Omni Genius

Chapter 2405: He is known to his hometown!

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"Solacy's waste valued it, mostly to please the Temple of the Sea..."

Qin Fang did not know how Solasi recognized this thing, but the purpose of Solasi, the Qin side is vaguely guessable... Although the sea **** temple does not participate in hegemony, it does not occupy any territory, but it is very "rich".

It’s no exaggeration to describe the Temple of the Sea with “Fat Oil”...

On the whole earth, the only force that is entrenched in the sea, only this sea **** temple!

The ocean on earth, almost every inch has the footprints of the Temple of the Sea... They sent masters to find the presence of Atlantis in the waters everywhere, failed to find the ancestral land, but found many treasures.

Because of the treasures and abundant resources, the strength of the Temple of the Seas will be quite terrible... It is also a place in the underground world, but it really does not belong to the power of the Western world.

The Temple of the Sea has once offered a reward in the underground world...

Anything related to Atlantis, regardless of its value, can be exchanged from the Temple of the Sea to the equivalent or value-for-money treasures... including some lost secrets, potions, and even beasts.

Solasi is nothing but a waste. His position in the mountain is very low. He is almost a small character who does not enter the stream. However, he has a "big mountain" on his head, and he definitely wants to come out.

Unfortunately, this wish is really difficult to achieve...

The Temple of the Sea is perhaps his hope!

It is a pity that the treasure is in sight. He couldn't get it... He could only watch the treasures being taken away, but he himself had to pay a terrible price for his stupid actions.

The reason why Qin Fang did not directly kill Solasi. Not afraid of offending Apollo or the mountains of the gods behind Solasi... As soon as he made Solasi into that look, he was already offended.

And there is no killer, because Qin Fang finds that there is already a strong terrorist in the holy city who is eyeing him...

Qin Fang fully believes that as long as he poisons Solaxi, the strong man will start with him... The test of the Holy Mountain has not yet begun, and Qin Fang does not want to make extra-budgets, so he has spared a life of Solasi.


In the next two days, young players from all over the world. It is also the arrival of the Holy City in succession... At the same time, the sacred mountains are gradually showing up.

After all, some of the trials are young, but their identity is quite simple...

Like King Arthur, the sun **** Apollo, the Holy See Peter, the Odin **** Thunder Thor, the Masonic minor, the younger brother of the Demon sect, and an acquaintance of the Qin dynasty... Li Wuhua of Tian Wai Lou.

"Qin Fang?"

When Li Wuhua saw the Qin side, he also felt very surprised. "You also received an invitation?"

Judgingly, Qin Fang is the first of the five factions. The sacred mountain department issued an invitation to the Zhengdao Alliance, the first one should be sent to the Qin side...

However, Li Wuhua knows that although the Zhengdao Alliance is a generation of heroes, but because of age and other reasons, it is slightly weaker than other young powerhouses on the planet. So this time only he was invited!

There is no reason for him...

"You are so advanced to the status quo..."

When Qin Fang noticed the strength of Li Wuhua, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

If he remembers correctly, just a few months ago, when the five factions were compared, Li Wuhua was also in the middle of the powerful master class...

"Thank you for your original Nirvana..."

Speaking of it. Li Wuhua also expressed his gratitude to the Qin side. "Nirvana succeeded. So the bottlenecks were almost wiped out. I also broke through all the way, and successfully entered the supreme world not long ago..."

The value of Nirvana is no longer under Qinglongdan... but hesitating that the scope of its use is too small, so in the eyes of many people, it is far less than Qinglongdan!

However, for the original Li Wuhua, Nirvana was more than a hundred times stronger than Qinglongdan... After breaking down, he began to leap forward, the speed of advancement was extremely fast, but the foundation was quite solid, and It won't be unstable because of rapid advancement.

However, such a horrible advancement speed is only from the middle of the big division, even the late stage, the peak and then directly advanced to the esteem... The original Li Wuhua has been very terrible, almost has a half step The cultivation of the Supreme Realm is broken, and the progress is made. It is not impossible to enter the supreme position!

"You are a pervert..."

When Li Wuhua sensed the strength of Qin Fang, he couldn’t help but vomit a bad sentence. "I thought that the speed of my advancement was already invincible, but I didn't expect you to be more embarrassed than me..."

At the beginning of the war, Qin Fang had not yet entered the rank of the Grand Master!

In the district master level, he swept all other geniuses and succeeded in winning the first place of the five factions... But how long has it been, it has been advanced to half-step to the respect of the situation, it is faster than Li Wuhua, More fierce!

The most crucial point is that even Li Wuhua has a bit of Qin Fang's supreme body... Although he has not played against it, Li Wuhua can sense this physical strength and metamorphosis.

"To each other..."

Qin Fang smiled and didn't care.

Li Wuhua may envy his powerful Supreme Scorpion, but he does not know, for such a supreme body, what a great price, how hard and hard work Qin has paid, almost gambling with his own life. !

Of course, he finally won the game!

"Right, then your key..."

The two chilled a few words, and Li Wuhua couldn't help but say that he had returned to the topic.

He is because of the advanced position, this is eligible to participate in this trial of the Holy Mountain ... did not reach the supreme level, in the trial of the Holy Mountain, is extremely dangerous, almost put his head on the belt of.

And the right side of the Alliance, the younger generation. Only Li Wuhua is an advanced supreme, and naturally only he is invited. Qin Fang was excluded!

It is true that the Qin party appears here, and it is no wonder that Li Wuhua will be surprised.

"Oh... I grabbed one!"

Qin Fang responded with a smile,

King Arthur’s transmission key was robbed, which is simply unstoppable... and the sudden addition of Qin Fang has already explained many problems.

"The one of King Arthur?"

Li Wuhua obviously has already got the news. Some incredible questions have been asked... The strength of King Arthur is obviously higher than that of Li Wuhua. It is almost one of the most powerful people in this holy mountain trial. .

but. Qin Fang took away the key from such a metamorphosis, and Li Wuhua did not believe it!

"Besides him, there should be no other lost keys."

Qin Fang said with a smile.

Although I did not give a positive and positive answer, this sentence can already explain everything.

"You see!"

Li Wuhua can only erect a thumbs up toward the Qin side... If such a record, if it is passed out of the Dragon Kingdom, it is estimated that it will scare a lot of people, it is too enchanting.

"Right. This time the trial of the Holy Mountain is not simple, it is very dangerous... If necessary, we will go with us!"

Looked around, Li Wuhua is also whispered to Qin Fang, "There are experts from the Devils and the Evil Sects who come in... I heard that they have colluded with several major forces!"

"This is not a problem..."

The Qin side did not refuse, and multiple people took care of it.

Compared to the magic door, evil sect. Or the young masters of other tyrannical forces, the same as the five major disciples of the right-wing alliance, Li Wuhua, the credibility is obviously much higher!

What's more, Qin Fang is not the kind of idiot that has no brains...

If there is any danger, or if Li Wuhua turned his face, it would be ruthless. The Qin side will also find and counterattack in the first time... This point, he does not need to worry too much.

not to mention. With an ally and helper, security is also quite secure in the Holy Mountain.

As for the treasures that have been obtained in the Holy Mountain, the Qin side will definitely have a lot more than Li Wuhua. As long as we talk about the distribution rights of these treasures in advance, there should be no contradictions and disputes between the two people...


"Hey, there are a few acquaintances..."

When two people were joking, suddenly they both sighed at the same time.

"Li brother, Qin brother... I didn't expect that it was too unexpected to see two people here!"

When Qin Fang and Li Wuhua saw each other, the other party naturally saw the Qin and the two. Immediately, they smiled and walked over, and the yin and yang screamed.

"Yes! Especially Qin brother... I really didn't expect you to come too!"

One of them is more like a hateful affair with Qin Fang. He directly fired at the Qin side.

"I saw three brothers here, but I am also very surprised..."

Qin Fang is a refutation of the yin and yang, "I say that the wilderness is a little secret... I thought that the three brothers have been seriously injured and have passed away. I am going to go to the door to pay a few fragrant sacrifices... ”


When I heard the straightforward irony and curse of Qin Fang, the other three immediately changed their faces, and some people subconsciously wanted to start.

"Hey... the man will be defeated, why bother with him?"

However, some of them took the person who wanted to start the hand, and looked at Qin Fang with contempt, and then satirized the irony.

"Fu Hongyun, I asked you to run the last time... This holy mountain trial will take your dog!"

For this person's ridicule, Qin Fang is not too concerned.

However, he will not let the other party so face, just look at this person coldly, the tone is cold, murderous said.

"I wait for you……"

Fu Hongyun, one of the evil heroes of the Three Kingdoms, is also a disdainful response... The first time they met, the more powerful Fu Hongyun pursued the Qin Fang, who was extremely energy-intensive. There are many means, Qin Fang is afraid that he is already dead under Fu Hongyun.

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