Omni Genius

Chapter 2228: Deep ambush!

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Although this skill is not learned through the skill book, it does not have much impact on the Qin side... The system automatically completes the defect skills, which is an advantage to the extreme.

This bandit technique in the hands of Matsumoto is only a little bit of the bandits in the five elements of scorpion surgery, and there is no understanding of the essence!

Who said that the attack on the Fusang little devil has been self-repairing for thousands of years, and it has become a very powerful bandit technique, but compared with the original version, it is still too much too much!

Qin Fang did not see this kind of defect version, but the patchwork completed the bandit technique, but he was very happy to cultivate.

Almost without hesitation, a lot of experience value goes down, the skill of banditry starts from the beginning of the primary, and instantly rises to the master level... The reason why it does not directly enter the master level, or the Qin party wants to stay a little more. Experience value is reserved.

As for Matsumoto Iki, this soul slave...

"I am going to disappear..."

Qin Fang just lost a medicinal herb to heal him, and then sent him away.

Although this Fusang Ninja has fallen into his control, it is obviously more useful to stay with him in the Satan mercenary group. It is more useful to jump out to help Qin to deal with Satan and others.

The strength of Satan and Shadow Magic Shelton is really too strong.

Even Qin Fang’s own rushing up is only a dead end, and more than one Matsumoto can not change anything...

What's more, the biggest value of Matsumoto is the skill of the bandits he mastered. Now Qin also masters it, even deeper than he comprehends, and he is more secure. Nature is also more terrible than he uses.

This is even lowering the value of Matsumoto, and why should Qin Fang leave him here to add chaos?

"Yes, master!"

Matsumoto Iki, the soul slave, was very obedient, and immediately called it with respect and respect, and then quickly settled in the sand. Continue to go when his tortoise turtle went, and did not need Qin Fang to worry about it.

And Qin Fang himself...

"Can't delay, start!"

Far from looking at the fierce battle over there, Qin Fang also whispered a little, and immediately applied the bandit skills that just got the hand, and the whole person immediately drilled into the sand underneath. It disappeared on the ground in an instant.

Qin Fang has mastered the otters and rafts in the five elements of martial arts. Although this bandit is a beginner, he is still quite quick to get started... and, with the many skilled use of the previous, he does not As for Lucy.

The whole person was hidden in the sand and then approached the scene of the Supreme War at a very fast speed.

The battle of the supreme powerhouse. That must be earth-shattering, even if the Qin side has tried to shrink into the depths of the sand, but still very clearly feel the violent vibration from the ground, the huge and heavy sand from time to time impact his body.

Although it does not cause fatal damage to the Qin side, but the pressure is also very obvious......

"If this is not a lot of defensive improvement, I really can't help but shock like this!"

Qin Fang also silently stunned in his heart.

The closer to the center of the Supreme War, the more intense the pressure is... the terrible pressure. Let Qin Fang be comparable to the body of the supreme body, you can't help but scream.

However, in order to be able to do his best, Qin Fang can only bite his teeth and squat close to this side.

The depth of his lurking is quite ok now, and it is more than ten meters deep... This is far beyond the scope that can be detected in the field of radon, and he is fully committed to his own strength, nor As for the two supreme powers found above.

If the fire is not fully opened, Qin Fang really can't stand this kind of pressure.

However, such depth is not a big deal for the Qin side... although I can't see the supreme powerhouses in the two fierce battles above. But his small map is very clear and can detect them.

At this time, in the fierce battle, even if Qin Fang’s investigative skills were displayed, the two supreme powers would not pay attention to it, which greatly reduced the possibility of Qin’s exposure.

"I finally took the remedy..."

Knowing this time, Qin Fang finally sighed with relief. Because he found that Androshine's physical state is recovering and ascending at an extremely fast rate... In addition to taking that remedy, Qin Fang couldn't think of the second possibility.

"Teacher, when you choose to escape, the success is almost as high as eight or ninety percent..."

Qin Fang silently prayed in his heart.

He gave Andro Hilden this remedy, but he really didn't really want him to take this opportunity to fight with Satan... He would like to use this remedy to restore his strength, just need to force Satan, so Droshine is entirely hopeful to break through.

At least, Satan wants to leave him, and it definitely takes a lot of money...

What's more, in the place not far from here, the masters of the madman tribe have already gathered there, even if Satan and the Shadow Magic Sheldon teamed up, it is estimated that they are not too close to where it is. This is also the life of Andro Xien. One of the hopes.


Will Andrhein choose to flee?

Qin Fang’s heart also played a big question mark...

Although he and Androshine have only just known each other for a long time, but according to his understanding, I am afraid that Androshine will not do this. He is likely to stay in the dead for seven or eighty percent. He will not be like a cockroach. The same escape.


The prayers of the Qin side have not yet ended. Androhien’s physical state and strength have almost completely recovered. It may even be slightly sturdy. Although it is still not comparable to Satan, the gap between the two sides is obviously closer. Some.

Perhaps this is the case, perhaps Andershine is not willing but a kind of scorpion, he did not choose to flee, but broke out his strongest strength, fiercely facing Satan to face up.

This palm immediately entered the final stage of the final battle!

At this time, Qin Fang was already powerless even if he wanted to intervene.

The two strongest strong players with full firepower are not allowed to get involved easily. Even if they are not careful, they may encounter a joint attack by two supreme powers. This is very scary. The things, even the mid-term powerhouses of the Shadow Devils, Sheldon and Granado, are not willing to go here.

What's more, Qin Fang is a master-level master who has not yet reached the highest level of contender...

The ground tremor is even more powerful. Every time Satan and Androshian’s shots pass, they will pass the extremely fierce force into the sand under their feet... Even after a decade or so of weakening, Qin Fang has a kind of vomiting blood. Impulsive, guilty suffering from unimaginable terrible pressure.


"I will endure……"

This unfavorable state did not allow Qin to give up, but biting his teeth and resisting such discomfort. He always stared at the physical state of Androshian and Satan, and found a suitable opportunity for himself.

Kill the supreme powerhouse...

Qin Fang is looking forward to it!

However, he knew that this was almost impossible task, so he did not have much hope. The only craving was to find a chance to escape or kill for Androshine, even if it was only a very small opportunity. .

This is why Qin Fang obtained the bandits skills from Matsumoto Yoshiki...

Only in such sand, Qin Fang had the opportunity to hide around Satan's body without being sent by him!

"Opportunity... only once!"

Qin Fang is also the clearest about this.

Satan's mid-term master of supremeity, at most, only one chance of being attacked. If Qin Fang can't catch it, then there is no such opportunity anymore... So, Qin Fang must seize it!

Silently hiding in the sand, pay attention to the above situation!

"Andershine, your struggle is useless, or save some effort, let's go early... Maybe, I can forgive those you!"

Satan’s face seems calm and his voice is a bit scornful, but it’s not hard to see from his hazy eyes that his current mood is not as simple as it is... At least, he has not killed Androshine until now. It has already made him very angry.

Especially when I was almost ready to succeed, Androshine didn’t know what to eat or what kind of secrets to use... not only the injuries were greatly suppressed and treated, but even his strength was instantly It’s back to the limit.

This is definitely a great improvement in the difficulty of killing Androshian...


Androhein and Satan have been old enemies for many years. Although they haven't really handed over each other, Androshine knows too much about Satan's style of acting... This is definitely a sultry generation, never leaving any living.

Now he is not in a hurry to start these people under his hands, because he is still not sure to kill Androshine...

But once the purpose is reached, these people under Androshine’s men, including Granado, who is entangled in the Shadow Magic, will not escape Satan’s killing...

It is this understanding that Andershine simply does not believe what Satan said!

not to mention……

Androshine has discovered that Qin Fang does not know when it has disappeared from the crowd there.

Anderson’s mysterious “apprentice”, Androshian is also a little more curious... Intuition tells him that Qin Fang still stays around, but he can’t detect his existence, it’s too weird. ,too weird.

Even he can't feel it, then Satan probably doesn't feel it...

In this case, the security of Qin Fang is guaranteed, even if there is anything to worry about Androshine? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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