Omni Genius

Chapter 2181: Qin's overseas branch!

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The Qin’s martial arts hall has such a big thing. It takes a lot of time and energy to deal with Qin De’s “traitor”... but beyond everyone’s surprise, the old owner is just a simple sentence. Closed into the firewood room, just under the help of the old servant, I went back to my room to rest.

In the first battle, he lost and hurt...

Even if Qin Fang treated him, it is still impossible to fully recover.

Therefore, those people in the Qin martial arts hall did not dare to disturb the rest of the old museum, and they no longer asked anything.

When the old owner walked into the room, he found that there was already a young man sitting there drinking tea.

"Old owner..."

When he saw the old master coming in, he just said it with a smile.

This is naturally not someone else. It is a Qin Fang who just helped the Qin martial arts.

Killing a hedgehog, in fact, it is not too much for him...just, he killed people in front of hundreds of people, and the police in the country cannot really do anything, no matter what. Will send people to investigate, the surname is still better to disappear first.

Especially the cities like Miami are under the control of the Mafia. One of the behind-the-scenes of this incident is the Mafia. If they suffer losses, they will certainly act. Naturally, they will not give up such. Good opportunity.

However, Qin Fang does not want to be so boring with them, it is too much for a loss... even the Miami branch’s big 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 佬 , , , , , , 佬 佬 佬 佬 迈阿密 迈阿密 迈阿密 迈阿密 迈阿密 迈阿密 迈阿密Also in the props box in the Qin side.


The old owner saw the Qin side, and the expression on his face was instantly cloudy and clear. He immediately opened his mouth... just, he had a mouth, but he was stunned. He didn’t know how to call Qin Fang, except knowing each other. Outside the home, there is no knowledge of the name of Qin Fang.

"Call me Qin Fang can be... Counting, I am also your older generation!"

Qin Fang immediately expressed his initiative.

"No, no, no..."

The old owner is busy setting up his hand, "According to the rules, I should call you a little... Little Master!"

Then I didn’t give Qin Fang a chance to speak at all, and I quickly said that

"If there is no old man's care in the past, I have been dead for decades. How could it be such a happy child now? It is impossible to have the Qin's martial arts today... although the old man never admits it. I always regard myself as a servant of the Qin family!"


This is also to make the Qin side directly dumbfounded, "Old ... old owner, you are sure ... not kidding?"

The reason why he chose to help the Qin's martial arts hall, in addition to being a member of the same dragon compatriots, is also a very important reason... He found that the blood flowing from the main body of the Qin Laoguan was actually the same with him. The blood of the blood Wu Qin family.

In other words, the body of the Qin Lao Pavilion also contains the power of the secrets of blood and martial arts...

In other words, the Qin Lao Pavilion masters can only break through the ranks of the Grand Masters by relying on their own talents and the accumulation of decades of skill in the absence of systematic study of those profound martial arts. The power of his **** secrets.

You must know that Qin Fang’s master, Cai Pingyuan, has been in his life for a lifetime, and he is only able to enter the peak of the master class.

There is also the old man, talent is outstanding, this is able to step into the guru level!

And the octopus who reached the rank of the big squad, in addition to its own talent, is also very much related to an opportunity when he was a teenager... Otherwise, it is difficult to break through in such a secular world. To the rank of the Grand Master.

After all, Long Guo’s martial arts emphasizes gradual progress...

Even the masters of the Devils and Evil sects are only very nervous in the early stage. It is still difficult to be promoted in the later period... The Grand Master is still a difficult threshold, and only a very small number of people can cross the past.

But the Qin Lao Pavilion owner has crossed over...

This is also to let Qin Fang understand the reason! However, he never imagined that the relationship between the Qin Laoguan master and him was far closer than he had imagined...

"This is not a joke..."

The owner of the Qin Lao Pavilion said very seriously and very seriously. "I have heard about the old man's affairs. I used to go back to China to find your father. I just couldn't find any news. Rice country!"

"As for what you and the old man are, you can't say it. If you want to hear it, I can tell you all..."

The Qin Lao Pavilion owner seemed to have extra care for the Qin side, so he turned over the old things that had been dusted for decades and told the Qin side.

The reason why Qin Laoguan’s owner came to the country is actually related to Qin’s grandfather Qin Yuyuan... The dragon country was caught in a serious war, and with the demolition of the magical forces, Qin Yuyuan also wanted Qin. The family seeks a way out.

Therefore, he chose the most loyal brother Qin Yiwu around him, that is, the Qin Laoguan master in front of him... went to the country to survive and survive, and sought a vitality for the Qin family.

However, the magic door is too fast, almost the Qin family has just been revived, only Qin Yuyuan avoided the robbery because of the war... Then the magic door was driven out of the dragon country by the right-wing alliance, the Qin family is temporarily stable. Down.

This is the case, the Qin family almost broke the roots...

It is quite difficult for the Qin Lao Pavilion to sway in the country. In order to avoid being discovered by the magic door, the Qin family owner, who is not very good in strength, came out... the strength is not enough, and the wealth is not Counting a lot, the Qin Lao Pavilion owner spent more than ten years, and this slowly got some improvement.

However, it coincides with the liberation of the Dragon Kingdom.

The relationship with the country of rice has dropped to the freezing point. The Qin Lao Pavilion owner wants to go back to the country to pick up the Qin family, but it is hard to find the door. In the end, the delay was completely delayed, and later even listened. When the news of the unexpected fall of Qin Yuyuan was in the air, I almost regretted suicide.

He looked for the whereabouts of Qin and his father and son. Unfortunately, he did not have much power. The vast country of Haolong was really a sea of ​​people. There was nowhere to be found. In the end, he could only help but give up. He was also disheartened. In the country of rice, the Qin’s martial arts hall was opened.

"Oh...the matter of the family, it has nothing to do with the old owner!"

Hearing the deep self-blame in the old discourse of the old museum, it seems that the degeneration of Qin Yuyuan is entirely caused by his incompetence. Qin Fang is very understanding and admiring. "I have carefully understood the causes and effects of the year. This is caused by the magical blood demon sect..."

"This hatred... I will report it myself!"

Qin Fang is also arrogant, this is his future goal, but also his oath.

"Devil Gate! Blood Demon... Little Master, this is not a small force. Even if the Qin family were in the revival stage, they could not shake the roots of the Blood Demon. Instead, they were almost stunned by the Blood Devils. Do your best... You are now the only bloodline of our Qin family, absolutely no loss!"

The owner of the Qin Lao Pavilion couldn’t help but squat up, and it was very worried.

It’s not that he is afraid of death. As early as forty years ago, he had the idea of ​​being suicidal, trying to follow Qin’s grandfather Qin Yuyuan... even if he lived for so forty years, he always lived. How can you be afraid of death in remorse?

He is not afraid of death, but he does not want Qin to have an accident...

"Old owner, my dad is still alive..."

Qin Fang couldn't help but flipped his eyes and added a sentence.


The old owner suddenly became stunned, and then immediately waved his hand. "I don't mean that..."

"The old owner, I really understand what you mean, but eradicating the blood-devils is my responsibility and cannot be shirked.... Although I know that there will be countless difficulties and obstacles, but this is not possible. Change my mind!"

Qin Fang did not let him continue to say, but was very firm and said, "And... I have already begun to lay out, as long as my strength is strong enough, it is the moment when my revenge begins. It!"

The Blood Demon is powerful and can even be said to be one of the most terrible forces in the world...

The masters of the Gorefiends are not mentioned. There are several high-ranking masters, and the real reason for letting it rank at the top of the world is the true leader of the Gorefiend. It is not the lord of the Blood Demon, but the "blood emperor" who seems to be ignorant of anything.

The four emperors are the four powerful masters of the world's most powerful...

Qin Fang once saw the madman Chu madman's shot, even if he relied on the power of Ren Yuan Jin Dan to release the big man, but no matter the momentum, power, etc., it could not be very casual with the madman. The hit is a big match compared to the big one.

The blood emperor is the name of the name of the madman...

The Qin side has to confront the strongest who stands at the peak of humanity. The difficulties are unimaginable to anyone... The reason why Qin Laoguan is worried about the Qin side, and even hopes that Qin will give up revenge. It is based on this reason.

Although the Qin martial arts martial arts are not gangsters, they have trained many masters over the years... These gates and ** are also distributed among the forces of various parties, and there are some underground forces. Knowing a lot of underground forces, naturally it is even more fascinating to understand the Devils Gate and the Blood Demon!

These things, Qin Fang is much more and more detailed than the Qin Lao Museum owner knows...

However, this not only did not let Qin Fang lose confidence, but instead made Qin Fang become more excited and more exciting... Only such a difficult and ambitious goal is the most suitable pursuit for him! (To be continued.)

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