Omni Genius

Chapter 2471: Twilight!

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Du Yingjie just hangs up...

It is estimated that no one has thought of it before, but it has happened!

Although the trial of the Holy Mountain is not a small danger, but the major forces are still sending their best young people here, in fact, they are more assured of their safety.

Everyone has their own life-saving skills, and the second is the identity, not absolute death, no one willing to die like that...

Du Yingjie belongs to this kind!

And it is also the key protection object... Unless the Supreme Spirit is personally shot, otherwise it is a monster with strong tyranny, it is also difficult to kill Du Yingjie.

Most of the Supreme Spirits are concentrated in the secret land of abundant resources. The genius of Du Yingjie does not dare to provoke easily... This is more about using the Scarab to steal the elemental source of the Son. He is hiding in the periphery of the secret land.

It can be said that basically these talented disciples are unlikely to face the supreme beast...

This is why Poseidhi, Shi Qingfeng, Li Wuhua and others have discovered that when they face a supremely beast, they will show the reason of such a horrified look... This is almost impossible, but it happened, can you not be surprised? ?

However, the blood magic sect estimated that Du Yingjie would meet Qin Fang.

Qin and Du have two centuries of feuding, this is absolute death and hatred... Du Yingjie wants to kill Qin Fang, how can Qin Fang let Du Yingjie go?

It’s just that everyone thinks that Du Yingjie’s chances of killing Qin Fang are as high as 70% or 80%. Qin Fang’s encounter with Du Yingjie, the only choice is to run away... but this is not the case.

Everyone guessed the opening, but guessed the ending...

Du Yingjie himself is the same, this will fall into this situation.

It’s a pity that people have already hanged up, and even the chances of regret are gone...

"Qin Fang, is it okay?"

People are dead and everything is irreparable. Li Wuhua is not entangled in this, entangled that, and looked at the body of Qin Fang, but also could not help but ask.

Just now, Qin Fang really killed Du Yingjie, but it also suffered from the invasion of the blood god, it is impossible to protect the injury is not ... Du Yingjie's offense is not the general sharp!

"I'm fine..."

Qin Fang’s face looked a little pale, and his footsteps were slightly embarrassing. It seems that the loss is also quite large, but in the face of Li Wuhua's concern, he still waved his hand and said a little smile on his face.

"Are you sure nothing?"

Li Wuhua is not convinced. Qin Fang looks like this. It doesn't seem like nothing. But Qin Fang said this. He is also not good at insisting, "What do those people do?"

Pointing to the magical disciples next to him, Li Wuhua also asked a lot of headaches.


Li Wuhua really wants to do this, but the consequences are not what he can bear... You know, these demon disciples, although not inferior to Du Yingjie, are also young masters from the various demon gates. They are the elite and backbone of the future.

Killing all of these people is tantamount to smashing the hope of the magic gate for the next ten to twenty years, almost causing a fault in the magic door...

If you change to any big force, you can't accept such a fact, and it will inevitably lead to the counterattack of the magic door... A **** rain can't be avoided.

Who can revenge the magic door?

Qin Fang, Li Wuhua, these two small characters?

They are obviously not qualified enough, so they can only be the sects behind them... The Kunlun School, the Tianwai Building and even the entire Zhengdao Zongmen will be dragged into this revenge war.

The power of the magic gate is quite tyrannical, and it is not weaker than the right-wing alliance. The two sides fought, but they still don't know how many masters will fall into it... and other forces will take the opportunity to step in and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Do not think this is the civil war of the Dragon Kingdom...

Nowadays, the underground forces of the earth have been shuffled all the time. The site is so large and there are so many resources. Everyone wants to get more, but they are afraid that the war between the big forces will cause a greater crisis. Therefore, all major forces are relatively restrained, and at most they are small-scale competition.

This is the most obvious between the Masonic and the madman tribe...

But if there is a big battle between the magic gate and the right-wing alliance, then those big forces that have already coveted the dragon kingdom. Absolutely will join in... The possibility of charcoal in the snow is not great, and it is most likely to fall into the grave.

Just because of this, Li Wuhua did not dare to start...

But he can't decide this alone, he can only throw the problem to Qin Fang!

"Old rules!"

Qin Fang is also frowning, apparently understands the carelessness of Li Wuhua... At the same time, this is not a small matter. After considering it, he still did not directly order the massacre.

"Old rules? Understand..."

The decision of Qin Fang, Li Wuhua and Bosei, both of them brightened... Only Shi Qingfeng stunned. I don’t quite understand what Qin said. What made him join the team is a bit late? .

However, when Li Wuhua and Bossi rushed to the "captives" of the magic gates, they carried out a brutal search for these "captives". Shi Qingfeng was a gluten and understood.

However, he did not participate in it...

In the end, I am more concerned about my identity. At the same time, he is also a person with relatively straightforward personality. It is really impossible to do such a thing... It can only be left on the side and not shot.

Qin Fang did not care about this. Shi Qingfeng joined them in this team for a special reason, that is, for Du Yingjie...

Originally, Shi Qingfeng was planning to teach Du Yingjie a meal, but now Du Yingjie has been detained by Qin Fang. The purpose is to be overfulfilled. The significance of staying with and not leaving for the Qin Fang is not great!

Even if there is one less Shi Qingfeng, there is still one less person to search for, and the three are more happy!

"The **** demon Du family... one does not stay!"

However, after these three disciples were searched by the three of them, absolutely most people can live, but from the **** demon Du family... Sorry, Qin Fang will not let go.


As Qin Fang’s slashing swords swiftly crossed in the air, two heads rose from the sky...

Qin and Du have two hundred years of **** hatred, Du family can sense the blood of Qin Fang, Qin Fang can naturally sense the blood of Du family, do not want to make too careful to distinguish, directly kill the two A bad luck child.

As for whether he will be said that he is addicted to killing, Qin Fang does not care at all...

Look at the things that Du Yingjie did... The Shadows and Blood Gods are all made from the blood of the Qin family. Hundreds of Qin family members were killed by the Du family and became like this. Qin Fang only killed. These few, even revenge can not be counted, at most can only be regarded as a small counterattack!

Those disciples were also ruined by the actions of Li Wuhua, Poseid, and Qin Fang...

In particular, the remaining three of the four masters of the magic door, on the strength is not weaker than the three parties such as Qin Fang, really if it is a fight, but also has the power of a battle, it will not be so embarrassing .

But they were really scared by the murderous and hot of Qin Fang...

It is normal for these trials of the Holy Mountain trial to have contradictions between each other. It is not surprising to humiliate them, but it is really not too much to really kill the killers. At most, there is no status or background for those who have the status. The general tester is poisoned.

But the testers like them who come from the big gates and have a very high status can hurt but can't kill... The safety is very guaranteed, and this is also a little unscrupulous for them to act.

However, when they met the Qin Fang, who did not care about these "hidden rules", they were all stunned...


Then you have to try your own neck and you can't stand the flying sword of Qin Fang...

The pro-disciples of the **** emperor have been killed. What do they think of these people?

This kind of humiliation is really unacceptable to those "geniuses" who have been captured and searched for their possession. But this world is like this, and whoever has a big fist will be arrogant.

They can't fight the Qin side, then they can only suffer this kind of humiliation.

The treasure is lost, and you can grab it later!

But if you lose your life, then there is nothing... Du Yingjie is an example placed in front of them!

With such a thought, these magical gates will be much better in their hearts.

Therefore, the three people of Qin Fang searched, these people from the beginning a little contradictory, and immediately after the direct coordination with the disarming ... ... in a short while, there are more than a dozen naked men here.

A group of people gathered together, glaring at their shy parts, and the expression on their faces was quite wonderful...

It is a pity that they can only stand there without the permission of the Qin side, but they dare not arbitrarily arbitrarily. The bodies on the ground are the best warnings for them!

In comparison, the three parties in the Qin Dynasty are naturally a bumper harvest...

These demon disciples are all genius disciples of the six demon gates. Everyone has a lot of treasures. Perhaps there is nothing particularly powerful, but the accumulation is quite rich.

Especially the magic door four Jie...

It is also the leader of the younger generation of the Devils. The equipment on the body is higher than that of other people. It is not much worse than Li Wuhua. The three people just let Qin Fang make a small fortune!

When the three parties in the Qin Dynasty were very happy to be divided, Shi Qingfeng was very awkward standing on the side... In the eyes of those disciples, he was also one of the most wicked "robbers", in the eyes of the Qinfang trio. He is a "passer" who doesn't care about making soy sauce.

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