal with these three silver shield killers, in addition to the sparsely populated and complex terrain, the biggest advantage is facing the sea... Water war is a big reliance of the Qin side, although he usually rarely in use.

He has almost invincible swimming skills, and he has also cultivated the otters in the five elements of martial arts. He can even display the water and shadow secrets of Fuso Ninjue, not to mention that his pet dragon is a water beast and goes to the sea. It is the invincible existence!

The three silver shield killers, almost every one can compete with the Qin side. If there are three dozens, the Qin side has no chance of a little bit. Just Douglas and Jeff cooperated with each other and almost let Qin Fang Eat a big loss...

They are all thrilled to be like this. How can Qin Fang still honestly fight with them?

At the moment when Douglas tried to attack him, Qin decided to count it... first blocked the Douglas attack with the monks, then directly pulled Douglas into the sea, and Qin avoided the **** Jeff, and then he took the opportunity. Sneak into the sea! (To be continued.)

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