Omni Genius

Chapter 2637: When the brush experience is going on!

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The power of Feijian has risen so much at once, which is equivalent to letting Qin Fang master a killing trick... The most crucial point is that the blood dragon killing is not a big loss for the Qin side.

It’s just the power of Qin’s **** secrets...

The power of the Qin family's blood, after the Qin Dynasty's advanced position, was greatly weakened, because it has reached its utmost.

"Hey? This is..."

However, when Qin Fang thought that his harvest would be big enough, he still found another thing from Du Tianheng's body... a thing that Qinfang felt extremely surprised.

"This is the secret map of Vientiane Liuhai?"

From the body of Du Tianheng, Qin Fang took out such a treasure map made of unknown spiritual skins. The treasure map is relatively complete, but some parts of it are contaminated with Du Tianheng's blood.

However, this picture was made with the spirit of the animal skin, although these blood traces cover the above pattern, but as long as careful operation, you can still clear the blood on the top...

Vientiane glazed sea...

This name was once a famous name for Longguo Wulin. However, until now, people who know its name are very, very few. Basically, only the elites above the elders level of the big gates have Qualified.

This is a secret...

And it is an overseas secret!

Further, Vientiane Liulihai is the entrance secret of Sanxian Mountain overseas. It is a small submarine attached to the periphery of Penglai's secret environment... In this case, it is famous. Naturally understandable.

"I still have a pillow when I am really asleep..."

Seeing the mysterious map of the Vientiane glazed sea, Qin Fang could not help but laugh.

The Penglai mystery is the secret that Qin Fang must go...

There, you may find answers to many “suspended cases” in the rivers and lakes.

In addition, Qin Fang already has a complete map of Penglai's secrets, which makes Qin Fang more confident in entering Penglai's secrets...not to mention where it is, it is possible to find a breakthrough in the Wudi level. road!

This is the road that the top leaders of the earth want to explore...

However, it is not so easy to enter the Penglai secrets. It can even be said to be difficult... The map of the Penglai secret is not mentioned, just looking for its entrance. It is extremely difficult.

There is the Vientiane glazed sea...

At the same time, the Vientiane Liuli Sea has always been occupied by the tyrannical and terrible Jurassic!

If you want to enter the Penglai secret, you must pass the guard of the Jurassic... This is an absolute tyrannical strength, perhaps not famous in the rivers and lakes, but its power is even a taboo for the "four emperors" of.

"With this map, it should be easier to avoid the people of Jurassic?"

Qin Fang couldn't help but figure it out.

"Since Du Tianheng has such a map, why didn't he go to the Vientiane glazed sea to try his luck?"

But at the same time. The Qin side has also become quite curious.

It is a pity that Du Tianheng was killed by him. Such a question has become an unsolvable problem that no one can answer him. Qin Fang can only hold his nose and talk to himself, but also No answer.

"No matter, anyway, this thing falls into my hands. It is also a happy event..."

Fortunately, Qin Fang did not go deep into it, and dropped the map of this Vientiane glazed sea into the prop box.

Nowadays, it can be said that Qin Fang’s preparations for the secret of Penglai’s secrets have been done almost the same. The only difference is the strength of Qin Fang!

Even the strongest of the "four emperors." I dare not go to the glazed glazed sea and Penglai secrets easily, and this is the strength of Qin Fang. It is estimated that sending the past to the people is too weak...

"Strength! Strength! Strength!"

In this way, the Qin side was also somewhat depressed, but then he became quite excited. After a few scorpions, he quickly walked outside the theater. "Leveling! Leveling! Leveling..."

Obviously, this is what the Qin side is going to do...

Still a little bit of experience, Qin Fang can rise from 8 to 9.

As long as the integration of the level and the realm is completed, his strength will suddenly advance by leaps and bounds... After the complete integration, the strength of the Qin side should not be much worse than the "four emperors".

"There is only about 11% of the experience value..."

Qin Fang looked at it, and then the heart was also calculated.

"The strength of the elders who are sitting in the town outside is also very tyrannical, perhaps not as good as Du Tianheng. It should not be much worse. It should be no problem to give a 5% experience value..."

"Plus the ordinary Supreme Elders outside to get together, it should be enough to rise to level 9!"

"Upgraded to level 9, the level and the realm are integrated, my strength can skyrocket, and the strong singles of the four emperors should not be defeated. It should be easier to kill these elders..."

"With such strength, plus all kinds of treasures and cards in the hands, you can have a considerable grasp of the blood-deviled caves of the blood-scarred sect."

"Well, then do it!"

A simple pondering, Qin Fang’s action plan was also formulated immediately.

The elders who stayed in the **** demon squad, there should be only three people... a hall in the town’s altar, a blood-defense cave that guards the blood-devil sect, and a Du Tianheng, who deliberately lured Qin Fang to play the martial arts, trying Kill the Qin Fang!

It is a pity that Qin Fang’s strength and luck are top-notch, and Du Tianheng was killed by hard life.

Although Du Tianheng's rich experience has not allowed Qin to be promoted to level 9, but the benefits of Qin Fang are enormous, and their strength has been greatly improved, and a treasure in their hands can also play a role. Great use.

"Sure enough, there..."

From the performance of the martial arts hall, and passed through the small 乾 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五 五

Such a superficial elder, Qin Fang can only deal with one...

If the elders who guarded the blood magic caves also appeared together, then Qin Fang must definitely find another way!

However, such a thing did not happen...

The Blood Devil Cave is the forbidden place of the Gorefiend. When it is not a last resort, the elders who guard the blood magic caves generally do not leave the blood magic cave...

Perhaps it is because of the existence of a top-ranking supreme powerhouse like Du Tianheng, plus another elder who is too elder to deal with any strong who broke into the **** demon sect. The man came out and swayed and went straight back. Let's go!

"Whatever the reason, it saves me trouble and troubles..."

Qin Fang could not help but stunned.

He carefully walked over to the elders who had gone too far... and swayed past, almost without concealing his "identity."

Those **** demon disciples, inner door elders, and so on, who are outside the altar of the altar, are directly ignored by the Qin side. The number of these people is naturally dominant, but they are not enough. Packed up.

Perhaps when the Qin party and the elders of the elders started to work, these people would bring great constraints to the Qin side, but the Qin side did not put them in the eyes!


The Qin party at the moment is "Du Tianheng."

Yes, it is the elders of the blood demons, "Du Tianheng"!

Anyway, Du Tianheng has already died in the theater, and Qin Fang has changed the Xiaoxingkun five-line in the forest of monuments. It is estimated that no one can break into it in a short time.

Then, Du Tianheng’s body was temporarily uncovered...

The Qin Dynasty directly became the appearance of Du Tianheng, and the big swaying appeared in the total altar of the Blood Demon...

He did not worry that he would be suspected, because he played with the blood of the Nether, the blood of the Nether Blood escaped easily covered the breath of the Qin side, even if it was the "blood emperor" standing in Qin. In front of the party, it is hard to find that Qin Fang is a fake!

And Qin Fang wants to get the purpose of the Nether Blood, in addition to entering the Blood Devil's forbidden land blood magic cave, but also wants to use the power of this Nether Blood to cover up the Qin party's own breath...

In this case, Qin Fang walked around in the blood demons, and no one would notice that he was not right.

"Eternal elder Tian..."

When I walked into the hall, I saw that the elders of the elders were greeted with a sigh of relief.

Although he is the same as Du Tianheng, he is a superficial elder of the blood demons, but from his attitude toward Du Tianheng, he knows that Du Tianheng's position in the blood demons is quite high!


In the face of such an elder, the Qin side is also maintaining a proud attitude, but it must be gently snorted, it is a relatively "courtesy" response!

Although Qin Fang knew the usage of Nether Blood and Blood Float from Du Tianheng, he did not know anything about Du Tianheng's temper... So, the Qin party at the moment can only play on his own.

As for whether Qin Fang has guessed the true temper of Du Tianheng in the Blood Devils, he can only look at luck.

Qin Fang felt that Du Tianheng should be a very proud and domineering man. Except for the blood emperor and the blood demon lord, the whole blood demons should not look in his eyes...

Obviously, there are still some problems with the performance of Qin Fang...

The elder's brow immediately wrinkled and seemed a little unpleasant, but in the end he still resisted his temper... However, his brow was also deep wrinkled, and his eyes were looked around. "Du Tianheng".

Such a reaction is also to make the Qin side slightly nervous...

There is a flaw, this is definitely not good news... Once the other party is alert, Qin Fang will not have such a good chance to attack!

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