Omni Genius

Chapter 2649: Old monster at home!

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"I am afraid that you will not be..."

Seeing the hidden skills can not completely avoid the other party's perception, Qin Fang simply jumped out from the darkness... Looking at the other side's violent palm power, Qin Fang also sighed and then slaps the same Past.

"Oh... not self-reliant!"

The appearance of Qin Fang naturally fell into the eyes of the other party.

This is the elders of the Gorefiend, the peak of the late Supreme Court, a considerable horror, and the eyesight is quite powerful, at a glance, the Qin side's "bottom."

In the early days of the district's supreme realm, even if it is a bit of a skill, it is difficult to compete with the peak power of his late Supreme Court. It is no wonder that this old monster will be disdainful!


For the disdain, contempt and ridicule of this old monster, Qin Fang just sneaked a bit at the corner of his mouth, not scornful.

His age and his realm are very deceptive.

Unless it is a strong person who has truly learned the strength of the Qin side, or can't imagine his realm like this, how can he have such terrible strength? It is estimated that a few more heads can't understand.

However, Qin Fang will not expose himself to his own face...

Since the enemy has ignored himself, then Qin Fang naturally does not mind using the facts to slap him.

The palms are waving, but there is a violent force to restrain it... In this way, it seems that this power is also very strong, but it does not reach the point where the other side is wary and vigilant.


At least, this old monster didn't put Qin's palm in his eyes, but he still took a shot of his own hand... It was inevitable for the palm, but the disdain of this old monster was also placed on the face.


Soon, the two palms with endless power were also shot together, and the violent power immediately sprang from their palms, and the endless suffocation was venting...


This old monster just wanted to say something. It should be to kill the meaning of Qin Fang...

However, he did not fully say this, and suddenly felt a strange energy instantly rushed into his body, the power of violent directly caused the disorder of his body.

This is awful, and this suffocation suddenly makes this old monster spurt out against the blood...

"Idiot old things... don't think that when you are old, you are really strong, you are still far away!"

Qin Fang hit a hand, but there were not many surprises. It’s just the cold skunk that smacked the old monster... At the moment, the old monster’s majestic outburst, Qin Fang was also shaken off by this tyrannical force.


What is even worse is that this old monster was miserable by the Qin side!

At this moment, I saw that his hand was like a roasting pig's trotter. It was steaming and steaming... Qin Fang was in the palm of his hand. Specially added a little bit of material, blended into a little bit of four-image glazed fire.

The weight of the four-image glazed fire is not too much. It was suppressed by Qin Fang’s palm and was not exposed early. This will enable the sneak attack.

Even if there are not many four-image glazed fires, it is easy to open up the defense of the old monsters, not only into his meridians. It also caused a lot of damage to his palm.

"I'm going to kill you!"

This time, the old monster suffered such a heavy injury, but the fatal can not be talked about, but the lost face is very large... directly let the old monster completely anger.

"Hey! Idiot one... If you dare to break into the blood magic cave, you will not put you in your eyes!"

The Qin side is extremely disdainful. "More accurate telling you, my grandfather is here to kill you..."

"Ha ha ha... kill me? Just by you?"

Qin Fang’s words gave the other party a slight glimpse. Then I laughed aloud. "Young people, don't think that you have this means, resisting the old man's tricks and half-style, you are really qualified to fight with the old man..."

"Now, let you see the true strength of the old man!"

Although eating a big loss, this old monster is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At this moment, it was also under anger, and it was completely violent. The breath on the body was terrible, and it brought an extremely dangerous feeling to the Qin side.


then. I saw the old monster's arm stretched out, and the surrounding **** atmosphere was so strong that it was gathered at the speed of the naked eye and quickly toward the old monster.

What’s even more embarrassing is that the blood ghosts who have survived the battle seem to be under pressure from some kind of pressure, and they burst directly, and the fresh blood that escaped is also more crazy into this old. In the body of the monster.

Although the light in the blood magic cave is dim, Qin and the old monsters are powerful and supreme, and this little problem can't help them... Qin Fang can also notice the movement clearly opposite.

The old monster at the moment is more tyrannical than before...

What is even more frightening is that in addition to the rich blood of his body, there are hundreds of blood gods wandering in his blood, from time to time to the Qin side of the claws...

Blood gods are not "good men and women", once they are close to the blood god, they will **** the blood in your body in the shortest time, very vicious means...

And the old monster has so many blood gods, if you hold it up, you may be able to **** the Qin side into a dry body with a blink of an eye.

"Old guy, you don't think that there are hundreds of blood gods in the district, can you let me know?"

The Qin side was extremely disdainful and ridiculed.

The tone of speech seems to indicate that he is not in the heart of these blood gods...

However, the enemy can be despised strategically, but the tactics must pay attention to the enemy... The threat of these blood gods is terrible, even if the Qin side does not dare to take a nap!

The real threat comes from this old-fashioned, harmless white-haired old monster...

Although this person was secretly counted by Qin Fang in the previous temptation, but under the moisture and shame of those bloody, his "piggy" that burned that virtue was almost restored. It is enough to understand that this guy is not simple.

Instead of spending most of his energy to guard against those blood gods, Qin Fang might as well focus on him.

"Let's talk nonsense, let's see the real chapter under our hands..."

The old monster is a lot older, and the battle experience is so rich. He didn't want to go down with the Qin party. He immediately waved his arm, and there was an endless blood **** coming out from his body and madly rushing to the Qin side.

If there is a third person standing next to it, you can clearly see the **** red mist... The "killer group" composed entirely of countless blood gods, fiercely rushed to the Qin side.


In dealing with this blood god, Qin Fang has the best means.

He just swung his arm at random, and a white figure flew out of his sleeve. With a soft drink from the Qin side, it immediately ignited a layer of magic flame, madly pounced on it. A group of blood red mist.

"Oh, this is..."

The old monster was also made a bit strange by Qin Fang’s hand. It was very surprised and exclaimed. “The magic flame... the most pure magic flame! I didn’t expect you to practice this kind of thing...”

As the elders of the magic gate, the knowledge of the old monsters is also very deep. At first glance, it is seen that the most pure magic flame is burning on the silkworm!

The blood **** was born in the blood pool, almost immortal...

But this kind of magic flame is precisely the only thing that is currently known and can only control the blood god!

It can even be said that this magic flame is the nemesis of the blood god!

When the silkworm comes out, the magic flames are tumbling, and it is better to use it to deal with these blood gods... Although it is impossible to really kill hundreds of blood gods, it can definitely destroy a lot. of.

"I thought I could beat me like this? You are so naive..."

The blood **** is trapped by the magic flame, even the constant annihilation, but the old monster does not seem to worry at all, but roared, and then the body shape, as if the shape of the shift, in the presence of the Qin side It is.


When the palm of the hand was photographed, Qin Fang’s body-protecting body and the power of the field were all cracked and broken. This power was absolutely powerful, and the brain of Qin’s brain was directly attacked, and the Qin Fang’s direct killing was made. .

"These treasures are naturally based on the virtues... You are a small warrior in the early stage of the Supreme Court, and He Dehe can have these treasures, or give it to the old man!"

The magic flame is the nemesis of the blood god, but also the bloodline nemesis!

However, the magic flame is also very important for the bloodline practitioners... To some extent, the pure magical flame, but comparable to the existence of blood marble, is very exciting for the blood practitioners.

Although the old monster is a lot older, his strength is tyrannical. He is only half a foot away from the "four emperors". He should have died without waiting for his desire. At this moment, he is also greedy!


With greed, this old monster really doesn't intend to show mercy at all.

The breath of the body also suddenly climbed up sharply, the terrible breath became stronger and stronger... The rich blood in the entire blood magic cave, almost all gathered in his direction.

Under the horror and massive **** filling, this old monster has become tyrannical, fearing that it is more than a "blood emperor", a very terrible enemy!

"I really want to save my money... But if you plan to kill me, then I can only say... dream!"

The Qin party is not so easy to be scared.

At this moment, I was coldly watching the old monster, and the smell of his own body became more horrible and violent, especially... "Scorpio warfare!"

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