Omni Genius

Chapter 230: Back to the nine needles

Chapter 230 Back to Heaven and Nine

The acupuncture skills have been upgraded to the intermediate level, which has already made the Qin side slightly surprised. It is really a matter of Ma’s instructions.

The acupuncture skills of Majia are impossible to teach at will, otherwise Ma Lao will not be entangled in the problem of his own clothes. He has many doormen, many of whom are already very famous doctors, even if it is Some of the apprentices nowadays are also very talented and there is no lack of successors.

Qin Fang is naturally very happy about this, but he seems to be a little earlier, and there is still a hint behind it for a while.

“Guru teaches, skills are upgraded to intermediate level, and system rewards are available – a random stitch technique.”

When you hear this prompt, Qin is a sneak peek.

“System rewards? Random acupuncture skills?”

Since Qin Fang obtained this ability, this situation has appeared for the first time. Of course, the guru's guidance is also the first time to encounter, not only the skills are upgraded to the intermediate level, but also a random reward.

The technique of acupuncture is obviously combined with the skills of acupuncture. There is something like a roulette in the mind. The above is vague and can't be seen clearly. But I think it should be some acupuncture skills. Qin Fang wants What you do is random extraction.

Without any hesitation, Qin Fang chose the beginning and saw the pointer on the roulette turn quickly. The speed was very fast and dazzling. After a while, it gradually slowed down until it stopped slowly.

“Random extraction is completed, and the technique of losing the needle is obtained – returning to the nine-pin.”

Almost at the same time as the random extraction was completed, Qin Fang felt that his head was awkward, and he got something into it, which made his head become a little groggy. Fortunately, this feeling quickly disappeared, in memory. Then there are some more things, or a kind of acupuncture skills.

"Back to the sky nine needles?"

Qin Fang silently recited the name, "Why isn't it a nine-pin?"

I just heard that Ma Lao mentioned the name of the needle used by the most famous doctor in history. Among them, there is the scorpion's nine-needle, and the Qin party draws back the nine-pin, the name is only one word difference. Suddenly let Qin Fang be quite speechless,

"Back to the nine needles, the method used by the famous doctors of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the function is back to life."

Despite some disappointment in the heart, Qin Fang opened the skill panel and found the skill description of the nine-needle in the acupuncture skills. There is such a very simple introduction.

"Ma Lao, ask a small question, is there a famous doctor called Huangfu in the Eastern Han Dynasty?"

Qin Fang hesitated a moment. He didn't know much about medical skills, especially ancient medical techniques. That is, the names that Ma Lao just mentioned have been heard, but it is unheard of for this imperial concubine, but Ma is always Master's level medical sage, know a lot about the situation of many ancient famous doctors, Qin convenient and asked.

"Well? It seems that Xiao Qin has a lot of understanding about medical skills. The Eastern Han Dynasty is one of the most well-known doctors in history. Although it is not famous, its position in the history of Chinese medicine is no less than that of Bian and Hua. "Sun Acupuncture" is a poor doctor. His "Acupuncture and Moxibustion" is of great significance to the inheritance of acupuncture skills in later generations. It can be said that many acupuncture techniques of later generations are derived from the "Acupuncture and Moxibustion"..."

When I heard that the foreigner of Qin Fang could actually say the name of Huangfu, Ma Laoton was amazed, even if her granddaughter Ma Yunzhi had just heard of "Acupuncture and Acupuncture", as for the name of Huangfu, it is not Too clear.

"The needle used by the emperor..."

Qin Fang suddenly became excited. He really didn't expect this imperial concubine to be so famous. He even had great expectations for this returning nine-pin.

"I don't know about this. The "Acupuncture and Moxibustion" of Huangfu's man has been passed down, but his name is not recorded in the history books, but it should also be a very powerful acupuncture technique..."

However, Ma Lao shook his head and said that although Huangpu is famous, the Chinese medicine industry is very recognized for his status, but the relevant records are rare.

"Xiao Qin, why are you asking?"

Ma Lao is not so fooled. Don't look at his eighty years old, his body is still strong, his head is very clear, and he didn't care very much at the beginning, but this time he thought about it and immediately felt things. Not so simple.

"This one……"

Qin Fang hesitated and looked at Cai Plain.

"When I was very young, I once knew an old man. He was a traveler. He lived near my house for some days. At that time, the days were very bitter. My body has not been very good. They all helped me. Ok, I also passed my set of needles by the way, saying that it was passed down by the famous doctor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Huang Huangzhen.

The story still needs to be compiled. Otherwise, the sudden return of the nine-needle is not so good. As for the old man, it is only God knows.

"Back to the sky nine needles?"

When Ma Laodun’s eyes widened, it seemed that he was about to burst out. The whole person seemed to have suddenly lost his heart and madness. “I went back to the sky and did not expect that the nine-needle actually came back...”


"Old horse..."

"Ma Lao..."

This can scare Ma Yunzhi, Cai Plain, and Qin Fang.

In a short sentence, a story can actually make a generation of medical sages like this. Qin Fang’s heart is followed by emptiness. At the same time, he is worried that Ma Lao will not be too irritating, so he is really guilty. .

"I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Fortunately, Ma Lao soon returned to God, but this emotion is still very excited. As a medical master, he certainly knows what this nine-needle representative represents.

The Ma family also has a family-passing method. The name is called A-Jin-needle. It was derived from the acupuncture and moxibustion of the Ma family. Although the Acupuncture and Moxibustion was supplemented and compiled over a thousand years, its The outline and skeleton of the outline are still the originals of the original Emperor.

In other words, Huangfu is also the ancestor of the Ma family. Although this has never been acknowledged by the Ma family, after all, their Ma family has always advertised that the ancestors' medical skills were not under the doctors.

"Xiao Qin, you tell me the truth, is this nine-needle needle really true?"

Ma Lao slightly calmed down the emotions in his chest, and then he looked at Qin Fang seriously and seriously.

"Is it really not clear, but the old man said this to me at the beginning, but although I learned it, I have never practiced the method of internal interest, so I have never been too concerned... I just watched it. When Yunzhi practiced acupuncture, she remembered that this nine-day needle would only learn from her."

The story has been compiled, then Qin Fang can only continue to edit the scalp. Anyway, this matter is a matter of more than a decade ago. No one wants to find out if it is true. Qin is not afraid of being Demolition, especially the nine-needle that he has mastered is really there.

It’s just that...the nine needles that have been pointed out are lost, and it’s obviously not already passed on to the world.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect..."

Ma Lao is very excited. The look of Qin Fang has become quite awkward. "Xiao Qin, do you still remember how to use it now?"

The Qin side was slightly stunned, and some looked at Ma Lao.

"You don't misunderstand, I don't mean anything else, just want to see if this kind of stitching is..." Seeing the expression of Qin Fang, Ma Lao immediately waved his hand and said.

The Ma Jia's A-Jin method has been hidden as a baby, let alone the top needle of the nine-needle, Ma Lao immediately said very embarrassed.

"This... I may not use it well!"

Qin Fang hesitated a bit, he has already met the acupuncture method, and under the intermediate acupuncture, there should be no small capacity. The story he just compiled also gives Qin Fang a room for advancement and retreat, but there is not so much worry. .

Going to the acupuncture and copper people, this bronze man is obviously very old. It is a copy of the acupuncture and copper people of Song Dynasty. It was made in the late Qing Dynasty and was prepared by the Ma family for practicing acupuncture for future generations. When you live in acupuncture points, as long as the position of the acupuncture is accurate, you can get in. As for the grasp of the force, the mercury inside flows out.

Of course, if the nine-needle is really there, the use of this kind of copper can not be tested, as long as it is actually used on people.

It’s just that Qin Fang is not a doctor. Ma Lao is not likely to find a patient for the Qin Fang experiment.

However, this is not a solution. Qin Fang slightly indulged, and suddenly turned up the waves in his mind, and soon there will be results.

"Ma Lao, I have to apply the needle... Although the name of the nine-needle is back to the sky, it has the effect of returning to the sky. But the same, it also has the ability to kill, such as... acupuncture Baihui, dumb door , atrium, wind pool and other dead points!"

Speaking of this, Qin Fang’s words stopped, his wrists shook slightly, and the silver needle in his hand quickly penetrated the copper man’s wind pool.


The people only heard that this acupuncture copper man suddenly made such a muffled sound, and then saw that the mercury in the heads of the copper people's head actually broke through the wax, and it looked quite a bit bleed.

Including the Qin party, all four people are dumbfounded. It is such a situation that is too surprising. Since the acupuncture and copper people have been passed down to the world, I have never heard of the acupuncture and copper people who can make the copper people "seven." bleeding.

Just now, Qin Fang’s display back to the Tianjiu Needle is indeed in line with the inner workings of the body. It only allows the Qin side to have a sense of help. The movement is very smooth and there is no sense of guilt. It’s like his return to the sky. Innate, already very familiar.

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