Omni Genius

Chapter 2179: A sword wears a heart!

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The people around them have become nervous. Qin Fang’s performance from the very appearance is very strong. They naturally hope that such a strong force will continue to be maintained... Now that this “six-pulse sword” is out, it will be everyone’s The heart is raised. .

"He... how could it be so powerful?"

The Chinese beauty who bet with Qin Fang is also very excited at the moment, and that pair of beautiful eyes are also blooming out of the sultry. If it is not in the middle of a fierce battle, she really wants to rush. Check if Qin Fang is a human being.

At least, when the two of them stood up close together, she only thought that this man was "very annoying."


The Hedgehog also felt the sword of the sharp finger sword of Qin Fang, and his face was slightly changed...

He naturally knows what his biggest flaw is, so he can have no pressure on the old Qinqin owner, because the news he got shows that the Qin’s main body is very terrible, but the means of this long-range attack. But not.

But now I have changed an opponent. When I get a shot, I have a great deal of pressure on him. How can he still be calm?

In order to avoid night long dreams, the hedgehog is also killing and kicking out. The body is approaching the Qin side at a very fast speed, and the black spikes on his body have more than doubled again... about six centimeters from the original. The skyrocketed to more than a meter.

As a result, the attack range has more than doubled in an instant.

It’s not very far from the Qin side, but now it’s close at hand...


Qin Fang did not see the assassin’s murder in his eyes. He just snorted and then saw his fingers move slightly. The sharp swordsman quickly smashed the hedgehog. The past.


A crisp sound, and a few Mars bloom, I saw a black slender spike that fell off the body of the hedgehog...


These spikes don't know what kind of material they made. They still have a considerable amount of weight. Even if they are detached from the body of the hedgehog, they still have considerable strength and they have plunged into the surrounding ground.

At the same time as Qin Fang shot, he was also a little under the foot, the whole person instantly slipped away from the original place by a distance of three or four meters, easily avoiding such a terrible blow by the Hedgehog...

"it is good!"

"It's so cool..."

The surrounding spectators were also shocked by the sharp trick of Qin Fang. Although they did not directly cut the hedgehog, but cut off the slender spikes on the side of the body, this is equivalent to smashing. A hand is enough.

The people on the side of the Qin martial arts are also full of joy on their faces... Of course, Qin De, who has been confirmed as a traitor, is an exception.

Like the two gangsters, he was gloomy and sullen. .

"I'm going to kill you……"

This scene is also amazed by the hedgehog. It is very strange to look at the side of his body. Those black spikes are actually cut and broken by the Qin Fang sword... although the roots remain on his body. But looking at the really incisive cut, there is no lethality.

This is naturally to make the Hedgehog angry ... ... violently sighed, and continued to rush to the Qin side.

"This... you have said it several times!"

The Qin side responded with a fluttering response.



Qin Fang is also a sword gas smashed toward the hedgehog... The speed is reaching the limit, even if the hedgehog has realized the crisis, but he is just ready to dodge, Qin Fang’s sword has already put the side of him The spike was broken.


There are dozens of black spikes directly plugged into the ground, and the hedgehog was originally like a stabbing ball full of spikes. He couldn’t find a chance to sip a bit, but now... Smoothed a lot.

"Oh ah..."

The hedgehog was even more angry and rushed to the Qin side.


However, Qin Fang’s snow-free body has nothing to lose. In fact, this orc who broke out with brute force can easily evade it, and then it is a sword that smashes the past...


This time, Qin Fang will not waste time, and the sword is constantly being thrown out, just like a long chopper, constantly cutting down these slender spikes on the hedgehog. Minutes later, the Hedgehog had no half-spikes except for the slender spiked roots.

"Now... what are you still cuddling?"

After doing this, Qin Fang smiled and looked at the hedgehog, looking at the two gangsters, the eyes are also very interesting.

The faces of the two gangsters are gloomy to the extreme, and the eyes of Qin Fang are even more venomous. At the same time, the eyes of the hedgehog are also fierce. Obviously these people are also murderous, even if the hedgehog is very strong. terrible.

"Do you really think that this will deal with me?"

The hedgehog naturally understands his current situation and is forced to a desperate situation. He sees that he has screamed and his body immediately began to tremble violently. There is a sign of rapid expansion.


Immediately, I saw the skin of this hedgehog body immediately cracked and swelled, and the blood-red muscles completely bloomed. It looked extraordinarily bloody, with a little bit of horror film, scaring some timid around. The spectators couldn’t help but exclaimed and screamed.

At the same time, the spikes that have broken the roots have also skyrocketed a lot, and actually they have slowly grown new spikes... and they are obviously different from the previous spikes, black shiny, one Look even more fierce.


Qin Fang said with great disdain that he had not been in contact with these orcs for the first time. He did not feel surprised at all. "In your words, do you really think that it will become like this and you can fight me?" ”

It is undeniable that the arrogant Hedgehog has indeed skyrocketed a lot, and has reached the peak of the Grand Master. With his terrible spikes, the threat level is even comparable to that of the average half-step supreme.

However, this still can't change the huge flaws and loopholes of the Hedgehog...

"You know that in our dragon country, there is a very cruel punishment, that is, a person is cut off from the limbs and then stuffed into a jar... Although it will not die, it will be more painful than death!"

Qin Fang said slowly, "I have given you a chance! Originally, you are so stubborn... then I don't need to be polite!"

"People stick!"

Among the visitors, many people are from the Longguo people. Some people have come to the country for decades, and some have just arrived, but some people will have heard such fierce punishment.

"No, not a person!"

Qin Fang was shaking his head and shook his head. "Do you think... he, can you still be a person?"


After a glimpse of the guests, they immediately understood that the hedgehog had become a human being in a complete sense after undergoing a special transformation and it has become a human being, a ghost, a beast, and a beast.

"I think it should be called... Beast! Well, I like this name..."

Qin Fang said slowly, and did not care that the thorny man became a blue-purple, and he was about to see the strange face bleeding.

"I want you to die……"

The hedgehog has been completely violent, and the mouth violently screamed, and the violent body is full of terrible power, and the huge sole of the foot suddenly slams into the ground...

Boom! !


After a loud sound, the solid ground immediately appeared a piece of crack, which looked extraordinarily strange. At the same time, the huge body of the hedgehog, who was extremely incomparable, immediately jumped toward the Qin side. It is.

This time, he seems to have learned the lessons of the past, and directly with the huge body condescending... The attack surface is quite large, and the defense measures are automatically launched, which can protect his body more effectively.

At the same time, he has so many black spikes on his body that he touches Qin Fang at random, so the lethality is quite terrible.


How many people’s hearts were raised, and the beautiful woman was screaming and holding her little mouth.

"Idiot! Do you think it would be useful to jump high?"

Qin Fang couldn’t help but laugh at it. "You have become my living target..."


Still did not use weapons, Qin Fang directly used his fingers as a sword, a sharp sword stunned and shot out, directly hitting the hedgehog who was throwing down... However, the Hedgehog was prepared for this time. The arm was so slightly shocked that the terrible force was released, and the hard-hearted Qin Fangqi took off.

"No wonder so confident..."

For the defense of the Hedgehog, Qin Fang had some accidents, but it was also expected, and then he laughed and said, "Take me another sword..."


Then I saw that Qin Fang’s finger squirt suddenly shot a milky white sword, which was as fast as lightning, and it was fierce to the extreme, and the terrible breath almost made everyone’s presence a moment of breath. The stagnation, there is a feeling of suffocation.


The Hedgehog did not expect Qin’s attack power to be so strong. This time he almost did not dare to resist, but wanted to escape... But the speed of Qin’s attack was too fast, making him weak. dodge,

The sharp swordsman directly penetrated his body...

With this fierce sword, the sword entered from his chest and instantly shot from the back. He faintly formed a smug white sword in the air, and he heard the savage man’s fierceness. The screams! (To be continued.)

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