Omni Genius

Chapter 2588: Conquer the abyss slaughter!

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"It seems that I got the smoky abyss slaughter, and I have to take time to prepare some advanced materials for him... Only the purple scorpion abyss slaughter who really achieved the amethyst color is really stepping into Dacheng!"

Qin Fang could not help but swear.

Obviously, he thought a bit more...

Although the strength of the sable abyss slaughter is not able to reach the extreme, but it is also much stronger than before... The most crucial point is that his sable has some special energy, which is likely to offset the light of the Holy Force. Intensified damage!

This is a very bad news for the Qin side... This means that the Qin side needs to spend more energy to deal with this powerful and sturdy abyss.

And his previous ten-year-old means is not very reliable now!


When the scent of the sable abyss was gradually stabilized, he made such a roar, and his suffocation became more intense... The sinful atmosphere that existed before was even stronger.


What surprised Qin Fang was that this evil power was very similar to the power of the field, and directly imprisoned the body of Qin Fang... It seems that the Qin side was **** all over the body.


However, Qin Fang quickly released his own field of suffocation... The field was shocked, and suddenly such a sinister force was offset a lot. Although it was not completely lifted, at least it would not let Qin Fang shackle. Can't show it.


However, many of the powerful Asters and Abyss slaughterers are even more horrible... the way of attacking is not the same as before. The means of changing stealth and sneak attack turned into a frontal storm.

Moreover, his speed has also been greatly improved...

In such a close range, his speed is basically equivalent to an instant movement, it is too fast ... to the extreme, even the sound of the air is hard to be suppressed by him.



Therefore, Qin Fang did not even have the chance to dodge. He was directly hit by the smoky abyss slaughter... The whole person was painfully flying backwards, and the heavy alloy wall behind him hit it. Above.

However, the sable abyss slaughterers are not so good...

It is not a real human being. There are still some shortcomings in wisdom. I did not expect that the front of the scene had been secretly arranged for several field bombs to be placed on his side.

That is to say, while the Achilles Abyss slaughter hit the Qin side, he himself was bombarded by Qin Fang’s field bomb... The thin body also immediately retreated quickly, and there was a very Obvious burnt smell!

Of course. The destructive power of the field bomb horror. It also caused great damage to the third floor of this treasure house... Some of the interior decorations were all blown into pieces. Even with some Qin Fang, there is still no time to take it away, and the treasures that are worthless are also destroyed.

"Hey~~ It’s so cool? Would you like to try some more bombs?"

However, Qin Fang is not able to take care of those. I spit out the blood of the mouth, and looked at the opposite of the purple abyss and slaughter.

Although the Qin party smashed the smoky abyss and slaughtered the scorpion, the guilt was shocking and the injury was not light, but the Qin side was still quite refreshing... the other side’s injury was not heavier, but he was more embarrassed than him. .

The most crucial point is that Qin Fang saw a little bit of victory.


However, the sable abyss slaughter is obviously not going to give the Qin side any chance to breathe... The blow just made a little injury to the Qin side, but there is obviously a distance from death, this time his The offensive is even more fierce.

When the people have not moved, there will be a terrible murderous murderous face...

Then, the sables of the Asters and Abyss turned into a shadow, and they rushed toward the Qin... The speed was faster and more urgent than before, and the whole person became a shadow, as if It has surpassed the limits of the human eye.


At the same time as the smoky abyss slaughter, Qin Fang also screamed, and the whole body was completely tight, and seemed to be waiting for the other side's fatal blow.

The sable abyss slaughter obviously did not let Qin Fang down, or his speed is too strong, Qin Fang can not defend, can only passively beat, silently bear the attack...

However, Qin Fang may be so easy to follow?

Obviously not!


At this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Qin Fang, in front of the purple abyss and slaughterers... The violent blow of the awkward abyss slaughter.

This time is no more than the previous time...

This time, the sable abyss slaughter used a weapon. The black dagger in his hand slammed directly on the shadow of the body, and immediately splashed a series of Mars!


However, the shadow was not afraid, and both arms stretched out, and suddenly a slender black line stretched out from its arm, and then quickly pierced the Aster Abyss at the fastest speed. Arms and quickly tied the two arms together.


The sable awkward abbots did not think of breaking their heads... Qin Fang would suddenly summon a monk at such a critical time, and it was in front of Qin Fang’s body, just stuck in the purple abyss. The slaughter's attack route.

The speed of the sable abyss slaughter is too fast. Although he realizes that something is wrong, he has no chance of change. He can only attack the scorpion... He is confident that with his current strength, almost human beings No one can bear his fatal blow!


Deaf people are not human at all!

It is just a monk made of special metal...

No life, no pain. Even with such a violent blow, there were several deep scratches on his body, almost all of which had split its body. It still stood there firmly, and it was also in accordance with the instructions of Qin Fang. The sable abyss slaughter is on hand!

The black line that the monk had extended, Qin Fang had seen it long ago... but he didn’t even know what material it was made of, and the shape of each time seemed to be different.

However, the use is great...

Moreover, Qin Fang can be sure that the material of the black line may be more expensive and rare than the Beihai copper used by the monks, and it is definitely the most rare and rare material!


The Qin Fang behind the black shadow. At the moment, it was suddenly launched!

Of course he is not the one to the sable abyss slaughter... even if it is the best hands-on opportunity. However, Qin Fang would not do this, but the dragon soul wooden sign that went straight into the distance rushed past.


Although the wisdom of the Achilles Abyss was not comparable to that of human beings, but also realized the purpose of the Qin side, it immediately screamed. You have to break free from the shackles of this shadow. Prepare to rebel and give Qin Fang a fierce blow. Prevent Qin Fang from grabbing the Dragon Soul wooden card!



Sure enough, the shadow was shaken off by the horrible power of the Achilles Abyss. But the slender black line that stretched out of its arm was very flexible, but it was not broken, but also tied in purple. The body of the abyss slaughter.

The lethality is definitely not there...

but. This slender black line played a very crucial role. It pulled the body of the sable abyss and let him chase and kill the Qin dynasty.

This is also a testament to the strength of this black line...

The Qin side is taking advantage of this time difference, using his super light light snow and no trace body, quickly flashing to the side of the Dragon Soul wooden card, and directly caught him in his hand.

"Do not……"

Seeing that Qin Fang reached out, the smoky abbots were also angered.

The body immediately oscillated a more violent force, and the horrible power even invaded the monks... The serious injuries were much worse, and the scratches on the body were deeper. It is necessary to touch the core of the deaf.

"Let him go..."

At this time, Qin Fang immediately ordered the monks to order.

Although the monks will follow his orders, even if it is in danger of disintegration, they will still hold the Achilles and Abyss slaughter, but Qin does not want it to be destroyed.

Even an order like Qin Fang is likely to bring him a deadly threat...


Losing the shackles of the black line, the smoky abyss slaughter immediately rushed toward the Qin side, faster and more urgent than before, and the black dagger appeared in the heart of the Qin side in an instant, as long as With a little push, you can pierce the key to Qin.


At this time, Qin Fang’s hand was able to capture the dragon soul wooden card... He clearly felt an invisible force that instantly hit every inch of his body and every corner!


The assassination of the sable abyss was also awkward... It was only a inch away from Qin’s heart, and even had already pierced Qin’s clothes, and was about to reach Qin’s skin.

"Ha ha ha... Dragon Soul is my own!"

Qin Fang couldn’t help but laugh, completely ignoring the sorcerer’s anger to the extreme, but he couldn’t help but express his expression... Although he paid a lot of money, his success made his contribution completely worthy. .

The anger and hatred in the eyes of the sable abyss are also slowly weakening... This is the effect of the Dragon Soul wooden card, a force that makes him completely unable to resist, even if he is so horrible, he can't break. !

Of course, this is because Qin Fang holds the Dragon Soul wooden card at this moment, and he dare not act rashly...

At this moment, Qin Fang has also experienced no small risk. It can be regarded as the sturdy and powerful Azure Abyss slaughter. Although it is only temporary, Qin believes that it will become permanent soon! (To be continued.)

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