Omni Genius

Chapter 2674: The mystery of the gods changed!

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Almost as the Qin side fled with cold ice, the big gray hand threw the three masters into the black hole, disappeared into the secret of the gods, and then it rushed out.

This time, it is the Qin Fang!

The speed of the big gray hand is really fast, lightning-fast... Although it is not a physical one, it is just a terrible force of a strange evil, but it really has a terrible strength.

Even the strongest of the three main lords are unable to resist, can Qin Fang survive?

"Roll ~~"

Seeing that the gray big hand has crossed the distance of tens of meters, I came to the top of the Qin side, and is in the midst of a fierce, almost as long as a slight movement, the Qin side can be pinched in the palm of the hand.

At this time, Qin Fang suddenly screamed...


A fierce and fierce flame was instantly released from the body of Qin Fang... The horrible fierce flame presented a weird colorful glazed color that wrapped the whole person in Qin.

Nourishing ~~~

When the big gray hand touched the colorful glazed flame, it was like a nemesis. It immediately shattered, chapped and burned, and it was faintly heard!

In this way, although the gray big hand was photographed, the Qin side was hard to resist...

The four-image glazed fire is a skyfire, and it is the nemesis of all evil!

For this mysterious evil, it is also effective... Although it does not reach the level of destruction, but it is only a matter of blocking this gray hand, there is no problem.

"Fire ~~"

Cold ice was on the shoulders of Qin Fang. When the gray hand was photographed, she was almost desperate... She closed her eyes and waited quietly for the arrival of death.

However, she did not die!

When she was surprised and careful to open her eyes. I noticed the layer of colorful glazed flames that lingered around the body of Qin... It was this flame that blocked the invasion of the gray hand.

The flame is beautiful~~

But the cold ice also knows that this kind of flame is absolutely not simple... It is definitely a very horrible flame, otherwise it is impossible to stop the attack of the big gray hand.

"Let's talk nonsense! Hold me tight, I want to break through!"

The cold, serious voice of Qin Fang came, and it made the cold heart tremble.

At this time, she suddenly realized that this kind of gray evil has almost completely filled this secret place... Before, the concentration may not be high, and the threat is not great. Not to mention the Qin and the three masters, even if it is cold, it will not be afraid.

However, after the **** unicorn, the blood banned master and the constant "effort" of the Qin and the three masters, the crack in the secret of the gods became a black hole, and the endless evils were released. The concentration of evil in this secret place is also A lot has improved.

Especially the one above the head that is constantly being consumed and constantly destroyed. Even more, this whole secret land has become a Jedi...

If you want to live, you have to rush out!

Cold Bingbing understood this point, and he couldn’t care about the difference between men and women. He immediately hugged Qin’s body and did not take into account the close contact between Qin and Fang in some parts of his body!

Life is almost gone, where can I still care about these?

"Call~~ Fight!"

The situation suddenly deteriorated to this point, and Qin Fang also has great responsibility... However. It is no longer meaningful to say that now, only to live and escape, that is the real victory.

Qin Fang also took a deep breath, and then violently released his most powerful power!


First of all, the four elephants Kun Kun Ding immediately flew out, a powerful and powerful terrorist force, released from the four elephants, and even the majestic four-image glazed fire burning...

The gray hands and the endless evils are also calcined by these four-image glazed fires. Quickly burned a relatively safe area around the body of Qin Fang... just left this area, the concentration of evil outside is higher.

"Sericulture! Come out..."

Although the four elephants are very tyrannical, they can only protect the safety of the Qin side. It is impossible to take the initiative to attack. As a handed down artifact, they want to completely release the power of the four elephants. Qin Fang is still a little bit worse.

If you use it for life, you might burn the gray hand and the evil around you. But Qin Fang himself will exhaust all his anger, energy and physical strength...

It was really that time, even if the threat was removed, Qin Fang estimated that there was no effort to walk.

The black hole in the mysterious mystery still exists, and the endless release of evil can still be endless. When these evils come back, the Qin side had only one dead end.

Therefore, Qin Fang must both escape and maintain a certain degree of combat power...

The blood of the silkworm is very special. Even the magic flames of the abyss can be swallowed up. For this evil, it should be adaptable. The Qin side will release it.

The beast and the dragon, Qin Fang did not dare to use it...

Loss is on the one hand, and more is still worried that the dragon's dragon gas is too fiercely conflicted with this evil spirit, which leads to a more terrible change in the secret of the gods...


The silky white body of the silkworm immediately flew out, almost appeared, and did not hesitate to open the scent of the surrounding evil spirits... It is like a giant whale that absorbs water and directly swallows the evil spirits within a meter of the surrounding area. It is.


This is an opportunity, and Qin Fang will miss it again?

Almost without hesitation, Qin Fang rushed toward the front... The four-image glazed fire appeared in the hands of Qin Fang and directly turned into a glazed shield, opening a channel for Qin Fang’s hard life. of.


However, these evil spirits are not willing to let the Qin side escape so clearly. The gray big hand is even more fiercely photographed down, and even completely ignore the horror of the four elephants!

The purpose is very simple, this gray big hand drags the four elephants and Kun Ding... and the endless evil around it is to completely engulf the Qin Fang!

Without the support of the four elephants, the four-image glazed fire that Qin Fang can control is also limited. After these evils are constantly consumed, it will not disappear for a long time...

And it was at that time. Qin Fang has not been able to rush out of this secret land, then the Qin side is really dangerous!

"No! This is not the case!"

Before the Qin direction rushed for several tens of meters, the shield on the hand that was made of four-image glazed fire also became a lot of gloom, and seemed to be able to collapse at any time.

The pace of Qin’s advancement is also blocked by power...

In the face of such difficulties, Qin Fang’s face has also become ugly to the extreme... the brow is crumpled. He also made a breakthrough and looked for a suitable response.

The four elephants Kun Kun Ding was completely restrained by the big gray hand, and it is difficult to give Qin Fang enough support in a short time!

Although the silkworm is powerful, it is not unlimited for the engulfment of evil spirits... Just look at what it is now, from the white fat body that was originally pointed to the head. It turned out to be a fat meat ball that is now one meter long, which is enough to show how hard it is.

It is simple to devour evil spirits, but it is necessary to completely fuse and absorb these evil spirits. It really takes time... The speed of stalking silkworms is far greater than the speed of absorption and fusion. Naturally, its body is getting bigger and bigger.

"Qin Fang, or... do you leave me?"

Relying on the cold ice of Qin Fang's shoulder. At this time, I couldn’t help but say, "With your strength, one can definitely escape!"

At this moment, I feel that I am the burden of Qin Fang...

If she is not dragged by this, Qin Fang may have already escaped from here, how can he be trapped here?

Not to mention that the reason why Qin Fang came here is also her initiative to propose it! Although the actual purpose is to be kind. But her ignorance of this place is harmful to Qin’s...

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I am too much.

"To shut up!"

There was a faint glimmer of light in Qin’s eyes, and he screamed, "I will give it to me honestly, less nonsense, less chaos! If I talk nonsense, I will really throw you away..."

"No, I have to say..."

but. Cold Bingbing is now trying to get out of the way, not wanting to be the burden of the Qin side, actually moved on the Qin side of the body, want to leave from here ... is also bent on death!


Qin Fang is also angry!

He is here to find a way to deal with this terrible situation. I didn't expect the woman who was cold and ice to actually dismantle his back... This made him a little angry.

"so I……"

Although the same environment, but the two people's minds are different! The Qin side wants to break through with cold ice, but the cold ice does not want to be a drag on the Qin side, she knows more intense.


Qin Fang was angry and directly cut a knife on the cold neck of the ice, and directly stunned it.

and then?

Qin Fang directly dropped the cold ice into the props box...

He has forgotten that after the promotion to level 9, his props box has also been upgraded, and there are some very special magical effects. The ability to store living things is one of the biggest changes.

The original props box, after the transformation of the Qin side, can already store the living things, such as the cracked wind wolf king, the split sky beast, the abyss slaughter purple cicada, etc., all stayed in the prop box for a long time. .

However, that is the case with preconditions...

Only Qin Fang’s pets and soul slaves can stay in the props box!

It’s cold but it’s not...

She is a relatively independent individual, and Qin can't make her a slave.... He can't do this kind of thing, and he is not allowed to do it in time.

"Fortunately, I upgraded in advance..."

The Qin side is also a slightly fortunate martyrdom.

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