Omni Genius

Chapter 2356: Lushan Jianzong secret treasure!

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"I don't care about this..."

Qin Fang is posing at the wave. "I really hope that our two sides can cooperate sincerely, then I will take this box to me... By the time, the benefits of successful cooperation will be given, you can have priority!"


Hearing this word, Bilbados’s eyes also flashed a trace of fineness, seemingly slightly heart-shaped.

"Mr. Qin, this condition... I can't give you a positive answer for the time being, I can only say that I will try my best to fight for it!"

Silence for a moment, Bilbaodos also said, "But I hope that even if I can't bring what you need, I still give me a chance to cooperate... or, if I change another one, I can do it. The conditions are also OK!"

It can be seen that Bilbados seems very enthusiastic and urgent about the ambush of the Holy See with the Qin side. Not only is the posture very low, but even some conditions are biased as much as possible. square.

"This time to say it, I am waiting for your message..."

Qin Fang will not be so easy to loosen, just put a wave of his hand, and said with care, "Since you have the news, I believe this time is also very fast, you can hurry a little..."

"I know, I am not a European. If the Holy See is too powerful, I can pat my **** back to the Dragon... There is my place, the Holy See’s power is big, and I dare not go to the Dragon to deal with it. I!"

This is also the place where Qin Fang has no fear...

The original battle. Bilbaos is still fresh in memory. Although the Qin side did not dispatch too much powerful combat power, he was not so calm when he thought of the powerful Zongmen that Qin Fang might stand behind.

Known as the "four emperors" of the world's strongest, his teacher and father-in-law, Dark Emperor Summerfield, is one, but the other three are all Dragons...

Although the Holy See is very strong, the pope with the hand-carved artifact is not as strong as the "four emperors", but he is also more arrogant on his own territory, on the ground of the Dragon Kingdom. He is also a dragon, but he has to be lying on his head.

A huge and mysterious dragon country. I don’t know how many great powers are hidden. Even his teacher, Dark Emperor Summerpher, once admitted that their four emperors are not really invincible, and there are stronger and less powerful people who can’t hide them... It is most likely to say where. The mysterious Eastern ancient country dragon country is not allowed!

There are many secrets to be developed on earth. There are also some on the European side. But the eight secrets recognized by the whole earth, three of them are located in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom... and these three secrets are the wild secrets, the Kunlun secrets, and the Penglai secrets. They rank extremely high in the eight secrets. Split the first, third and sixth places.

Relatively speaking, Europe is much weaker, the Nordic Odin secret, the ancient Greek Olympus mountain secrets of the Mediterranean... The former ranks eighth, belonging to the mysteriously degraded, the latter ranked higher in the end, Fourth place, but strictly speaking, it is not entirely European.

The Holy See’s power is great, but it belongs to the holy mountain of the Holy See’s origin. It ranks fifth, but it has been closed for countless years, and the secret place is in the hands of one of the Holy See’s sects... This pulse is not all the way.

This is also why the major forces in the Western world have never lacked the supreme power, but they have never been able to walk out of the strongest... The foundation is more powerful, but the foundation is insufficient.

His teacher, Dark Emperor Summerfield, had never had an adventure, and he might not be able to reach the level of the "four emperors"...

The Qin Dynasty is young, and it is about twenty years old. It is already the level of supreme level. It is so talent that it can’t be simply described as “genius” and “enchanting”. It is completely a metamorphosis.

It is absolutely not easy to teach such a perverted strong master, Zongmen...

What is even more frightening is that such young people, the future achievements must be infinite. Bilbaodos is also consciously tying the Qin side, so that when the Qin party really grows up in the future, there is such a relationship. It is also very good for him.

His teacher, Dark Emperor Summerfield, is still alive today, and he can naturally control the Dark Council, and he can save him nothing, but once he has an "accident," the entire Dark Council will be in turmoil, his Bilbao. Whether Sis can save his life is a big problem.

The power of the Dark Council is far less powerful than that of the Holy See, but the Supreme Powerhouse does not lose much of the Holy See. There are really a few mid-term powerhouses like Bilbaos, almost all of which are more than him. A lot of powerful.

For example, the Swift family mentioned by Qin Fang...

The old William and Swift strength of the owner reached the late stage of the supreme, and William and Swift have already entered the early stage of the supreme, and it will take a few years to advance to the middle of the supreme.

"I don't think it's going to be such a treasure from the Swift family..."

With such a problem, Bilbados left the manor hidden by Qin Fang. In the next few days, he would have to spend a lot of energy on this matter. Who would let Qin Fang hold this?

"Dark Council... Hehehe... As long as you can bring things to me, cooperation may not be possible!"

Bilbados is gone, but Qin Fang still smiles and screams there.

He didn't tell Bilbados why he didn't want this guy to be greedy.

There is nothing in the box. In this world, I am afraid that the people who know it will add up to no more than three people. Among them, there is a Qin party... The remaining two are also very much with the Qin side. Intimate contact.

"The Shushan Jianzong's fascinating school, can you be so bright and clear?"

Qin Fang muttered to himself.

If such a sentence is heard by other sword masters, these people will definitely be fiercely killed to the Swift family. Even if the family master is like a cloud, they will not be able to stop their ambitions.

Yes, the casket of the Swift family, which is filled with the dragon country for thousands of years, was later disbanded and disintegrated by the martial arts of Lushan Jianzong.

At that time, the Jianshan Jianzong fell apart and completely disappeared. The disciples under the door divided up many treasures and secret techniques of the Zongmen, but the swordsmanship of the Shushan swordsmanship was not known.

For hundreds of years, countless masters have been searching for this set of lost stunts, and even tempted to dig up the tomb of a sacred lord of Lushan. I don’t know how many people have died.

However, Qin Fang learned from a certain channel that this set of stunts had been secretly sent away before the split of Lushan, and then passed down in many hands for many years, eventually falling into the palace.

It was not until a hundred years ago that the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded, and this set of stunts was taken away by the ancestors of the Swift family...

Knowing this secret, there are only a few people in Xu family...

One of them is Qin Jiao’s woman Xu Jiao, and the other is Xu’s current owner, Xu Laozi... Xu’s family is a branch of the Shushan Jianzong, but in fact, some Xu people once served in the palace’s inner library, once saw After the corresponding list, I learned the whereabouts of Yu Jian.

Unfortunately, without waiting for the Xu master to steal this set of secrets from the inner library, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded, and knocked on the inner library, took away this set of secret skills and swordsmanship...

However, the brocade box of Yu Jianshu is made with very rare ice black iron... This is a very hard extraterrestrial meteorite that is almost indestructible and cannot be destroyed at all.

Moreover, this brocade box has been arranged by the masters of the most powerful nine-heavenly star locks. I don’t know the means of opening, not the top-level masters of the institution. Don’t expect to open this box.

Using modern methods to brute force, there is only one consequence, and it is forcibly killed by the aggressive array attached to the agency lock... Even the box is equipped with a self-destruction mechanism, which will automatically destroy the cheats of the swordsmanship inside!

It is precisely because of this that Qin Fang can be sure that although the Swift family got this box, it is absolutely impossible to open it... As long as it has not been completely destroyed, Qin Fang still hopes to get it back. .

The box was in the hands of the Swift family 100 years ago. At that time, the technology was far less developed than it is now. I believe they have already given up the opening of this box, and even it has been discarded in the Swift family’s treasure house. I have been eating ash for hundreds of years.

Qin Fang suddenly asked for this box, which will inevitably cause the Swift family to be vigilant, but this is the problem that Bilbados has to deal with... If you can't get this box, don't expect to cooperate with Qin.

Although Qin does not know what Bilbados is playing, he can be sure that this cooperation will ambush the Holy See and will definitely benefit Bilbaos. Otherwise, it will not say "dividing the interests" in the Qin Dynasty. When the initiative was handed over to Bilbaos, he had such a strong reaction.

For such interests, Qin Fang is not too valued.

The things that the dark parliament looks at are inevitably not simple, but compared with the martial arts skills of the ancestral swords of the ancestors... unless the Holy See uses the handed down artifacts, the Qin side will not look up.

He even destroyed the guns, and the other three artifacts were nothing more than that.

Of course, if this time the Holy See really used three artifacts, Qin Fang wouldn’t mind robbing it... The holy blood contained in the artifacts is still very attractive to Qin.

However, from the reaction of Bilbaos, the possibility of these three artifacts is not particularly large... The Qin side is pondering, but it seems that the Holy See may be the secret treasure of the Dark Council! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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