Omni Genius

Chapter 241: Turn the tide

Chapter 241, to turn the tide

Seeing this sudden road roller, Qin Fang knows Gu Tong’s plan. If he hits it like this, let’s say that Qin Fang has 20 health points. It is estimated that 200 points are not necessarily enough.

In the face of such a crisis that is almost completely irreparable, Qin Fang did not have much tension.

All the spirits are highly concentrated, and the steering wheel in the hand is very smooth.

Gu Tong’s car has slowed down and gradually stopped. He is waiting to watch the show. He wants to watch Qin’s car crash into a meatloaf. Anyway, if Qin Fang is really dead, he has a way to get away. Not nervous at all.

The position where the roller was parked was very clever, leaving a small section of the road to pass through, but the result was destined to be a car that fell off the cliff, and it is estimated that there is no difference between it and the direct collision.

Gu Tong, the driver of the road roller seems to have been able to predict that Qin’s car was ruined. Porsche is getting closer and closer to the huge steel roller of the roller, and it’s coming to an intimate contact.

But when it was about to hit, Qin Fang suddenly dialed the steering wheel and saw that this Porsche suddenly made a strange and extreme action.

Porsche suddenly turned over before hitting the roller, and it was not turned to the front, it was backwards...

Anyone who has played table tennis should know that you can play a spinning ball that makes the ball torsion. When the ball is twisted to a certain extent, it will rotate back, so that the final landing position will be deflected. .

It’s just that everyone didn’t think that such a principle could actually be used on a racing car.

When Porsche was about to hit the roller, it suddenly overturned, and the acceleration of the forward turned directly into the speed of the backwards, which quickly rolled back.


It’s really weird that Gu’s peers are stunned by such a scene.

It was just that the surprise was not over yet, and it was seen that the Porsche of Qin Fang quickly came over to Lamborghini.


Just a few seconds before and after, Gu Tong once again sighed, as if Qin had no time to step on the brakes, Gu Tong did not have time to back up, the only thing that can sit is to open the door, and to the outside is a flutter .


Porsche was squatting on Lamborghini's car. This kind of impact force suddenly made such an absolutely perfect sports car instantly turn into a pile of scrap metal.

Of course, the Porsche that Qin Fang drove was also seriously affected.

Only the Qin side still climbed out of the car intact.

"Paralyzed, kill him..."

Gu Tong was not light, and saw that his car was scrapped, and it was already distressing. However, he did not expect that Qin Fang would not die. At this time, the two men on the road roller also came down, and immediately ordered the road. .

"Gutong, you want to kill me like this bear?"

Qin Fang is very calm and faces these two strong men, but it is only slightly stronger than the average person. It is barely a quasi-level 2 product. The only advantage is that both guys have knives.

"Kid, let's send you on the road..."

A fiercely ugly guy smirked and rushed over to the Qin side with a knife. Apparently he had already received the order of Gu Tong, and he had to kill the Qin Fang directly.

"is it?"

Qin Fang was grinning and laughing. When the arm moved, the other party only felt a flower in front of him, and the hand was light, but Qin Fang’s hand suddenly had a knife.

And the cup is still behind, Qin Fang's wrist is gently shaken, a knife has been deeply tied to the unlucky thigh.


The screams of screaming shook the forest, but the area of ​​Longquan Mountain was really very large. Even such a night was only a faint sound, but it could not be too far.


Almost the front and rear feet, the other guy did not escape, the same is the knife on the thigh.

For these two guys who are ready to kill themselves, Qin Fang is not at all polite.

He is not murdered, but the two knives go down. These two guys can't die, and one leg has been abolished. It is destined to be a blind man for the rest of his life.

"Don't... don't kill me!"

Seeing that the two men who have always relied on him were so easily abandoned by Qin Fang, Gu Tong knew that he was afraid at this time. When talking about the car, his technique is really good, but it is really impossible to fight.

"kill you?"

Qin Fang sneered, "I am a good person, how can this kind of thing be done?"

Of course, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to kill Gu Tong now. He made a big bet to buy himself, a bet of 1.5 million, and a profit of 4 million. He killed Gu Tong and asked him to go to whom. Want?

Qin Fang not only did not kill Gu Tong, but the **** knife was put into the hands of Gu Tong, and then slowly walked back to the Porsche next to it, actually slowly found the repair tools from the trunk, just like this The imperial one built a car in front of Gu Tong.

Gu Tong took a knife in his hand and looked at Qin Fang, who was repairing the car there. His heart flashed a stern color and hesitated to take two steps forward.

"I would like to advise you that if you really don't want to kill me, I don't mind self-defense and killing..." Qin Fang did not return, but said very calmly.


The knife in Gu Tong’s hand suddenly fell on the ground, obviously he was really scared by Qin Fang.

Qin Fang just smiled lightly, but did not pay attention to the same, but concentrated on repairing the car. I saw that Ning Weiqiang did not keep up with their cars. It is obvious that they have already retired, and now only ten people are left. And Gu Tong two people.

Unfortunately, Lamborghini has become a pile of scrap iron. Although Porsche is a little better, it has already reached the end of scrapping.

However, Qin Fang had a strong repairing skill. It took a few minutes to repair the almost scrapped sports car.

"Gutong, I am waiting for you at the foot of the mountain... Don't forget my bonus!"

In the midst of a roar, Qin Fang continued the game with the dilapidated Porsche.

"How has it not yet appeared?"

"Yeah! It’s been a long time..."

"Isn't it going to be an accident?"

Originally, the audience was very annoyed when there was no live broadcast at the most intense time. However, the sight of Porsche and Lamborghini was not seen for such a long time, and the audience immediately became anxious.

"Is it really wrong?"

Ning Weiqiang is also very worried. If Qin Fang really has an accident, his conscience must be unwilling to go. It is equal to the fact that he personally sent Qin Fang to the road of no return.

"Master, there must be nothing!"

Ding Chuchu seems to be very worried about the Qin side. Although the time spent with him is very short, but the Qin side has a very trusting dependence, the more time this time drags on, the more nervous her heart is.

"Wow, it's out! It's finally out..."

When Qin Shi’s already severely deformed Porsche once again appeared on the led screen, everyone screamed excitedly.

Although they were very surprised at what happened during this time, but look at the Porsche's shape, it is definitely an accident.

"It's a master! It's a master! The master is fine..."

Although the Porsche has been completely deformed at this time, but the silver Porsche and the yellow Lamborghini are very well recognized, obviously not yellow, then the Porsche of Qin Fang, Ding Chuchu immediately screamed excitedly, and next to Ning Weiqiang’s face also showed a smile of relief and relaxation.

Qin Fang won, then Gu Tong naturally failed. The people on the side of the parking lot immediately sent a rescue team to save people. In fact, they didn’t have to say that Gu Tong’s phone had already been called, even when Qin Fang was driving. When the car arrived at the end, Gu Tong was one step ahead of him.

However, the final winner is still undoubtedly Qin.

Except for only a few people, no one knows what happened during that time. Both Qin Fang and Gu Tong are tight-lipped about this. The audience only hit two cars and the road was too fierce. Together, this tragedy was brewed.

To this end, there are several drivers who participated in the finals regretted, and they are complaining that if they continue to insist, the ultimate winner is definitely not Qin.

Of course, if he really does this, he will not be able to make him succeed, but other people will certainly despise him very much.

Each of these people is not bad, but the face is more important than anything. If you lose, you lose. If you lose, you will win. If you win in this way, you will not be able to mix in the car industry in Ninghai. It is.

"Qin Shao, it really is the first-class car technology, Gu admire!"

Gu Tong is still the same as the original. When he and the Qin side shook hands to congratulate, the face was still able to hang a smile, but the faint blue veins showed that the mood was very angry and depressed at this time.

"Gu is too polite! That... still pays bonuses and bets to check out!"

Gu Tong will cover up, Qin Fang is not bad, the smile on his face is really not a general splendour, this tone is really too cool, and this sentence is already in the heart of Gu Tong. The wound was smashed with a handful of salt.

If hundreds of people are watching now, Gu Tong will definitely send everyone to kill Qin Fang alive, but when he thinks about the sternness of Qin Fang’s knife, Gu Tong can’t help but tremble.

"Yes, Gu, I have made a million dollars, and you have to pay me quickly..."

Ding Chuchu’s gimmick was not a general difficulty. When he saw a face of Gu Tie’s face, he immediately jumped out from the side, and smashed his knife in front of his face. Wrong, it should be a machine gun directly. To Gu Tong is a sweep...

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