Omni Genius

Chapter 2502: Giant pit!

Second, ask about, monthly ticket ~~~~~


This is what the Dark Council has specially produced to deal with the holy water of the Holy See. There is almost no use other than this... Even if the black magic poison is used well, it is still a healing drug.

Of course, the black magic poison is also very troublesome to make, and the materials used are very rare...

Otherwise, relying on the black magic poison alone, the Holy See can restrain the death of the Holy See, and the Dark Council is not only concealed by the Holy See, but can only be hidden in the underground development, and does not dare to bounce out.


The Son of Peter said that the bear King Bill Gevsky had a black magic poison, so he is now taking it for granted. Even the reason why the cubs became like this is that he used the holy water to heal the bear.

Although he is also in good intentions, he has done a pothole...

Now naturally, when I don’t care about this, the first priority is to find a cure for the poison of the bear King Bill Gevsky... Otherwise, the bear King Bill Gevsky will be the first to die in his own hands. Unlucky.

"Who has medicine? Who has medicine?"

A bunch of people are looking for anxious... In addition to the bear King Bill Gevsky screaming at the Son of Peter, even if he knew that Peter was good before, but now he is also hateful.

Even he has made up his mind, as long as he does not die, then you must personally tear down the head of the Son Peter!


His current situation is very bad, and it is extremely difficult to want to die. It can almost be said that he will die!

"I have a healing drug here... but it's hard to say it!"

However, Ares, who came from the gods of the gods, sent some medicines, but the treatment effect is not guaranteed.

After all, the pharmaceutical standards of Zhongshenshan are notoriously inferior...

There is no “God” of specialized pharmaceuticals. Only this generation of the goddess of wisdom, Athena, is particularly interested in pharmaceuticals. She also visited a lot of famous pharmaceutical masters from the East and West for some time, and it is a half-baked.

Even a big joke has been made, and the underground world is also very spread...

A very common trauma, even if it is not medicine. It can also be healed in as long as ten days and a half. However, it was seriously injured and crippled by Athena's drugs, and a little life almost screamed!

So, when he shouted out, the expressions of other people could not be said to be weird. This is why the war **** Ares hesitated for a long time to come out.

No one else can cope with this highly toxic drug. The bear cub looks at it and hangs it. He only used the dead horse as a living horse doctor to take medicine to save people... but he did not have a little bit of confidence.


The Son of Peter is somewhat hesitant. It is really Athena that is too unreliable. This drug is said to be a cure. It’s fatal if it’s not good... he doesn’t dare to try it easily.

"There are other people who have no healing drugs..."

Therefore, Peter still did not reach out to pick up, but asked other people.

"give me……"

However, the little bear king was much more simply, and he reached out and took the drugs directly, stuffed them in his wounds... He already felt the death is approaching, and this time he has not taken care of that much.

"Oh, the injury has slowed down..."

It’s also very strange to say that Athena has always been a very unreliable drug, and it really has stabilized the poison of the bear King Bilghovsky... The wound is not getting worse, and it is still slowly repairing. .

"Aris, your medicine... really works!"

Some people have also subconsciously teased a sentence, which is really unexpected.

"That is of course! This is what my sister specially prepared for me... Who can hang it, she can't hang his brother!"

Ariston was very good at the chest, very proud, very proud to say.

However, it is not difficult to see from his words that his brother is not less affected by his sister Athena... even these drugs, even Athena’s conviction, is absolutely no problem, but Ares also Not intended to use.

Unexpectedly, this time the drug actually worked!

"Aris, there are still a lot of these medicines in your hand, let me know..."

Some people even couldn't help but ask for Ares. They were eager to get holy water before, but now the emergence of black magic poison, the holy water is more pitted, or the drug is more reliable.

"Although I take it, I am more..."

Athena really brought him a lot. Ares is not a stingy person. He always promised all the requirements, so that everyone got some of them, even those of the Holy See. No exception.

Of course, except for the Son of God...

His face is also iron and blue, but it is so helpless!

The injury of the bear King Bilgeevsky is getting better, and a life is a blessing. But he is also very badly wounded... He can’t die, but he wants to return to the peak of his strength, fearing that it will take at least a year and a half. The cultivation is good.

And this is caused by the Son of Peter, and the look of Peter King’s eyes to Peter is also full of hostility!

Even Peter just refused the help of Ares, but he almost pushed him to death... This hatred can be almost equivalent to killing the father and hating his wife.

However, Cubs is also very clear, even if his heyday is not the opponent of the Son Peter, let alone the current state of weakness.

Not only the little bear king, but even some other people, the look of Peter’s eyes has become quite weird... Peter’s situation has become a bit embarrassing, although the prestige is still there, but the team’s crack is getting more and more Big.

"You are really good enough for this move... Peter is a pitfall for you!"

Li Wuhua also said with a strange smile.

He had long watched Peter's kid unhappy, and he was pretending to be a god-like stick. He said that Li Wuhua felt that this person was too fake, but he had never had a chance to teach him...

Of course, this is also related to Li Wuhua's not Peter's opponent...

If Li Wuhua can easily defeat Peter, then he will not put Peter in his eyes!

"This is just an outside move, not worth mentioning!"

Qin Fang smiled and said with a look of disappointment.

He did not intend to rely on this trick to allow this team to fall apart... but to create a little bit of instability for them, the best to create such an irreparable crack!

Obviously, Qin’s plan is still very successful!

"The cracked beast is afraid that it can't stop..."

Shi Qingfeng pointed out that the cracked beast said.

The strength of the Split Heavenly Beast is indeed very strong. If one-on-one, even the Son of Peter is not its opponent... However, there are quite a few masters of the Holy See team, especially the thunder magic of Thor’s. It is to restrain the cracked beast.

At this moment, the cracked beast has no shackles and fierceness when it has just rushed in. There are many scars on the body that are struck by lightning... Although it is not fatal, it makes it quite wolf.

Moreover, the attention of these people has been attracted by the injury of the bear King Bilgeevsky. Now that more hands are coming out, more people will have to pick up the cracked beast!

"Nothing, it should be withdrawn..."

Qin Fang smiled and said with a look of disappointment.

And the fact is the same, just when his voice just fell, the cracked beast suddenly broke out... Under a giant cymbal, and then did not choose to desperately, but to run with flexibility.

The speed is like an accelerator. It rushed out more than ten meters in a blink of an eye, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

"Where are the animals, where are you going?"

The cracked beast ran like this, and the masters who played against it were unhappy. Someone immediately shouted, and then they stalked and smashed the past with a faster speed.

"Come back! Don't chase!"

Seeing this scene, the Son of Peter immediately exclaimed.

The black magic poison is very strange. Peter has realized that they have been stared at... and it is likely that they have been targeted by the people of the Dark Council. Can he be so careless?

Although the trials sent by the Dark Council on the Ming Dynasty are just a few incompetent shackles, the core like Bilbaos has not come, and it is difficult to guarantee that there is no hidden arrogance.

There is nothing so unexpected about the haunting of the beast, but there is a black magic poison on the claws of the cracked beast, which is very problematic...

He is also afraid that the Dark Council will arrange for the people to lurk in the outer ambush!


However, his screams caused a cold sigh... The eyes of the bear King Bill Gevsky seemed to eat him, and the eyes of other people were not very friendly.

The master who rushed out was also a slight glimpse. He looked back at the Son Peter in a subconscious way. It seems that he did not understand why he was going to make such an order.

"This split beast is very problematic, be careful and cheat!"

Peter is also very helpless to explain, but unfortunately he also knows that his explanation is so pale and powerless.


However, when Peter said this, the fleding beast suddenly flew back, and a paw directly slammed into the head of the master who was just about to chase him but was stopped by Peter.


Even if this master is very strong, in the case of one-on-one, he can fight hundreds of rounds with the cracked beast, and feel the crisis, he has subconsciously made a defensive posture.

However, he was still a little late, and he was directly smashed by the violent claws of the cracked beast.

What about the Supreme Scorpion?

The head is still the most vulnerable!

Plus there is almost no precaution in advance, the violent blow of the split beast, the consequences are also conceivable... a fatal blow, no need to leave a little bit of room spike! (To be continued.)

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