Omni Genius

Chapter 2453: Another plan!

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The original mighty momentum, at this moment, is like a balloon that has been smashed. It disappears without a trace. It can be seen how terrible the coldness of this ice crystal is.

"Instant ice..."

At this time, Qin Fang also fell from the air. His face was filled with a faint smile. He said with some gratification. "It seems that the effect is not bad. The two guys have finally stopped..."

"Qin Fang, what should I do now?"

Li Wuhua also relaxed a lot. At this time, I also came over and carefully looked at the water ball that was completely frozen. The expression was quite strange and asked.

Although the two metamorphosis insides were frozen, the results are still not easy to say.

It seems that they are not suitable for the two of them to leave. But if they stay, there seems to be nothing to do. The poisonous demon has already received the eyes of Qin Fang and has run.

"What else can you do? Wait a minute..."

The Qin side is quite calm, said with a smile.

"Forget it, then wait..."

Li Wuhua did not insist, and went to practice.

The sacred mountain trials, the demand for Li Wuhua is not great, that is, collecting some elements of the spirit, of course, it is better to get some elements of the source. Now the robbery is faster than the search for yourself, then of course it is more convenient to rob. of.

Now, in addition to the top teams, the other trials have been searched by their trio...

Naturally, there is no need to be so anxious to find the top teams. After all, the main force of their trio was to freeze Bossie in the ice, and the so-called sharpening of the knife did not miss the firewood. Waiting for the first class is no big deal.

"Old Lee, give it to you..."

At this time, Qin Fang suddenly lost a thing to Li Wuhua.

Li Wuhua took advantage of this, and suddenly a cold passed into his palm, and the momentary effort spread throughout his body, so that his strong people are subconsciously playing a sly.

Look carefully, Li Wuhua suddenly rounded his eyes!

"Oh... you still have it?"

Li Wuhua’s slight glimpse is very strange and looks at the source of the ice element in his hand. I can't believe it.

"I was going to give you a surprise, but now I can only get ahead..."

Qin Fang said inadvertently.

This is not a violation of his words. What he has already planned to do is only a little ahead of time.

"Haha... good early, good ahead! Still a big surprise..."

Li Wuhua’s face suddenly smiled and opened the flowers.

When Qin Fang used the elemental crystal of ice to freeze Bossey and Shi Qingfeng, he already saw it... At that time, Li Wuhua did not think much, but the matter was over. There is something awkward in his heart.

After all, the trio's spoils distribution, Qin Fang is a big bargain.

Almost all of the elements can be counted as Qin Fang, and he also suffered a loss... especially when he knows that Qin Fang’s hands already have ice crystals, but he has also searched for many other elements, not to mention My heart is awkward.

But now Qin Fang has taken the initiative to lose a piece of ice element source crystal to him. All the thoughts are completely forgotten... Li Wuhua is only grateful except for excitement.

"Not much nonsense, they will be handed over to you, I am busy first..."

Li Wuhua was not polite, and received the source of this ice crystal. I immediately began to cultivate and absorb... As for how to deal with the two abnormalities over there, they were all handed over to Qin.

When you say it, you can...

Li Wuhua soon settled in cultivation. I don't care what the Qin side is going to do.

In fact, he has already determined that Qin Fang can't do anything...

That big ice hockey, although Bossi and Shi Qingfeng were imprisoned, but Qin Fang did not dare to break it easily... In that case, almost all the strengths of the two masters are equal to him, and the consequences are definitely not the present. The Qin side can bear it.

In addition to waiting, there seems to be no choice...

"You are busy with you, I naturally have my own things to do..."

Qin Fang smiled happily and accepted Li Wuhua, and then walked to the side of the big ice hockey... but it was discussed with the silver-footed kitten inside the prop box!

"With such a horrible power increase, the success rate of your recasting body should be much higher?"

"Especially the wrath of Poseidon's Poseidon is even more powerful for you!"

Li Wuhua may only use the elements of the ice element to freeze these two metamorphosis. It is to save these two people. In fact, Qin has secretly had another purpose.

The proponent of this plan is not even the Qin side, but only the silver-footed kitten that can only be placed in the Yuanyuan Jindan.

“It’s actually better than I expected...”

The silver-footed kitten is also very happy.

It used to be the supreme beast, and it is more sensitive to the perception of power. Naturally, it knows what kind of horrible power is contained in this frozen ice hockey, which is extremely important for it to recast the flesh.

"Now everything is ready, just waiting for you..."

The silver-footed kitten has also approved its own judgment, and Qin Fang certainly does not want to delay the time.

The role of the silver-footed kitten is quite large. If it can make it succeed in recasting the flesh, let its metaphysic return to the flesh... Although in the fusion and running-in period, it is impossible to let the silver-footed kitten play the original. The strength of the peak can be absolutely comparable to that of the supreme elite.

For the strong "four emperors", perhaps a little worse...

But in this sacred mountain, other testers, even the most top-notch team, can only easily sweep it... Of course, the Son of St. Peter holding the Scarab is an exception.

Of course, the silver **** of the silver-footed kitten has left the human element Jindan, and the power of the human element Jindan will weaken some... But in general, the power of the human element Jindan is enough for the Qin party to use.

"I am ready, let's get started..."

The silver-footed kitten also took a deep breath and then walked out and wandered around this huge ice hockey. He really couldn’t wait...

In order to gain freedom, it abandoned its tyrannical strength and powerful body. It only took the risk of rushing out in the form of the gods. It can be said that it is a life of nine deaths, and it is dangerous, and almost directly flies away, and the smoke is gone!

But now it seems that everything is worth it... It now has not only freedom, but also the hope of rebuilding the original strength!

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