Omni Genius

Chapter 2261: Exhausted to death!

The second outbreak, seeking subscription, monthly ticket ~~~~



At this time, I only heard a muffled sound, and then suddenly opened a hole in the ground... This kind of movement is also scared that Babs directly flies away and hides far away, as if afraid of being Hit like. .


Barbos soon stopped, because from the hole... directly drilled out a person!

Of course, it is Qin Fang!

Almost as he rushed out of the ground, the strange power attached to him disappeared, and Qin’s body control returned to his own body, immediately tumbling several times in midair. Then it settled down on the ground.

At this time, Babs also saw the face of Qin Fang...

"You are not dead?"

Babbs is also looking at Qin Fang with a look of horror. The surprise in his eyes is also very obvious... Qin Fang has been buried a deep underground in his life, even if his strength is indeed much stronger than the average person, but this is the case. For a long time, I am absolutely dead.


Qin Fang is not only good now, it seems that there is no damage!

The most crucial point... The relationship between Qin Fang and this silver-footed kitten seems to be much closer than he is!

"You haven't died yet, how can I die so easily?"

Qin Fang smiled and said with a look of disappointment... Then, slowly walking towards the silver-footed kitten, this silver-footed kitten is stronger than him, but he does not know how much, but to him. It is very caring.

Of course, this may be related to the fact that Qin Fang has helped it a lot...

No matter what, the silver-footed kitten is now standing on his side of the Qin side, then Qin Fang will naturally take advantage of it.


Babosi was also stunned by Qin Fang, and he pointed his finger at Qin Fang. He could "you" for a long time, and couldn’t say anything... but he noticed the appearance of Qin Fang and the silver-footed kitten. Suddenly reacted, "You pit me!"

"Oh... all said that the barbarian’s brain is not good. I haven’t thought so before. Now it seems, I’m not deceiving me!”

The smile on the face of Qin Fang is even more splendid, and Barbose is satirically satirized.

If it is possible to use a mouth gun to smother Babbs, Qin Fang will never regret his saliva...

In the face of the irony of the Qin side, Babs is angry, but it does not lose his mind. Just look at the silver-footed kitten that looks at him. All his anger and threats can only be returned to him.

"What do you want?"

At this time, Babosi did not have the tyrannical arrogance and arrogance of the previous ones... It was replaced by fear and worry, and there was still a lot of shame. He was a strong man, but now he has to be a great master of Qin Fang. The masters are humble and knee-high, think about it and feel awkward!

"What do I want? Hahaha..."

Qin Fang smiled, smiled quite brilliantly, smiled quite evilly, and then the face suddenly changed, becoming too gloomy, and the mouth was almost gnashing, "I want to I want your life..."


Babs was also shocked by the sinister eyes of Qin Fang. The body instinct was tightened, and all the strengths of the whole body began to condense. Obviously, he was also wary of the attack by Qin Fang...

Of course, it is better to be wary of the silver-footed kitten than to be wary of the Qin side.

This kitten is now curled up at the foot of Qin Fang, slowly lingering on the roots of heaven and earth, it can not tell the meaning, but ... whoever dares to underestimate its existence, its strength, then it will definitely eat big Loss.

"What's wrong with me?"

Qin Fang laughed again. "It seems that you forgot... Just how long ago, how did you treat me? How did you cross the river to break the bridge and kill people? Is it so fast that you have forgotten everything? ?"

The face of Babs at the moment is also very ugly, how can he forget what he just did.

Originally, this was just a trivial little thing. He didn’t know how many times he had done it. He never had an accident... But this time he lost his hand, or he didn’t even think he would be pitted to this point. .

Qin Fangxuan’s slaps him to refine, but he has no way at all.

"Young people, everything is good to discuss... The thing just happened is that I have done a bad job! We can completely reveal it. I can give you compensation that makes you satisfied enough! How about the inner king of the beastmaster, I am Go and chase the king of the beast..."

After Babbes was silent for a while, it was also a good word.

It seems that I really have to give up the cost, even the conditions have been opened...

"Inner Dan of the Beastmaster? It’s really worth the money..."

Qin Fang couldn't help but laugh, but without waiting for Babs to continue to speak, he turned his voice. "Do you think... I will care? Look at what this is?"

Babosi’s eyes suddenly looked awkward, and the expression on his face was completely lost!

Because at this moment, Qin Fang’s hand is holding an inner Dan... a Nei Dan who is the king of the peak of the beast, and there is a little blood on it, which is enough to show that this is the giant elephant that Barbos has just tried to get. The inner king of the Beastmaster.

Taking out this inner Dan, Qin Fang is also very embarrassed.

However, in order to stimulate Babs, Qin Fang can only get rid of it...

The silver-footed kitten just glanced at it lazily, and then it seemed to have nothing to see at all. He continued to lie lazily and squatted with the roots of heaven and earth, and had a little interest in the inner king of the king of the beast. Can't lift it.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang was also a lot easier in the moment.

However, the other side is different!


Babs really has the urge to vomit blood. The reason why he collided with the Supreme Spirit, is it for this inner Dan? But he never imagined that Nei Dan was still in the hands of Qin Fang, but he was designed by Qin Fang to fall into the hands of the supreme beast...

"Is it very disappointing? Is it very angry? Do you want to kill me? You come to kill me..."

Seeing the face of Babs, the Qin side is a ridiculous ridicule, even deliberately holding that Nedan to play the old guy of Babs!

"You...deceive too much!"

Barbose was really mad, and that face was instantly changed from iron blue to blue-violet. On the forehead, there was a swell of blue veins, and there was a terrible stun of the whole body.

If he is still trying to suppress it, he may be exploding!

"Cheat you... what can you do?"

However, Qin Fang did not take his feelings at all, still screaming with a smile! It is clear that his affairs are much weaker than that of Babs, but now it is a step by step oppressing the living space of Babs, and almost forced him to a dead end.

"It's a big deal... the fish is dead!"

Babbath’s face was also very red, and it seemed that it was about to spurt the fire. At this moment, it was the anger to the extreme... but the situation was stronger than the people, and he could not say anything. At most, it can only be such a weak threat.

"The fish is dead?"

Qin Fang snorted with a disdainful sigh, and then squinted at Barbose, swearing at the face, "Oh... are you worthy?"


Babs was anxious, and rushed straight up against the blood. He couldn’t resist it. He sprayed it directly... A **** fog was scattered in front of Babs, and the scene was quite spectacular. Even Qin Fang shocked.

"Too cow! It is not the supreme power, even the vomiting blood is such a domineering..."

Qin Fang also quickly erected a thumb, very exclamatory praise.


The result is... Babosi spit out another blood. This time is not a blood fog, but a blood arrow. The force that is ejected is still quite powerful. It is almost a hidden weapon, and it strikes the throat of Qin Fang. coming.


However, Qin Fang did not see this little action in his eyes. The body of the body was shocked, and a suffocating sigh immediately emerged. The blood arrow was broken in the air. There is no chance to touch the body of Qin.

This scene also fell into the eyes of Babs, but also let his pupils search a little.

Continuously spit two blood, even if Babs is the supreme powerhouse, the face at that moment is also a lot pale, looks sick, and the gap between the previous arrogant and arrogant style is too big!

The breath and mental state are much worse, and the strength of Babs is also depleted!

In addition, he was injured by the silver-footed kitten before, and the double injury is so superimposed that the overall strength of Babs has dropped a lot!

Of course, even so, Qin Fang is still not an opponent of Babosi!

"Deceive too much! I am fighting with you..."

However, Babs seems to be seeing it. Qin Fang definitely does not intend to give him a living path. There is a silver-footed kitten next to him. If Babs can’t make a point, then his ending is destined to be one. The tragedy.

It’s hard to get mixed with the status of cultivation and nowadays. Barbos doesn’t want to die here...

For the silver-footed kitten, he dare not do it again, and it is completely equal to finding death!

But for the Qin Dynasty, there is no chance at all, as long as he can win the Qin side in the blink of an eye, then he has the qualification to negotiate with the silver-footed kitten... He can see that the silver-footed kitten Relatives to the Qin side, although he does not know the real reason, but this is already his chance to survive!

Wherever I still care so much, I launched the most violent attack on the Qin side directly... (To be continued.)

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