Omni Genius

Chapter 2507: Sweep!

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"You are useless to me..."

It is a pity that Poseidon is not the kind of idiot that has no brains, and will he avoid the suspicion and withdrawal because of the irony of the son of Peter.

"The Temple of the Sea is neutral...not the underground forces of Europe, so please don't force us to pull the relationship between us. I can't really have a pot with you!"

Even Bossie sneered directly and bluntly.

"And, what you did just now, in fact, we all look in the eyes... like you guys who even have their own pits, whoever walks close to you, it is definitely a joke to your own head! ”

Especially when it comes to what happened just now, Bosech’s ridicule is even louder.


Peter's face suddenly became ugly.

I thought that this sarcasm, for the sake of his face, for the glory of the Temple of the Sea, will be the boundary with the Qin side ... but did not expect, ushered in such an unwelcome cynicism.

More critical is...

"The thing just happened... was it directed by you?"

Peter suddenly reacted, and the expression on his face suddenly became a lot of sorrow, and he asked with an angry and corrupt drink.

"whats the matter?"

Bossie just smiled and asked curiously. "Speak and listen... I don't know yet?"


The Son of Peter had an urge to vomit blood. He was the first time to see that Bossie had such a poor side... He said that he had no temper.

"Okay, Poseid, don't have to grind his skin with him... do it!"

In order to avoid night long dreams, Qin Fang did not want to continue to idle with Peter, and ordered the hands-on.


The Son of Peter has already let the masters of the Holy See have been fully guarded, and this time he did not hesitate to order.


Those of the Holy See masters are naturally not polite. They each took the weapon and killed it. The whole body is shrouded in the shroud of the shrine. It seems that their defense is enough to withstand the attack of Qin and others. .

"Ha ha ha... your opponent is me!"

Li Wuhua has long been unable to bear it. Directly gave himself the state secret of the "slamming", and then the sword in his hand immediately broke out with an unparalleled horrible sword.

Said to be Jianqi, it is better to say that it is Jian Yu...

Wan Jian Qifa!

Countless swords quickly poured toward the past masters...


Nowadays, the horrible sword rain immediately made these church masters feel the strong threat. They have strengthened their own light shields and tried to resist the failure of Li Wuhua.

The fierce swords bombarded these holy light shields. Immediately set off a series of buzzing, those holy light shields also released a very embarrassing light, strong against the attack of these swords.


These Holy See masters are obviously thinking too simple.


Those holy light shields have not broken yet. Instead, several of the Holy See's masters have vomited blood to the ground... This scene, very, very sudden, even those who are recruited by the Holy See do not understand.

"Oh... how could this be?"

The same is true of the Son of Peter. Subconsciously exclaimed.

There are the masters of the Holy See under him, and there are as many as six or seven people. However, the Qin side has only dispatched a Li Wuhua. Even if Li Wuhua’s strength exceeds many of these people, it’s not so much. As for this, it will be so vulnerable.

But the facts are in front of you, and Li Wuhua’s move has caused the Holy See to fall three people...

It’s not enough to hang it, but look at their injuries. It’s not all light!

Shengli recovered some of their injuries, but the combat power was also greatly reduced... It is estimated that the explosive power that can be erupted now is less than 70% of the heyday.

This scene is really weird, even if it is self-confident, the son of Peter, who is also a bit stunned at the moment, can’t figure out how it will cause such a big loss...

"Is it... the secret of Shiva?"

Suddenly, Peter also thought of the secret of a very mysterious sect in the East.

Before the Qin Dynasty, they met the master of Shiva, and the pedestrian of the Son of Peter also met with Brahma. There was even a little bit of conflict... At that time, he had seen the secrets of Shiva’s state.

This result of Li Wuhua’s work, although he has not seen Shiva’s disciples, is very similar...

"This is impossible!"

However, he soon gave a denial... The secret technique of Shiva Zong has never been passed on, and it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to learn.

The only way to practice the secret technique of Shiva Zong is to join Shiva Zong!

Just... Li Wuhua is absolutely impossible!

Li Wuhua’s identity. He is very clear... The core disciple of the Tianwai Building is also the next heir to the head. It is also the close disciple of the mad Emperor, one of the four emperors. This identity is destined to be impossible for him to join Shiva. The madman will never allow him to practice the secrets of other sects.

However, such a denial, Peter is even more unable to think of a reason.

"Qin Fang, Peter, the bird man will be handed over to you, these little sisters... I can get it by myself!"

The slamming of the mystery, actually the first time the display played such a good effect, Li Wuhua suddenly shocked, very heroic to take over these Holy See masters... suddenly made Peter's face become very ugly.

Those genius masters who are all the Holy See, all exist in the level of supreme level...

With Li Wuhua's strength, being able to be a pair of three is already very powerful, but now he actually has to pick a seven... This is simply the self-confidence burst into the ultimate performance.

Of course, it is said that seven of the Holy See masters, in fact, three have been injured, and one has not been completely injured by Thor Thor. Only three of them still maintain the most peak fighting power.

Three peak periods plus four disabled people...

In normal times, although Li Wuhua has no fear, he must also be cautious in coping with it, in case he turns over the ship in the gutter... and it is mainly based on defense. It is not easy to suppress it strongly.

but now……

"Let's go together!"

Li Wuhua is completely fearless... Although the number of opponents is relatively large, the strength is also very strong, but the critical state is still blessed on him. As long as he comes back, these people are even more worth mentioning.

If Li Wuhua is still awkward, then he will not mix on the rivers and lakes...


Those of the Holy See masters are also depressed, and their faces are all blue and purple, and then they screamed, all directly magnified the move... Do not seek to directly kill Li Wuhua, but also seriously injured him, for himself, for the Holy See to save some face of.

"Li brother, these people will be handed over to you, let's deal with this turtle shell..."

Seeing that Li Wuhua has a comfortable response, Qin Fang and others have also relaxed a little. Then the three people looked at the Son Peter with carelessness... This guy’s light shield is a super turtle shell, want to break This tortoise shell really costs a little effort.

"Oh... just because of you?"

Peter is not able to take care of those who are under his command, but Peter is still very confident about his own defense. Don’t say that they are Qin Fang, even if the four emperors are close, he can quite ensure that he Lost.

"is it?"

Qin Fang could not help but sneer.


It is also like Li Wuhua. He first gave himself a "Sunder Armor" status and dealt with Peter's Light Shroud. This Sunder Armor state is definitely worthy of use.

The shadow sword also appeared in his hands...

"Since you are so confident, let's try it!"

When the wrist was shocked, the sword of the stream immediately shook out several swords, and the fierce sword was also sprayed out. "Bosech, Shi brother, you two and wait a minute... let me be alone He will be there for a while!"

"Qin brother, this... still give it to me!"

However, Bosech had already stood up one step at a time. The sea **** in his hand waved and ran straight to Peter’s tortoise shell. He also did not hide his strength at this time. The violent combat power is also fully demonstrated.

"The late Supreme..."

Feeling the horror of Poseidon, Peter was a little surprised. "Bosech, it's no wonder that you are so confident that you have already stepped into the late Supreme..."

Several of them are the best and most genius enchanting people in the underground world. No one is convinced of the talents. The strength is almost equal... but they are all stuck in the middle of the supreme realm and can never break through.

Peter always felt that he would be the first person to break through... For this reason, he specially brought the Scarab into the sacred mountain, and he intended to take this opportunity to break through this layer.

Unexpectedly, he had just touched the edge of a little breakthrough, and Bosech had already succeeded in breaking through it... and seeing his arrogance is quite solid, even the realm seems to have consolidated.

"It’s really a step earlier than you..."

Poseid's face was quite relaxed, and he said with a look of disappointment.

In fact, this is also the place where he is more proud... Walking in front of several other peers, anyone will be excited!

Of course, he immediately saw the younger side, the Qin Fang, whose strength is even more unfathomable than him. The little thing that just came up in his heart was also disappeared without a trace.

Even if he was able to walk in front of Peter, he broke into the late stage of the supreme position in advance, and it was also promoted by Qin Fang... Otherwise, he was already a cold body, and how can he have it now? Standing proud and proud of Peter?

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