Omni Genius

Chapter 2621: Du Jia old monster!

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"You are waiting outside,..."

Qin Fang quietly walked out from the hidden place, and then quietly circumvented the **** demon disciples who were at the entrance of the total altar, but directly entered the interior of the Hall of the Blood Medal.

"Go first to pick up the three old guys..."

Compared to these **** demon scorpions, the three old monsters are the main target and opponent of Qin Fang!

Many people are not necessarily useful. Qin Fang can't look down on those who are not qualified to send experience points... Even if there are five supreme powers, they are still not seen by Qin Fang.

The strongest is only in the midst of the middle of the battle. Even if it is killed, the experience value given is not a lot.

It is also easy to be entangled by other people, revealing yourself, and it is possible to give the three old monsters a chance to do so... The mistakes made by Qin are not so easy to appear.

The secret road was too concealed, and it was straight through the Great Hall of the Blood Devils, which just bypassed these people, but saved a lot of strength from the Qin side.

"This is the total altar of the Gorefiend..."

Stepping into the **** sect, the small map of Qin Fang is completely open.

In this way, the whole **** demon squad is in his surveillance... No one appears or moves in front or behind, he can see very clearly, enough for him to avoid the people of the Blood Demon.

And the three old monsters he was looking for, the whereabouts are also displayed on the small map of Qin Fang...

One is very close to him, just inside a partial hall next to the main hall. It is estimated that it is also the movement to stay in the accident, once the Qin party appears. Killed with the Gorefiend disciples, he will appear in the first place.

As for the other two old monsters, they are not here...

The Qin side just paid attention to the whereabouts of these three people. The other two people separated after entering the main hall... one went to the back hill forbidden land, and the other went to the performance hall of the altar.

"It’s not a thousand years of inheritance, how many times the ups and downs of the blood demons are still standing... This weather is really extraordinary!"

Walking in the hall and looking at everything here, Qin Fang could not help but admire.

It's hard to imagine being in the depths of such a deserted mountain. However, such a large-scale building complex has been built, especially the large hall. The carved and painted buildings are simply works of art in ancient architecture.

There are no modern facilities, there are few people, and the **** demon is like a cloud. It preserves the most original taste of the place as much as possible, even the buildings. Quite shocking.

"Who is going to start?"

Qin Fang's goal is three old monsters, but now it is very coincidental, the three old monsters are divided into three directions, each fighting, but it saves a lot of things for Qin, he can break each.

but. Which one to choose first, this is the Qin side slightly tangled.

"The temple can give up, too close to the outside. Once it is a little moving, it will inevitably alarm those people... although they are not afraid of them. But more of these cumbersome is trouble!"

The old monster closest to himself, Qin Fang first gave up. Not a suitable starting object.

"The mountain is forbidden..."

Qin Fang pondered a bit, "I also put a put it first... That forbidden land is a bit interesting, waiting for the old monster to be cleaned up, definitely have to take a trip, don't worry about this half-time!"

"Showing the martial arts..."

In the end, Qin Fang set the target on the old monster of Yanwutang.

It is said that it is a martial arts hall. In fact, its location is not at the top of the mountain, but in the mountainside...

Here is the core area of ​​the **** demon squad. The general blood-soul disciples are not eligible to enter them. At least the elite disciples who have been mastered above the master level are eligible to enter the martial arts hall!

You know, almost every day, at least three or five of the supreme powers are preaching in the martial arts hall...

Every month, there are also the inner-age elders who train one-on-one training and training for some excellent inner disciples, so that these excellent disciples can grow up as soon as possible.

The most precious opportunity of the blood demons, that is, "Blood Emperor" personally teaches some martial arts in the martial arts hall...

Such an opportunity is quite rare. It is every **** demon disciple... including some valuable opportunities that the inner door elders are very eager for! It is also the importance of playing the martial arts hall.

The core of this, its location is naturally relatively hidden!

Built below the monumental forest behind the Great Hall of the Altar, and the entrance to the Yanwu Hall is also in the Forest of Stones. Unfortunately, even if the general person knows the location of the entrance, he is still unable to enter it without permission.

But... this is obviously useless to the Qin side.

"Small Qiankun five lines are upside down... but still incomplete, fooling those laymen, I want to fool me? Oh... that is really looking for death!"

Qin Fang crossed the Grand Hall of the Altar and soon came to the front of the Forest of Stone Tablets. After a brief look, Qin Fang was also extremely disdainful.

Xiao Qiankun's five lines of inversion are a kind of infatuation. If the array is complete, the power is quite ok... If there is another master of the actor to preside over this puzzle, the power is quite amazing.

It can be said that this small Qiankun five-line reversed the power of the magic to reach the extreme, you can trap the strongest of the Emperor Wudi...

Of course, that is impossible to achieve!

Once this method is incomplete, it is impossible to play the power of one tenth of this puzzle. The second is that the blood demon should not have any particularly powerful masters of the battle. Otherwise, this small The five elements are reversed and repaired, and even if they do not reach the most powerful power, at least one-third can be achieved.

Unfortunately, this array seems to have existed for many years, but it has always been like this, and it has even become more broken...

However, when I met Qin Fang, a great master of the tactics, let alone a broken little 乾 五 五 颠 颠 颠 颠 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Therefore, the beards of others who are afraid of being like tigers, in the eyes of Qin Fang, seem to have nothing at all, stepping into them easily, leisurely and calmly moving, the whole lost chain did not move. of.

"This is also good! With this cover for the cover, even if the theater is completely destroyed, it is estimated that no one knows outside..."

Qin Fang’s face also had a sinister smile.

According to the news he got, the blood martial arts martial arts hall is the focus of the blood sorcerer... In addition to the elite disciples to practice, there are some very special exercises room around, equipped with quite high-end facilities!

Among them, it includes the blood pool that the Gorefiends want to have...

The blood pool in Yanwutang can only be regarded as the blood pool of the masses. The materials arranged in it are relatively simple, but they have been passed down for thousands of years. These blood pools are also quite scary.

After passing through the forest of the monument, Qin Fang found the entrance to the theater, and stepped into it easily and comfortably!

Yanwutang is a very large space built in the mountainside...

Originally, it was just a vacant cave. After being discovered by the Blood Devils, it took several decades to dig through and built several important facilities of the Blood Monk.

Yanwutang is naturally the biggest one...

In addition to a huge performance hall, there are many relatively small practice rooms, and even in some more concealed areas, some secret rooms for retreats have been built...

At this moment, the sound of the theater is cold and clear, and there is almost no sound at all...

Only a white-haired old man sitting cross-legged in the center of the martial arts hall, his eyes closed slightly and his breath was balanced. It seemed to be in the midst of mobilization. In addition to the slight breathing, it was almost like a dead person.

When Qin Fang stepped into the performance of the martial arts hall, his eyes were immediately opened, and suddenly there were two people who went straight to the Qin side and immediately ignited Qin’s defensive self-defense. It is.

"Good horrible eyes, strong strength..."

Qin Fang could not help but admire it.

Although I know that this old man is one of the very scary old monsters in the Gorefiend, he is quite confident about his strength... I can really feel the strength of this old monster, he can’t help but feel his heart of.

"You are the kid of the Qin family?"

The sharp eyes of the old man gradually faded away, but looked at the Qin side indifferently, and asked quietly.

"Yes, I am..."

Since Qin Fang dared to go to the **** demon squad to level up, that is torn the face with the blood sorcerer, naturally there is no need to conceal his identity... As long as he successfully upgraded this time, it is the blood emperor, he is comfortable Not afraid.

"Old man Du Tianheng..."

The old man introduced himself calmly in the same tone.

"Du Tianheng..."

Hearing this name, Qin Fang is also slightly stunned, very surprised to look at this old monster.

The biggest enemy of the blood Wu Qin family is the blood demon sect. Further, it is the Du family of the blood demons. The blood enemies of Qin and Du are really not shared... This is why Qin Fang encountered Du Yingjie at the beginning. Will not hesitate to kill it.

Du Tianheng is also a legend of the Gorefiend Du family...

He is a teenager, he is the most outstanding genius in the rivers and lakes of that era. He was once known as one of the "four sons of the rivers and lakes". It is a generation of outstanding people... Later, at the age of 30, he became a senior and became a **** demon. The core of the strong.

He is also an old man in the rivers and lakes. He is nearly a hundred years old, and he is even higher than the "four emperors". He is only a little bit smaller than Kunlun San Lao and others. It is a contemporary character.

However, such a genius, lived to the present, it is a real old monster, a body is really unbelievable. It may not be more than the "blood emperor"!

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