Omni Genius

Chapter 2417: The power of a sword!

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No suspense spike!

Kyle's head is so full of people, but his body still maintains the previous appearance, and quickly rushes forward... This is also a very strange scene.

It is estimated that Kyle did not think of death, the cultivation of his supreme status, the defense of the angel's holy force... almost invincible defense, but still fell into such a bleak end.

The head has been cut, and even the healing effect of the Holy Power is not enough to help.

As for the gun that just won the hand...

Kyle didn't even have a chance to have any addiction, so he was lying next to him.

"It’s a tragedy..."

Looking at the headless body that Kellner had planted down, Qin Fang shook his head and spit.

Not long ago, Kyle was also very excited and excited. Maybe he was imagining that he became the head of the Holy Light Knights and became one of the three giants under the Pope's Pope.

It was only a dozen minutes before and after, and his dream disappeared completely with his death.

"Oh, unfortunately..."

But at the same time, the Qin side is also somewhat depressed.

Kyle is killed by the invisible killer, but the invisible killer is made by him, but the experience value is not his head... If the Qin side uses the magic ring to summon the invisible killer, it can certainly count, but This invisible killer was made by Vieri's life sacrifice.

In addition to a little bit of experience, Qin Fang can be said that it is not a good thing to get it, no wonder he will feel pity!

Kyle is dead, and a strong enemy is killed.

The Qin side did not rush out, and did not rush to take back the invisible killer... because the invisible killer is doing a very important thing. Devouring the blood that Kyle bleeds.

This is the blood of the real Supreme Powerhouse, and the blood of the supreme powerhouse with the angel's contract... For the invisible killer, it is a nourishing supreme sacred product.

Some of the previous blood containing the supreme essence have already greatly supplemented the invisible killer, and now Kyle has died. All his life essences have been circulated, and the invisible killer has been sucked up...

"This invisible killer is really a good thing..."

Almost in the eyes of Qin Fang, the strength of the invisible killer is constantly growing... The body is more and more solid, although it is still invisible, but its time can be greatly extended. .

"Kyle is just the first unlucky... behind, maybe you can still have more bad luck! This big killer can be used!"

Seeing the invisible killer absorbs the absorption of those life essences. Basically restored to the absolute, Qin Fang immediately put away the Lord of the Rings... Invisible killers naturally disappeared along with them.

For such a big killer, Qin Fang will take good care of it, but it is not intended to be a one-time consumable.

Although it is a double-edged sword, it is possible to put yourself in a little carelessness, but as long as the design of the action plan is in place. Then he is a nuclear bomb in the hands of Qin Fang... a nuclear bomb that can kill any tester in this line.

"The Son of Peter..."

Of course, among these people, the most natural use of the invisible killer is the Holy Son of the Holy See.

At the same time, this person is also the biggest enemy of Qin Fang!

In contrast, other injecting evil ethics, three heroes, the four masters of the magic gate, the thunder **** Thor, the sun **** Apollo, etc., are slightly inferior to him...not the difference in strength, but from The threat of Qin Fang!

"Right. Li Wuhua..."

When Kyle was settled, Qin Fang got out of the ground and once again took the stun gun into the props box. Only then did his own ally, Li Wuhua, have no news.

"Split beast... this is also a big problem!"

Qin Fang also immediately chased the past in the direction of Li Wuhua, and at the same time, he was also pondering the possibility. "I don't know if there is any way to make it a soul slave..."

In contrast to strength, the cracked beast is obviously more powerful than the cracked wolf king...

Moreover, the Split Beast is a monster, possesses a strong evolutionary ability, and its potential is much stronger than that of the Cracking Wolf King... The growth period is already a tyrannical level of the Spiritual Beastmaster. Entering the maturity period is bound to be the supreme spirit beast, and even the impact on the holy beast is also possible.

If you can put it into the account, it is obviously much stronger than the King of the Wind...

Of course, the success rate is estimated to be quite low.

The reason why the first time was able to conquer the King of the Wind, it was the luck of the Qin side... the typical strategy of driving the wolf. Let the Dark Devil Tigers slay the Blasting Wolf King, and this will give Qin Fang a chance to take advantage of it.

But if you want to conquer this split beast, you have to kill it at least half...

"I or Li Wuhua, no one can do it... even if the two join hands, the possibility of success is very very low!"

Qin Fang is very confident, but more self-aware.

How powerful is the cracked beast, just now Qin Fang has already seen it... In the case of one-on-one, Qin Fang or Li Wuhua are almost only pressed and beaten; in two-on-one, they can fight back strongly. The beast of the heavens can even be beaten by the cracked beast.

But it's just a matter of pressing and playing. It has a certain advantage. It is a good result to be able to beat the cracked beast into a minor injury. It is almost impossible to die seriously.

Although the wisdom of the cracked beast is not high, but the instinct of the beast is enough to make it understand that things must not be violated. If you find that you can't cope with the combination of Qin and Li Wuhua, it will definitely escape.

If you are in a hurry, maybe it will sip other monsters in the sacred mountain to slam the two sides of Qin Fang and Li Wuhua...

The sacred mountain is not a good place. Don't think that you haven't seen the beasts and monsters for so long. You think there is not such a fierce existence in it!

If you don’t have it, these powerful monsters and beasts have long since died. I don’t know how many years...

The reason why there are no monsters and beasts to help for so long is that the monsters have a strong sense of territory... This area should be the site of the cracked beast, so I only saw it.

Once it has stepped into the territory of other monsters and beasts, it will naturally cause counterattacks of those monsters and beasts. The result is no doubt. It is absolutely possible to eliminate the invasion of Qin Fang and Li Wuhua in the first place. ", then come to the duel site to invade the problem.

"over there……"

Qin Fang walked about a kilometer or so, finally heard the fierce fighting sound, and went forward a little, the small map shows the place where Li Wuhua and the cracked beast are.

There are no accidents, such as trials, monsters, and so on.

"Li brother, need help?"

When I entered the battlefield, I saw that Li Wuhua was holding a sword and fighting the beast...

There have been a lot of wounds on the body of the cracked beast. There are a lot of them, but they are not very deep. Even many wounds have no bloodstains... even if there are **** wounds, most of them are condensed.

In general, the loss of the cracked beast is not big, and the little scar on the body can be neglected!

On the other hand, Li Wuhua is a little embarrassed...

There was a lot of damage in the clothes on the body, and only two of the sleeves were left now... one is completely flying, and the other is only half!

There were some scars on the abdomen, chest, arms and back, especially in the case of a wound on the back. The wound was the heaviest, and the blood almost stained the clothes on his back...

Of course, many of these injuries were caused by the siege. In the case of one-on-one, Li Wuhua did not suffer much, much better than before.

"Qin Xiong, please take a quick shot!"

Seeing that the Qin party appeared, Li Wuhua couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. He immediately asked with a smile and said, "This animal is too ferocious. If you come later, you will not see me..."

"Li brother, I will help you..."

The Qin side was not nonsense, and immediately rushed up with the sword.

Before the man has arrived, the sacred sword has been turned into a streamer to the heart of the cracked beast. The speed is as fast as lightning, and the horrible sharp sharpness brings a sharp scream.


The splitting beast was originally attacking Li Wuhua with a strong attack... For the emergence of the Qin side, it did not care too much. Its wisdom was not high, and it did not deal with the Qin side. Of course, it did not know the power of the Qin side.

When Qin Fang’s flying sword came out, it instinctively felt the horrible crisis. He directly released Li Wuhua, and waved his claws and slammed the shadow sword that Qin Fang shot!

A very clear sound of gold and iron strikes... also brought up a series of Mars, and the trajectory of the flow of the sword was also greatly deflected, and the twisted side went to the side.


However, the cracked beast sent out a giant scorpion... It seems a little bit painful!

Tick, ticking, ticking ~~

The cracked beast is hurt!

Its proud pride paw is bleeding at the moment...

It underestimates the sharpness of the sacred sword...

I thought that the sword of the shadow and the sword of the flower in the hands of Li Wuhua are a level of sword... Just now it struggled for a long time, and with his own claws, he resisted the sword and did not fall.

Not long ago, the flow of shadows, falling flowers are one of the best swords in the rivers and lakes, is considered a sword on the grade!

However, after the upgrade of the Shadows and Excaliburs, the level of the top ten soldiers is upgraded to a higher level than the Falling Flower Excalibur... The lethality has also skyrocketed a lot! .

The cracked beast is also an ordinary sword, so it is inevitable that it will suffer...

"Good sharp sword..."

Such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of Li Wuhua... I only saw his eyes sparkling with strange light, and the mouth could not help but subconsciously admire.

They are all good hands with swords. It is definitely a very commendable thing to have a weapon of the gods...

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