Omni Genius

Chapter 2572: Enraged Ilya!

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In the blink of an eye, I saw that none of the top ten supremes could stand firm and steady... Most of them were lying down directly, screaming at their bodies, and a few were barely supporting them. Body, let yourself not fall down.

The smoke is still very big...

However, the Qin side slowly came out of the smoke.

Look at him all over the body, the clothes seem to have a little damage, but not too much... It should be just the suffocating suffocation of the suffocating, and even the shirt that is close to the body is not damaged.

Explosion of the top ten supreme, Qin Fang himself is unscathed!

"Good means..."

Such a record, even the vampire prince Ilya, such a master, can not help but admire a sentence ... Of course, at this moment he is not as indifferent as before.

Instead, it is the horrible horrible sigh of his body...

The horror of the seven rulings of the Holy See, even if it was just a little bit of stagnation, brought tremendous pressure to Qin Fang, and the brow of Qin Fang was also wrinkled.

“It’s just like...not worth mentioning!”

Qin Fang said with humility.

"Young people, as a **** Qin family, such humility is not the style of the Qin family..."

Ilya smiled and then teased Qin Fang in a sly tone. Although he did not know much about the **** Qin family, he had contacted Qin Yuyuan after all. And left a deep impression, even for decades. He still has not forgotten.


Qin Fang couldn't help but look up and looked at Ilya with a strange look... He did not expect that the vampire prince Ilya, who was the ruling of the Holy See, would recognize his **** Qin family.

You must know that even in the Dragon Kingdom, only the people of the Blood Demon can confirm his identity. Others or forces, there are some even the existence of the blood Wu Qin family has not heard of.

"I am afraid you are going to be disappointed. I am not humble. It is a truth..."

However, Qin Fang did not care much.

In addition to being one of the seven rulings of the Holy See, Ilya was once the first speaker of the Dark Council, and he has been guarding the chaotic capital of Tomis for decades, and has touched too many people and forces. It is not surprising to know the news of the **** Qin family.

However, as a hostile relationship between the two sides. Qin Fang did not want to let Ilya smash his own.

Others encountered the vampire prince Ilya may still be afraid, fear, but this obviously does not include the Qin side... He is not only not afraid, but is very excited, further provocative vampire prince.

"is it?"

As a veteran of decades of fame, Ilya has seen too many young talents, and has seen many arrogant generations. Coupled with decades of cultivation, is it so easy to be irritated by the Qin side?

"Young people, your radical method is useless to me, so don't waste your time..."

The strength of the older generation is not the same. The world has rumored that the vampire prince Ilya is a murderous old devil, but his temper and cultivation is surprisingly good.

In the face of the Qin side, this again and again, the provocation. He is not a little bit angry, but instead looks at Qin Fang with a smile, it seems that he still waits for Qin to continue to move...

"Isn't it useful?"

Qin Fang sneered, and then smiled disdainfully, "Why is that?"

During the speech, Qin Fang’s palm suddenly caught in the void not far from his side... As if there was an invisible attraction, he saw a figure flying into the palm of Qin’s palm.

To be precise, it is a bad luck that was directly caught by Qin Fang’s hand... As long as Qin Fang’s hand is slightly forced, this person will definitely be pinched by Qin Fang and killed on the spot!

As for the identity of this unlucky one... it is a disciple of Ilya.

This kid is also the guy who took the initiative to challenge the Qin side... Qin Fang has long been stunned by this kid, and now falls into the control of the Qin side, life and death are between Qin Fangyi.

However, Qin Fang obviously will not kill this guy so easily!

He is used to threaten and provoke the vampire prince Ilya... At this time, there is no need to die!

"Young people... I advise you not to be wrong!"

Sure enough, seeing such a scene, the vampire prince Ilya is also a slight glimpse, the original smiley face, but also suddenly gloomy, the tone has become cold and fierce.

"Our mistake? Hahaha..."

Qin Fang couldn't help but laugh. "Old bat, what is wrong? I am young, I really don't understand it... or, do you teach me personally?"

To deal with this old man who is very self-satisfied, Qin Fang is indeed very rude, and once again provoked Ilya's bottom line, this time it has pinched his little bit of anti-scale!

The reason is only a little bit...

It is nothing more than seen from Ilya’s reaction. This old bat’s concern for his disciples is also very limited... The reason why he is angry is not because his disciples fall into the control of the Qin side, but Qin Fang’s provocation against him is a bit too much.

"Young people, you are looking for death..."

The eyes of the vampire prince Ilya suddenly became sharp and the tone was full of murderous shouts.

"However, I think that you are a talent... but it can give you a chance! As long as you honestly hand over the sacred guns and angel wings that belong to my Holy See, I can be the master and let you live a life! ”

However, after that sentence, he was a voice, and suddenly changed his mouth.

“Do you still want to accept me as a disciple? Then you can inherit your clothes?”

Originally, Qin Fang didn't care much about it, but I felt that Ilia's words seemed familiar. It seemed that I was not alone with him. His ears are about to hear the old man, and he can't help but ridicule. of.


It was the face of the red fruit of the Qin Dynasty. Even if the vampire prince Ilya is no better, this time there are some people who can't help but attack... he is not a good-tempered person. It’s just that these years have slowly become calmer.

However, if his anger broke out, he would still be the kind of cruel, bloodthirsty vampire prince!

"Let's go? Hahaha..."

Qin Fang was not scared, but even laughed a little, and then looked calmly at the vampire prince Ilya, very cold face to face, "then I really let you show it once... ..."


Almost at the same time he said this sentence, he also suddenly used a force!

The power of violent. The moment broke out from his hand... The unlucky one who was seriously injured and was caught by Qin Fang and blocked his body, the head immediately pulled down.

The neck bones were broken instantly, and a supreme powerhouse fell like this tragedy... Until the moment of death, he did not realize that he would die in such a shameful way.


The vampire prince Ilya was also shocked by the sudden action of Qin Fang.

When Qin Fang said the sentence, he realized that something was wrong...just, he never thought that Qin Fang would actually provoke him in such a violent and **** way.

Not bad. It is indeed a provocation!

And it’s still a successful provocation...

"Young people, you... irritated me!"

The voice of the vampire prince Ilya became cold and calm, but the momentum on him was in a violent climb... The surrounding air seemed to have become stagnant.

An endless suffocation, almost directly released from his body, rolled up the dust on the ground, violently bragging...

"Is this irritating?"

Qin Fang did not respond to the sneer of moving. "But... I think it seems to be a little worse!"


At this time, Qin Fang’s palm was once again moved, and it was a tyrannical attraction. The bearded and strong body also quickly flew toward the Qin side.

As for the purpose of Qin Fang... It is obviously the same as before, it is to kill the apprentice of the vampire prince Ilya.

"court death……"

Ilya is completely angry. At this time, I did not hesitate to take a shot... People don’t have to be close, one hand stretched out. There is a violent force that falls from the sky.

The horrible strength, from the top down, immediately caused a sense of oppression that the breath was about to stagnate.


Qin Fang’s suffocating field has been opened to the extreme, but under such a horrible pressure, it is also severely compressed... especially at the top of the head, almost oppressed to the Qin side’s head.


"Give me there!"

Qin Fang is also a monk!

Ming knew that he was very dangerous at this time, but he still bite his teeth, did not let go of the big beard... The palm of his hand sucked, and the bearded body flew involuntarily toward the Qin side.

However, Qin Fang did not take over this time, but directly threw the bearded and powerful body to the top of the head, and then...


The field of helium was slightly received, and then it exploded to the top of the head.

This is a special use in the field of radon, and it is also very scary at certain critical moments...


The vampire prince Ilya did not care about the reversal of the Qin side's field, directly increasing the output of the suffocating gas. The horrible violent violent anomaly, the force of the field that the Qin side broke out was also extremely suppressed.

At this time, Qin Fang suddenly adjusted the body of the bearded man in one direction, and actually lost it to the place where the two men played.

Especially the bearded and strong body, right at the center of the conflict...

The consequences are also imaginable!


The fierce cry of the bearded man is also shaking everyone around you...

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