Omni Genius

Chapter 2605: Kill the **** three-headed dog!

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Fortunately, there is a tyrannical flame turtle around him. The first time he will **** away that small group of fires... Otherwise, this small group of fires will not kill him, and he will definitely make him sullen. .

This is so, his arm is still burning a small hole, at this moment is smoking black smoke, let him eat pain!

However, the fire turtle is spitting out black smoke...

But the color of the body has changed a bit, obviously not as easy as it seems.

"I know that there is a problem with this flame turtle. It should be the limit..."

Qin Fang took a look and took a deep look. He also understood the limit of the flame turtle. "Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to think of Hermes again. Look for opportunities next time... ”

If you continue to suffer losses, if Hermes still goes to the Qin side, it really shows that his IQ has a problem!

Qin Fang did not dare to provoke him any more. When he turned around, he quickly rushed outside the Parthenon... The treasure he wanted to get was already in hand, he didn’t want to stay here. The siege of this group of people in the mountain.

Without the obstruction of Hermes, basically no one can block his footsteps...

"Bastard, don't run... I want to kill you!"

Seeing that the Qin side actually fled, Hermeston was angry, and his body was stunned, trying to shake up all the bombs around the body and the small fireballs that were made by the skyfire. He could Continue to chase the Qin Fang.


The Qin side was crying coldly. The body swayed rapidly, and the door between the eyes went to the temple.

When Hermes squandered from the "encirclement circle", Qin Fang had already stepped out of the door with one foot and instantly rushed out of the Parthenon!

"He came out... kill!"

Of course, the greet of the Qin side, naturally the masters of the gods who survived the escape... confirmed that the Qin side was not after Hermes, immediately violently attacked the Qin side.


It is a pity that these people obviously overestimate their strength!

Qin Fang violently screamed, and his footsteps suddenly stepped on, and suddenly there were countless violent enthusiasm released from his body... The group attack skills started. Crazy attacking the strong men who tried to contain and attack the Qinshan Mountains.


The strong here. There are no particularly powerful masters!

In the Shenshen Mountain, the strength has reached the supreme level, and there will be a **** position... This is very similar to the Odin Divine, in the Greek mythology, Nordic mythology system. The gods are quite a lot. It is generally not the case that several people grab a god.

Have a god. That position is naturally different.

Even if it is sent to guard the Parthenon, it is also the leader's level... Even if you can't control yourself as much as you like Hermes, you don't generally like these little ones. .

So. These high-handed hands of the gods have no decent masters.

Then, they naturally can't stop the Qin Fang's attack like the strongest in the late Zun... Even if the power is scattered to many people, it is still enough to seriously hurt or even kill them!

"Ah, ah~~~"

In a series of screams, Qin Fang’s body shape barely paused, so he walked through the bodies of these gods and masters and quickly galloped toward the darkness in the distance.

That speed is amazing, and in a short while, you can only see a little shadow.


At this time, with a roar, Hermes rushed out of the Parthenon... He finally drove the field bombs and the fire all over, and immediately rushed out.

"That bastard, where did he go?"

Seeing the man lying down on the ground, Hermes's face was ugly to the extreme, and immediately roared and roared.

"Hermes, he went to...he went in that direction!"

I felt the horrible suffocation and killings from Hermes, and the horrible atmosphere. These little **** dared to delay and immediately pointed out the direction of Qin Fangyuan!

"Hey~~ I want to tear you up!"

Hermes snorted, and he quickly chased in the direction of Qin Fangyuan. His speed was also surprisingly fast, as if he was on the foot of a hot wheel, and his blink of an eye disappeared.

"Hermes is chasing, and that guy can't escape..."

"That's right! Although he can set fire, but the outside is not narrower than the place in the temple, his trick doesn't work!"

"This time, he is dead... killing so many brothers!"

Looking at the disappearing direction of Hermes, these little mourners of the gods of the gods also had some luck on their faces... Fortunately they survived, and the enemy could not escape!


Are they really worth it so happy?

Or are they too happy to be too early?


It was at this time that two silver lights appeared, and swiftly swept the spot on the spot with lightning speed... From the necks of several people, I saw a big head rising from the sky.

"Ah, ah~~~"

Perhaps it happened so fast that the head flew up and the screams came.

"what's the situation?"

"Not good! The enemy attack..."

The little ones suddenly panicked, and then saw the heads of their companions flying into the sky, all of them shouting with wide eyes, and all of them were carefully guarded.

But... with them a little bit of strength, may you be able to stop it?


The two silver lights rushed and rushed across the neck of a small donkey. Then quickly killed the little cockroach... And with the blink of an eye, more than a dozen people were decapitated and died.

"Ah~~ Run away!"

Such a result, let these small strengths are not very strong, we are chilling, and all of them screamed and fled to the surrounding, one by one, the speed is amazing, I am afraid that I will be the next head. The unlucky.


Of course, the two silver lights are not vegetarian. In the middle of the flight, several people have been killed in succession!

Only three or five people scattered and scattered have saved a life!

"It’s a bunch of idiots..."

Until the people were gone, a figure came out of the darkness slowly, and it was the Qin party that should have escaped very far. He has appeared here.

And these beheaded beggars. Naturally, it was killed by the two flying swords of the Qin Dynasty...

Unfortunately, although he intends to escape, he still brushed a little trick to deceive these unskilled little crickets... and Hermes, under the wrath, also listened to the words of these little sluts, toward The direction of Qin Fang’s “escape” was chased.

Qin Fang did not go at all. Stay here and backhand the darkness of these people...

"Hermes... want to kill me? Hey. I will let you taste the taste of revenge..."

Although this time the event. It was Qin’s initiative to robbed the treasures and made troubles, but he did not intend to start these people on the mountain of the gods... It’s nothing more than the people of Hermes and the mountains of the gods, and Qin Fang’s killing. of.

Especially Hermes. It’s very sinister, and it’s fatal, so the Qin party doesn’t have to be polite...

"Hell three-headed dog... Hey! Let you become a dead dog!"

Estimated the time, Hermes found it deceptive, there may be a little bit of time, Qin quickly rushed into the Parthenon, quickly broke into the temple of the goddess.

The splitting beast and the Hell's three-headed dog are very fierce, and both sides are exhausted. Both sides are all scarred, and they are completely trying to kill each other...

The Split Heavenly Beast is the soul slave of the Qin Dynasty. As long as the Qin Fang issued an order, it does not care about its own life and death. Naturally every fight is to do its best. It does not care whether you may be injured or even died...

Correspondingly, the Hell's Three-Headed Dog is not the same. It has its own sense of autonomy. When it is overweight, it has already retired and wants to seek self-protection.

However, it was entangled by the cracked beasts. Every time he tried to retreat and escape, he was forced to be topped by the cracked beast. He could only bite the scalp and continue to fight with the cracked beast...

Qin Fang and Hermes have been fighting for so long, they have been playing for so long, all are scarred and exhausted...

As the saying goes, you are sick, you want to die...

The reason why Qin Fang chose to return, is to kill this **** three-headed dog!

A big cheaper, what will he let him go?


When Qin Fang entered the temple of the goddess, the three-headed dog of Hell was screaming at the scarred mouth of the ear, and the pain in his mouth was groaning... but his eyes were still staring at the equally **** cracked beast.

"Hands! Kill it..."

This is a very good opportunity. Qin Fang almost subconsciously issued this order to the splitting beast, and Qin Fang himself quickly rushed to the **** three-headed dog.

At the same time, Qin Fang also arranged a backhand... a more strange shadow, but also quickly rushed to the Hell three-headed dog.


Hell three-headed dog is a creature from hell, and the perception is quite horrible, especially the smell of **** is very familiar. When the shadow is approaching quickly, it is also instinctively roaring, and then quickly posed A defensive posture has emerged.

"Dead ~~"

However, Qin Fang could not let him go!

The Qin Fang, the Split Heavenly Beast, plus the Asters and Abyss of the Hell from Hell... The three-pronged approach, the three launched the most violent attack at the same time, and quickly launched a deadly attack on the Hells! (To be continued.)

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