Omni Genius

Chapter 2480: The key moment still depends on me!

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The enemy is in front of his eyes, if Brahma can still be calm, then he is really a saint...

Obviously, he is not!

Even he was angry more than ever, because the **** wild man actually wanted to kill him... and his fiancee offered a special restraint for his powder.

At this moment, Brahma had a wife who brought him a green hat and said that he would also murder his mentality with "qing ren"!

But he didn't want to think about it. Is his wife really his wife?

Of course, the grudges and hatreds here are too complicated. Except for Brahma and Shi Qingfeng, everyone else is indifferent... even if they are a few of them in Qin, they only watch it lively.

"I want to live you!"

If Brahma was angry only because the same door was killed and he was provoked, then now he is really angry... His anger value has also skyrocketed several times.

"Don't think that I got some fascination from the snow woman and can deal with me... you are still far away!"

Brahma’s anger is still growing, and the momentum is becoming more violent. Even he is burning his own suffocation to increase his own cultivation. He seems to want to take this opportunity to pull up the half-step Wudi. level.

If you really reach that level, unless the four emperors are coming from the world, then no one in the world is his opponent!

of course……

That is totally impossible!

If the half-step Wudi is so easy to reach, the four emperors will not be stuck at this level for so many years and have no chance to enter!


The violent breath was released, and the shadow of the giant Buddha was once again strong and solid... Although it was far worse than the materialized Brahma law, the Brahma illusion has reached an extreme in terms of Brahma’s personal strength. .

Even the arm that was previously blasted has re-emerged at this moment. Although it is still illusory compared to other parts, it is already very scary!

Even the giant palm that was smashed by Shi Qingfeng’s fascination. It also stabilized the situation of collapse, and after the injection of Brahma's suffocation, it gradually recovered.

Everything is thinking about the direction that is not conducive to Shi Qingfeng!

"It seems... not too good!"

Li Wuhua couldn't help but swear, Shi Qingfeng's face of Tie Qing can already explain everything.

Although Shi Qingfeng used the green fascination to smash a violent attack on the Brahma illusion, it seems that this method can only lift a dilemma. Once Brahma has prepared, the effect will be much worse.

And Shi Qingfeng just after that. There is no more action, fearing that the fascination in his hands has been used up, or that there is almost nothing left... otherwise, it is completely possible to kill. The Brahma illusion was seriously injured or even destroyed.

However, Shi Qingfeng did not say this, and this has already explained the problem.

The fascination also reveals the identity of Shi Qingfeng, and it ignites the anger of Brahma. At this moment, Brahma completely treated Shi Qingfeng as his biggest enemy. The shot was the strongest killer, and he was completely indifferent.

"Shi Qingfeng is really dangerous..."

The Qin side also sighed a little. After Shi Qingfeng’s second use of Xingyao’s Promise, the body was already faintly showing signs of support, and it was strongly supported by willpower and strong body.

Now, in the oppression of almost the ultimate Brahma illusion, Shi Qingfeng is really hard to stand!

"Give me death..."

Brahma is very good. Now I can't take too much, and I have moved the strongest killings directly... From Shi Qingfeng's violent strength, he has already guessed that Shi Qingfeng's identity is not simple, and may even be a big man he can't afford.

However, he has not taken care of so much, and the new hatred is added together, let him completely abandon everything.


The huge Brahma illusion directly extended his hands and the two huge palms were stacked together. Around 100 meters in the surrounding area is completely covered in the palm of this hand.

Although Shi Qingfeng's suffocating field is extremely powerful, it is obviously a strong shock that can't stop the Brahma illusion. After a series of sounds, it is completely broken.

This area is in the hands of Brahma, even if even the void is strongly imprisoned...

At this moment, Brahma is almost invincible!


However, Brahma is obviously not polite. After all this was done, I immediately took a picture of it... The space was imprisoned, which is equivalent to a high-level field force, which has great restraint on Shi Qingfeng's body.

Although it does not make Shi Qingfeng completely unable to move. But it also played a great role in curbing production...

With Brahmin's offense, Shi Qingfeng is almost inevitable!

I can only watch the big palm slap down. He doesn’t even have the possibility of evading... He can’t break free and rush out in a very short period of time and with his body bound. One area.

Then, the only choice for Shi Qingfeng is... hard to smash the giant palm that falls quickly!


Soon the giant palm fell, and Shi Qingfeng released all his own combat power. The place where the giant palm was one meter away from his head was able to withstand it.



Brahma did not stop, but still fiercely fell, a little bit of breaking through Shi Qingfeng's defense, shattering his body and suffocating, a little sinking... The head of Shi Qingfeng is getting closer and closer.

Shi Qingfeng was also spurted out of blood... Yin Hong's blood stained the clothes on his chest, but Shi Qingfeng did not care at all, biting his teeth, and stunned!

Of course, Brahma is not too good for himself...

The strength of his control now has exceeded his own strength too much, although there are those strong BUFF assistance, so that he can be supported by the level, but the loss is not small.

Especially now, I have been strongly resisted by Shi Qingfeng... At the same time that Shi Qingfeng is not good, Brahma is not too good, but it is not as serious as Shi Qingfeng!


However, with the sudden burst of fierce blood of Shi Qingfeng... almost all his strength was defeated at that moment, and the whole person immediately succumbed.

But Brahma is not too good!

Shi Qingfeng almost exhausted his last strength, the powerful palm of the retreat of the giant palm of five or six meters ... let the giant palm re-elevated back into the air, bringing a big counterattack to Brahma.

It’s just too expensive to do so. Shi Qingfeng’s pale face is terrible. He is lying on the ground and gasping for a big mouth. His chest has completely turned red. The whole person is like lying in a pool of blood.

Although... Shi Qingfeng still can't die!

"Hahaha... This time, I see where you are going to escape!"

Although Brahma also suffered a loss, but seeing Shi Qingfeng has lie down, he swallowed the blood that was almost sprayed out, and his face immediately showed an excited smile.

Almost at the same time as laughing, the giant palm was shot again...

This time, without the resistance of Shi Qingfeng, the power of this palm is enough to make Shi Qingfeng into a meatloaf and directly smash into slag!

"Hey, the key moment... I have to come!"

Shi Qingfeng is basically already the end of the strong... He can push Brahma to this point, and it is indeed doing his best, but he is a person, and Brahma is equivalent to several people, this kind of contrast makes his revenge very It’s tough.

Seeing that Brahma is going to kill Shi Qingfeng, Qin Fang can't wait any longer...

"Give me death..."

Brahma controlled the Brahma illusion and urged the giant palm to slap it down. It almost fell on the body of Shi Qingfeng, who was basically unable to resist. The ugly face of Brahma also showed excitement and joy. Smiled.

He has made up his mind. After killing Shi Qingfeng, he took his head back to Shiva Zong and sent it to the snow mountain goddess...


However, without waiting for Brahma to complete all of this, suddenly a cold voice came from the side.

This was not enough to make Brahma care... He knew that Shi Qingfeng had several powerful friends, such as Li Wuhua, but Brahma was very confident, and no one can stop him now.

Even if the four emperors are strong, they will not do it!

It is this self-confidence that Brahma genius does not care about the threat of that voice! Even his face showed a very disdainful smile...


The smile on Brahma's face is stiff!


Because the giant palm of the Brahma illusion he controlled, like the balloon full of anger, suddenly being smashed, and he was about to shoot Shi Qingfeng, but suddenly it was shattered by a huge force. It is.

Yes, it is really shattered!

This power is too strong, so powerful that his giant palm is unable to resist, and instantly shattered...

Shi Qingfeng was lying on the ground, and the huge pressure disappeared instantly. Except for a strong wind blowing his hair, it proved that everything was not a dream...

"I rely! I know this guy is a pervert..."

Brahma stunned, and Shi Qingfeng also stunned. Only Li Wuhua seemed to have beaten chicken blood. Suddenly screamed at the side, Poseid was also slightly open, and was obviously scared. .

As the party, Qin Fang is very calm...

"court death……"

Brahma did have some accidents, but at the same time it was also irritated. He saw the Qin Fang who appeared in front of Shi Qingfeng and fed the medicinal herbs to Shi Qingfeng. He almost never thought about it, and he shot it with fierceness with the other palm.

Killing one is killing, killing two is killing too!

Brahma can't manage that much, he just wants to kill his rival, and anyone who stops him from killing the enemy! Even if this person just shot, he shattered the giant palm of a Brahma illusion he controlled...

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