Omni Genius

Chapter 2366: Be smart!

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A small town in the middle of the Eagle Kingdom.

It used to be the territory and hometown of a famous Earl of the Eagle Country... The Earl family had already moved to London to live, leaving only a vacant castle and some simple servants to clean it.

But today, this castle has stayed in a person... a black-haired dragon!

"Don't really say that this castle is really good!"

The Qin side also simply walked away in the old castle and visited it. This can't help but admire it.

He didn't know the owner of the castle, but he lived in a big swing.

The reason is very simple. This castle is deliberately arranged by Bilbaos... The location is relatively far more remote than the metropolis like London, but it is also an excellent ambush location.

"Unfortunately the darkness here is too heavy..."

Almost as soon as I entered this place, Qin easily felt a little strange smell. After careful investigation, I found out that this castle was located in a dark atmosphere with a strong atmosphere.

The darkness is a bit like the kind of extreme yin, but it is slightly different... The masters of the Dark Council will regard this as a "blessed land" and a "holy land", but for the people of the light department, here is It is what makes them extremely annoying.

"Perhaps, this is why Bilbaodos chose to ambush the Holy See here..."

The Qin side is also understandable.

However, he was also secretly minded in his heart.

Although this ambush operation is the cooperation between him and Bilbaos, but from the perspective of Bilbaos's forbearance and planning, this guy may not have played other ideas.

In such a dark and rich place. The strength of the dark parliament will have a bonus of two to three percent... and the strength of the Holy See will be weakened by two to three percent. Under this circumstance, the gap between the two sides will be magnified a lot.

Although these dark breaths have not had much impact on the Qin side, they also feel some uncomfortable, if Bilbaodos has the heart to calculate his words. He must also be careful to be wary.

"Mr. Qin, the next thing, please ask everything to follow our planned actions..."

Bilbados has also sneaked into the reserved position with the master of the Dark Council, and hides himself... The eyes here are dark and breathless, but they cover up the breath of Bilbados and others. Even the Holy See master who is extremely sensitive to the darkness. It is also estimated that it is difficult to find these people in Bilbaos!

Qin Fang does not care about this. His task is very simple... Eat it, drink it, sleep, sleep, do nothing, wait for the Holy See to appear.

The ambush of the Holy See master is completely handed over to Bilbados for processing...

Of course, Qin Fang has already agreed to Bilbados. When the dark parliament appeared to be incapable, he was "obligated" to help Bilbados and others... The distribution of interests naturally tilted toward the Qin side.

There are not many people in the castle, and they add up to a dozen. They are all workers in the castle... housekeepers, chefs, drivers, gardeners, servants, etc. Qin’s current identity is equivalent to the castle. The most distinguished guests of the owner received the warm hospitality of these people.

These people are hired by the owner of the castle. They are all ordinary people, and they don’t even know what might happen next...

Although Qin Fang knows, but it is impossible to tell these people... Once everyone is not very familiar, can't talk about friendship, and secondly, it is not clear whether these people are also deliberately arranged by Bilbaos.

No one has no reason, Qin Fang does not want to destroy this plan!

In the old castle, the Qin side is relaxed and comfortable, just like a vacation outside...

Originally, he planned to take the opportunity to study the sword-making furnace that he had just got the hand, and found out its function. Qin Fang can also recast the sword of the stream... Obviously, time is not enough.

This sword-making furnace is nominally the ancestral treasure of the Wanjian Mountain Villa, which is a branch of thousands of branches. However, it was handed down by the masters of Ouyezi, and Wanjian Villa only inherited it and opened up some functions.

When Qin Fang got his hand, the investigation skills were carefully detected. The top of the sword furnace seems to have been sealed by some powerful and mysterious power, and a large part of the function has been sealed.

Running the sword, you can use this sword-casting furnace to cast a weapon similar to the level of the sword of the shadow sword... But it is not enough to cast the super-deity of the top ten soldiers.

Although this time Qin Fang recasts on the basis of the Shadow Sword, it also needs to open the magic effect of the sword-making furnace. The success rate will be very large... Otherwise, even if the materials are complete, there may be some accidents. of.

Failure is unlikely, but the final re-casting of the sacred sword will reach a level, which is not so good!

Therefore, Qin Fang needs to use his own blood to warm the cast sword furnace, familiarize with some of its performance, and then open its seal, which can really recast the flow sword!

Of course, if this seal is completely turned on, the sword-burning furnace is not as simple as a giant tripod in front of it. It is very likely to become a general artifact.

"The people of the Holy See have come..."

When the news of Bilbaos came, Qin Fang was also a little excited.

"It seems that the people in the Holy See are much more urgent than I thought..."

It was not long before Qin Fanggang went to Yingguo, that is, he went to Baijia to take the sword-burning furnace. The masters of the Holy See have already rushed to catch up, showing how urgent these people are.

As for the reason...

"Black cloud wing..."

Qin Fang is not stupid. It is one of the reasons for revenge for several paladins, but the real purpose is obviously to fall into the black cloud wing in the hands of Qin Fang... that is, the wing of angels recognized by Randolph.

"Since you are not afraid of robbing, I don't have to be polite..."

Into the Qin Fang's hand, there is no reason to give it to others in vain, not to mention the fact that the other party is not a polite request to return, but to be strong and strong to grab, it is even more difficult to satisfy Qin.

When Qin Fang went to the gate of the old castle and planned to go to the sun in the yard, Vieri had already led the brigade's brigade.

Vieri and his 12 commanding paladins, all of them are in place.

In addition to this, there are also glory knights, referees of the heresy referee...

Archbishop Aino of the Eagle State Diocese, apparently not idle, also sent a 20-member battle squad... The leader is also a Paladin master!

"Head of Vieri, the man is hiding in this castle..."

The Paladin Becker, who was sent by Aino, was responsible for leading the Holy See. He went directly to the gate of the estate where the castle was located... pointing to the castle that was at least 400 years old.

"This castle..."

Vieri looked at the old castle far away, and his brows were gently wrinkled.

Vieri is a tall, strong white man, the typical French man's blue eyes, micro-volume hair, wearing a black priest's suit, giving a rather powerful feeling.

"According to the news I got, this castle was once owned by the Earl of Martin, but thirty years ago, the Count of Martin moved to London, and the castle was bought by a mysterious man."

"But, in the past 30 years, few people have known who the owner of this castle is... even if it is a housekeeper who has worked in the castle for decades!"

"It seems that it should have been bought by a dragon country..."

Becker reported some information and information he had received to Vieri.

The Eagle State is the site of the Archbishop of Aino. As the number one warrior of the Archbishop of Aino, Becker also has great power. It is not particularly difficult to understand the information of this castle.

"The breath of darkness... I feel the breath of darkness..."

Vieri did not ignore Becker's words, looking at the old castle not far away, he also muttered to himself.

"The breath of darkness..."

Becker was next to him, naturally heard clearly, and was slightly surprised, and then subconsciously said, "Lord Vieri, you mean... is this a nest in the Dark Council?"

So far away, Vieri felt the darkness of the atmosphere, which is enough to show that the darkness of the castle is very rich... then it is very likely that this is a nest of the Dark Council!

Although the Dark Council is quite concealed, it has almost always survived under the eye of the Holy See, but such a nest appeared on the site of Archbishop Aino, and Becker’s face was quite unsightly.

To say something serious, this is completely his dereliction of duty...

It is no wonder that his face will become so ugly at the moment!


Vieri made a wave of his hand and denied it.

"This dark atmosphere is quite rich and pure, it is a pure natural darkness... and it is very different from the darkness of the darkness of the parliament!"

As the Holy See's supreme powerhouse, the deputy head of the Knights of the Light, who have been dealing with the heretics of the Dark Council for many years, Vieri is too familiar with the atmosphere of those in the Dark Council.

Even if the distance is a bit far, the darkness is not so strong, he can clearly distinguish the difference between natural and unnatural darkness...

"It seems that our enemy from the Dragon Kingdom is much smarter than we think..."

It was because of the distinction that Vieri made up his own brain, and there was a big smile at the corner of his mouth, thinking that he had guessed the truth of the truth.

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