Omni Genius

Chapter 2630: Bloody Demon Curse!

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"The dragon is attached..."

At this time, Qin Fang did not intend to hide his strength, and immediately summoned Xiaolong!


Along with a clear sound of dragons, a silver dragon flew out of the body of Qin Fang, and quickly slammed into the shadow of Du Tianheng's blood...


Du Tianheng had not had time to respond, and he felt that his body suffered a very violent blow... his whole person was hit by the violent force.

Together with being blown away, it is still the **** shadow released by the blood floater...


What is even worse is that after the **** shadow was so violently hit, it was even more violent, and the **** shadow began to shrink again, directly adhering to Du Tianheng's body.

Otherwise, Xiaolong’s this heavy blow will not be able to fly Du Tianheng as easily!


After a hit, Xiaolong immediately flew back to the side of Qin Fang, turned into a silver light and integrated into the body of Qin Fang, immediately made the suffocation of Qin Fang more violent.

After Qin Fang’s advanced position, even the dragon’s possession was much stronger than before...

At the moment, Qin Fang, all over the body, screamed with horror, and formed a stingy position. Even if it did not open the bodyguard, this arrogant position directly built a super defensive circle.

Especially in the Qin Jin's enthusiasm, there is also a hint of the pressure of the gods and dragons. The natural level is superior, you can suppress any other breath...


Even Du Tianheng, who has a **** scum, feels the sturdy breath of Qin Fang. At this moment, his face is also very ugly, and he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As for whether he was scared or because the body was hurt by the pain, it is not known.


Qin Fang did not intend to waste time. At this moment, he basically regarded the strength to be absolutely perfect, and naturally he would not hesitate any more. I immediately screamed. Then he went to Du Tianheng to cull.


The three flying swords have also been greatly improved. Under the control of the Qin side, an unparalleled horrible sword broke out immediately, and the **** shadow on the body of Du Tianheng was directly attacked...

This **** shadow has suffered from the violent blow of the abyss slaughter. It’s really crumbling...

The reason is not broken. That's because Du Tianheng still can hold on to it... The blood float is a very powerful treasure. Comparable to the existence of the handed down artifact, it is not so easy to destroy, naturally this blood color ghost is also difficult to be completely broken!


The blood color ghost will not be broken. Doesn't mean it won't go away!

When it can withstand an attacking force that exceeds a certain extreme, or it does not cover a sufficient range, it will spontaneously disappear in order to protect the blood-slaughter itself from damage.

And this is the chance for Qin Fang to kill Du Tianheng!


In the face of such a strong explosion of Qin Fang, Du Tianheng's face of the old monster has become extremely ugly... However, he can not compromise, and even more impossible to ask for mercy, burst into a shock, the whole person has become more violent.

Even... The **** illusion that was slammed back into Du Tianheng’s body by the smashing scorpion actually gradually expanded outward.

"Crazy Devil Curse?"

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang is also a slight glimpse.

He naturally knows what secrets Du Tianheng used, but he did not expect this old monster to have such courage. "I didn't expect that you are so old and old, and even dare to use these prohibitions... ”

The **** demon curse, one of the strongest bans recorded in the blood **** magic of the blood magic sect.

This is a mystery that activates the full potential of the blood. It is also known as the "suicide ban". People who basically use the madness of the demon spell can get the most horrible in a very short time. The strength is increased, and the price paid is one-third of the loss of vitality.

Forty-year-old Supreme Power, this kind of mystery will be directly transformed into a 60-year-old physical state; 50-year-old will become a 75-year-old physical state; 60-year-old will be directly Become a ninety-year-old body state...

The older you are, the more wear and tear it will bring.

Even the strong and powerful Supreme Force can not afford such a terrible loss...

This loss is almost a permanent loss, basically the kind that is hard to make up...

It can be said that this is a ban on betting on your own life!

Du Tianheng is now over 90 years old, close to a hundred years old, and now exerts such a horrible ban on horror... Basically, the result is doomed. After the time limit for the use of the ban, his life will be almost the same.

"You have chosen to commit suicide. Why bother?"

Qin Fang could not help but ridicule.

However, it seems to be quite easy on the mouth, but in fact his mind is also running at high speed, thinking about the countermeasures... Du Tianheng was originally powerful and outrageous. Now, after the increase of the **** demon curse, it is even more It has reached an unimaginable level of horror.

With his current combat power, it is entirely possible to defeat the "four emperors" and kill the Qin Fang...


At the same time, the power of the blood floater seems to have been activated by Du Tianheng, and the **** shadow is gradually recovering, and his defense is also strengthening.


The attack of Qin Fang fell on the shadow of the blood color, and immediately there was a violent vibration... I only saw the violent tremor of the **** shadow, but it did not mean to retreat, even Expanding little by little.

However, Du Tianheng's body was repulsed by Qin Fang's spare force. This kind of strength passed directly through the **** shadow and passed to Du Tianheng's body. Caused a little negligible damage.

The three-way flying sword also slammed into the shadow of the blood color, but it was only a little bit of bombardment, and then the three flying swords were directly shocked by the **** shadow!

"not good……"

Seeing my own attack, I couldn’t do a little bit of damage to Du Tianheng’s old monster. Qin’s face was also changed instantly. “The power of the **** demon curse is beyond my estimation...”

Didn't hurt Du Tianheng, and he couldn't suppress this old monster. The situation became quite bad in an instant.

The **** demon curse brought a very terrifying increase to Du Tianheng. The momentum of this old monster is also rising rapidly, and the violent temper is slightly dissipated a little. They all trembled and screamed at the big martial arts hall.

"Half-step Wudi..."

Qin Fang can feel it. Du Tianheng’s combat power at this moment is leaping to the semi-step Wudi level little by little... This kind of leap forward is different from the Brahma and the Son Peter who had been contacted by Qin Fang, relying on the external force to enhance, but a realm of improvement. .

This is a horrible reinforcement brought by the madness demon spell...

It is equal to Du Tianheng using his remaining vitality to force himself to the level of Wudi. Not just the improvement of strength. There is also a realm of improvement. In this way, he can release a full blow of the half-step Wudi level.

Why is it a full blow?

Because of Du Tianheng's physical condition, he only had one chance to shoot!

A trick is successful, then he is naturally satisfied, the wish is reached!

One move missed. Then Du Tianheng is basically completely finished...

"Can you live with this trick?"

Qin Fang asked himself in his heart.

The answer is obvious... I can't help it!

Not to mention that the Qin Fang could not hold it, that is, the "four emperors" came over. In the absence of the artifacts of the handed down artifacts, they could not stop the fatal blow of Du Tianheng.


"You must find a way to solve the immediate trouble..."

Although the situation is very bad, but Qin Fang is still relatively calm, the brain is running at high speed, thinking about the countermeasures, the mind is also constantly flipping inside the props box, looking for the right treasure.


However, at this time, when Du Tianheng was fully strengthened, he suddenly felt like a heavy blow, and a blood spurted out... slamming on the **** shadow.

Nourishing ~~

After the **** shadow was hit by a blood, it seemed to be a highly corrosive and very poisonous. Actually, a loophole appeared. Although it was compensated, the whole blood color was Some of it has faded, and even the pace of expansion has stopped...


Qin Fang slightly glimpsed, this sudden appearance, but let him move his mind, "How do I forget it... It’s really anxious to get out of trouble, and almost give myself a pit!"

"Shen silkworm, full force shot slamming Du Tianheng! Stop his mad blood demon spell..."

The Qin side immediately gave orders to the **** silkworm.

The silkworm was thrown into the blood pool by Qin Fang a long time ago, which was used to calculate Du Tianheng... and the reason why Qin Fang can win the control of the blood pool from Du Tianheng is also the murder of the silkworm.

And when Du Tianheng did not expect it at all, when the **** shadow attached to Du Tianheng's body, the silkworm was smashed into the body of Du Tianheng without knowing it!

Just now, the silkworm attacked Du Tianheng’s guilt violently...

This is a storm from the inside of the body!

Even though Du Tianheng's internal organs have been strengthened and baptized several times, it has become very powerful, not much worse than the appearance of defense, but it is difficult to resist the attack of the sericulture...

Before Qin Fang ignored this point, the blood color ghost was not broken, so Qin Fang did not realize that the silkworm could actually break into Du Tianheng's body, which would be a bit confusing.

Of course, although the silkworm is sharp, it is difficult to directly kill Du Tianheng...

The real killings can only be in the Qin side outside! (To be continued.)

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