Omni Genius

Chapter 2423: Control the cracked beast!

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"Well? What happened?"

Li Wuhua’s slight glimpse, the fish sausage in his hand, almost all of them are about to cut the head of the cracked beast...

The cracked beast is too ferocious, and the nature of living is higher in value, but the evil spirit is untrained, and it is difficult to domesticate it. If one fails, it may lose its own life! Therefore, it is better to deal with such fierce things better, so as not to be mistaken!

If you change it to be normal, you want to kill the beast like the savage beast. Li Wuhua also needs some effort... But now there is a **** soldier like a fish sausage, and Li Wuhua is much easier!

But Qin Fang’s sudden scorpion is to make Li Wuhua very surprised.

"It’s great to keep it..."

Too many things, Qin Fang is not convenient to reveal too much, can only give this answer that is not the answer!

Li Wuhua was a bit strange, but he didn't insist. After all, the cracked beast was counted up by the Qin side... By his own alone, the estimated result is exactly the opposite.

Qin Fang smiled and walked to the front of the cracked beast...

The cracked beast's injury is not light, but it is not deadly... At this moment, it is sensed that the Qin side is coming, and its body is also difficult to move, trying to tear this enemy who has seriously injured himself into pieces.

It’s a pity that it’s now more than enough...

Qin Fang did not care about the little movement of the cracked beast. He extended a finger and bit it in the mouth... Yin Hong’s blood flowed from his fingertips, and then he saw Qin’s finger pointing to the blood. In the eyebrows of the cracked beast.

Such an action makes Li Wuhua even more strange...

Then I saw that Qin Fang actually used the **** fingertips to draw some strange patterns in the eyebrows of the cracked beast!


Li Wuhua was even more surprised. His face looked strangely at the pattern drawn by the blood. Suddenly he seemed to think of something. Cried in horror, "This is... blood curse?"

Blood curse, a legendary mystery...

Its origins have been incomprehensible, but it is an extremely rare and powerful mystery... I don't know when it has fallen into the hands of one of the six demons of the Devils. Become a township secret of the Blood Demon.

In other words, the blood curse is one of the signs of the Gorefiend...

Li Wuhua was born in the Tianwai Building, but it was the shackles of the Zhengdao Alliance. It was intrinsically opposed to the Six Devils.

Qin Fang is the core disciple of the Kunlun School, one of the five major sects of the Zhengdao Alliance. He hopes to inherit the enchanting disciples of the Kunlun School in the future, but at this moment he has displayed the core secrets of the Blood Demon. How can you not let Li Wuhua be astonished?

"Don't you..."

Thought of this, Li Wuhua's face is also becoming more and more ugly, and even a little pale!

If Qin Fang is a spy on the Kunlun School and even the Zhengdao Alliance, then the consequences are absolutely unimaginable... All the fortresses are the easiest to break from within. Once the Kunluns turn their backs, it will definitely cause the Zhengdao Alliance to suffer heavy losses. of.


"If he is a spy, why should he cast a blood curse in front of me?"

This is another strange place in Li Wuhua's heart.

There is no such thing as a relationship between the right-handed alliance and the six sects of the demon gate. It is inherently antagonistic... it is not surprising that the spies are mixed into the other party’s forces, and this is definitely an established fact.

It is said that nowadays, there must be a spoiler in the right-handed alliance, and the same evil door and evil sect must also have the undercover of the right-wing alliance... even the status of some people may be quite low.

But the identity of these people is very secret, not less than a last resort. I will never expose myself... even at certain moments, in order to better protect myself, each other will send people to death, and make some sacrifices for the solid status of these people.

However, it is estimated that Qin Bian’s blatant exposure to his "small spies" is also unique.

Unless there is something sinister hidden inside...

Hesitated for a moment, Li Wuhua still did not start with Qin.

First, Li Wuhua felt that there must be something wrong with it;

The second is that Li Wuhua ponders that he may not be able to take the Qin side, the two are quite equal, and even the Qin side is better;

third. Qin Fang just saved his life, Li Wuhua is not the kind of person who will envy the enemy... Even if the two sides are really hostile, the duel is also avoided this time, the future thing!

Qin Fang, although it seems to be busy with his own affairs. However, in fact, the attention was also divided into a part of Li Wuhua... I saw his face changed for a long time, but in the end he did not start with him, but he was relieved.

He simply did it on purpose...

As for the reason...

"Li brother, there are some things I will tell you later..."

Qin Fang continued to speak against the cracked beast, and he simply said such a sentence.

"Controlling the soul..."

In fact, Qin Fang's pretending, it seems to be a blood curse... But it is just a blind man, the real purpose is that he wants to cast a soul control technique, which is a powerful skill several times more than a blood curse.

The blood curse is a very powerful secret technique in the blood secret technique.

The operator can use his own blood, with the power of mystery, to achieve a mysterious "contract" with someone or a certain creature, and can control this person or creature within a certain period of time!

Yes, there is a certain time limit!

As for the length of this time, it is closely related to the sperm purity of the surgeon and the strength of the blood... The stronger the strength, the longer the control will take.

However, the supreme power can only control seven to ten days at most...

Beyond this time limit, the power of the blood curse will be greatly weakened, until the controlled person or creature can break through this control, then the blood curse is completely useless.

Naturally, the blood curse is really weak compared to the permanent control of the soul control!

As for the blood curse...

Qin Fang really will have this kind of secret technique. Since he completely opened the power of the **** secrets, this secret technique has been mastered by him... Perhaps many people just know that the blood curse is the secret of the **** demon. However, few people know who helped the Blood Demon to get this mystery.

Qin Fang knows exactly, because that person is one of the ancestors of the Qin family, one of the masters of the magic gate...

The blood curse stayed in the Blood Demon, but also stayed in the Qin family...

The reason why Qin Fang let Li Wuhua see his blood curse is to pave the way for his subsequent disclosure of his identity!


The cracked beast's injury is not light, but it is not fatal, just suitable for the Qin Fang to display the soul control... However, it takes a certain amount of time, the cracked beast is very resistant to the role of the soul control, Qin Fang has failed many times in succession. .

Until the Qin side directly under the heart, the blood of the fingertips was infused with some blood, which strengthened the power of the soul control, and at the same time brought some power of the blood curse. Under the double bombardment, it finally defeated the cracked sky. The last bit of resistance of the beast.

After a weird sound, the cracked beast suddenly became quiet.


Qin Fang also gently breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

Removed a few medicinal herbs from the props box and directly inserted them into the mouth of the cracked beast... This scene also made Li Wuhua feel a bit scared. If there is still room for the cracked beast at this moment, the Qin Fang will be swallowed. It is.

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen, the cracked beast was very gentle, just swallowed the medicinal herbs handed out by Qin Fang, and then concentrated on refining, healing, and restoring their own strength...

"Qin brother, you... really made me feel too mysterious!"

Seeing this, Li Wuhua is also a strange face, and then said with a smile.

Qin Fang heard of the blood curse, but he did not really see it...

Among the Gorefiends, only a very small number of people are qualified to be exposed to the secret technique of the Blood Curse. These people are not the real core of the **** demon, but the strongest above the Supreme.

But such a person will stay in the Blood Devils to enjoy power, rather than risking to mix outside in the precarious undercover...

What's more, Qin Fang is a young but potential disciple. It has the opportunity to inherit the top figures of the blood emperor's clothes. The Zongmen will only be carefully guarded and will not be thrown out as "cannon fodder".

After all, undercover business, no matter what happens, naturally, I am good, but if something goes wrong, it will die very badly... Any force can not tolerate traitors.

"In fact, there is nothing mysterious... If you know my identity, you will take it for granted!"

Qin Fang smiled and said nothing.

"Your identity?"

This is also the place where Li Wuhua is more curious.

"My surname is Qin, the source of bleeding is a hundred years ago!"

The Qin side also did not hide it. He briefly introduced his identity. "The ancestor used to be the third generation of the demon gate, Qin Cangwu..."

"Qin... Qin Cangzhen? Hehe..."

At the beginning, Li Wuhua only frowned, and thought in his mind. When he heard the name of Qin Fang suddenly, he was also a round-eyed look, and he took a breath and looked amazed.

"You are a **** Qin family..."

Hearing this name, Li Wuhua almost gave out the identity and origin of Qin Fang.

Li Wuhua’s master is a madman Chu madman, one of the strongest people on the planet...

At the same time, it is also the leader of the Tianwai Building, which has been passed down for thousands of years. Although I dare not say that I know the geography under the astronomy, I know a lot about some anecdotes in the martial arts, especially some powerful terrorists and some enchanting people. The genius pride, I have heard a lot of rumors!

When he was teaching Li Wuhua, he occasionally mentioned these famous characters, including the ancestor Qin Cangwu of the blood Wu Qin family!

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