Omni Genius

Chapter 2685: Two thousand years of big battle!

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It’s really hard to imagine that under such a deep sea of ​​nearly two kilometers, there will be such a beautiful city... especially under the decoration of special materials, it’s really like the legend. Crystal Palace.

"This big city has been sunk for more than two thousand years on the seabed. I don't know if anyone is still alive?"

Looking at such a city, Qin Fang could not help but stunned.

"Is it estimated that there should be no living people?"

Although the city has a large-scale array of external defenses, it completely separates the inside and outside, but humans want to survive, but also need a lot of conditions. This is a good thing about food. There are still many kinds of fish in the sea. It will be too horrible, but at least oxygen and fresh water are necessary.

In the deep sea water, there is also oxygen, but it is relatively thin. For example, the supreme power of Qin Fang, they can only extract a small amount of oxygen from their own supply...

A large city that wants to survive, the amount of oxygen needed is very horrible, and it is only in such a way to obtain it, I am afraid that it will not last long!

Fresh water is even more of a big problem...

Desalination has been a big problem until now, or a technology that is not fully mature, let alone a city that was silent on the seabed more than 2,000 years ago...

Although there are many rumors that Atlantis is an ancient civilization with terror technology that humans cannot imagine... However, for more than two thousand years, Atlantis has not gone out of the sea, which is enough to explain their technological level. Not as terrible as the legend.

Naturally, it is impossible to have a very complete seawater desalination system more than two thousand years ago...

How can humans survive without fresh water?

This is why Qin Fang wonders that Atlantis can't live without anyone.

As for the sea **** temple, it is estimated that he is similar to him...

The Temple of the Sea God wants to find the lost city of Atlantis, mainly to find the ancestral land, but may not be willing to welcome a group of descendants of the goddess of the sea god... This is like the courtier turned over as the emperor, absolutely not willing to welcome the former dynasty The royal blood is the same. That will only add to your own.

Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with the Qin side...

He is just a soy sauce, by the way, if there is any cheaper "passer-by", if he has the chance, he does not mind taking away the treasures of the lost city of Atlantis.

Sea Temple...

He will give Posse a face, because the relationship between the two is good, and the relationship is very harmonious! But I changed to the temple of the sea god. It’s totally different...not to mention that the people of the Temple of the Sea did not have any kindness to him.

"The Temple of the Sea God has never given up the ancestral land for more than two thousand years. I am afraid that there must be something amazing in the city of Atlantis. This is a good opportunity... Oh, don't let me catch it. Opportunity!"

Qin Fang slowly approached the outer array shield of the lost city, and the heart was also darkly calculated.

At the same time, the water system of the Sea Temple has also been close to the periphery of the array shield. Gust also swam to the side of Qin Fang and gestured to Qin.

Qin Fang just nodded lightly, and then began to contact the array of shields...

"This array of methods... really is not simple!"

Although it was only a simple touch, Qin Fang could not help but admire.

As a great master of the tactics, he has deep understanding and research, whether it is the dragon country's array method or the western magic circle. The front of this Guardian of the lost city of Atlantis for more than two thousand years, immediately gave Qin a very horrible, strong judgment.

"The strength of the array is almost the top, the continuity of the shield is very high, and... this big array has always been in an orderly operation!"

Qin Fang swims around the perimeter of the shield. From time to time, he checks the shield of this array, and even carefully shot the bombardment to test the strength of this array.

The result is also quite satisfactory to Qin Fang, quite surprised...

The one that made him feel incredible is... for more than two thousand years. This large array has been running all the time, and there is no slight weakness. This is generally only possible with some super-large arrays that can be formed. The obvious front is artificially arranged.


Qin Fang thought about it for a moment and immediately thought of a possibility!

His gaze is also immediately looked down to the bottom...

Generally speaking, the operation of the array method does not require too much external force supply. It is a special structure constructed by special means to guide some strange energy.

but. This is only relative to some simple and powerful arrays.

And those super large arrays are different. The energy that needs to be transferred is too much. It is not enough to absorb the free energy alone to support the operation of the large array. This requires some special energy bodies to supply. . This thing is generally the legendary "eyes."

The stronger the array method, the more powerful and precious the material needed for this "array method"... such as Lingjing, energy stone, elemental crystal, etc., which is a relatively common material.

And let a super large array can continue to run for more than two thousand years, the required eye material is even more terrifying, "Lingquan" is not enough to supply, must have a spiritual pulse! And it must be a thread of more than Chinese products...

"Chinese goods spirit..."

Qin Fang silently stunned in his heart.

Reiki is an important resource for the cultivation of the military, and the source of the aura is free from the heavens and the earth, and it is escaped from the spirit. There are spiritualities under almost all the secrets.

The bigger and better the secret, the more the spirit, the higher the grade...

The spirit also has a longevity. When its aura is exhausted or destroyed by humans, it will be completely destroyed, and the corresponding secret will soon be abandoned...

This point can be referred to Qin Fang to participate in the abandoned faction of the five factions, the unintentional sea, is this kind of situation.

And the big gates are almost all located in the secret or above the spirit...

The superpower even occupies several threads to supply the cultivation of the disciples under the door.

There is also a spiritual vein in the seabed. Qin Fang ponders that the outer shield of Atlantis can last for more than two thousand years without destroying it because it has a thread below it and it is still a middle product. The above large veins.

"If that's the case, then maybe the situation is different..."

Such a judgment is also a bit more careful for the Qin side.

It is not for those who are in the Temple of the Sea, but from the lost city of Atlantis...

Not long ago, he just denied that there should be no living people in the city of Atlantis, but the discovery of this spiritual pulse may overthrow the judgment before the Qin side!

In other words, this lost city, Atlantis, may have living things...

Not necessarily human, there may be other creatures!

"More and more interesting..."

Qin Fang muttered to himself, but it did not affect his actions. He immediately dive under the city of Atlantis. The roots of the formation were found. The next thing he had to do was to find a way to enter this place. Lost City.

Breaking the shield of this big array?

Qin Fang has a way to do this... Although the rank of this big array is very high, but the search for the place is in the eye, Qin Fang, the great master of the law, still has a way to get it.

But Qin Fang obviously will not do this...

Such a lost city is a miracle of human architecture. Although it has been sunk for more than two thousand years, this silk has no way to cover up the fact that once this large array of shields is broken, the water pressure on the outer sea is almost This city can be destroyed in an instant.

Although Qin Fang is not a saint, it is not a ruin madman.

What's more, there is nothing left in this lost city. He is also very curious.

The temple of the sea **** may not care about destroying this lost city... They want to find their ancestral land, but more still want to find some of the treasures lost in the temple.

Atlantis was destroyed by the sea, and the whole city may disappear in an instant, but those treasures will not be destroyed. They can still retrieve and take them away...

On the contrary, if the descendants of the oily sea gods in the ancient city of Atlantis are left behind, they will definitely stop such actions. If the other party's strength is strong, they are really hard to succeed... it is not as straightforward. By using external forces to destroy and kill the descendants of these sea gods.

This is the idea of ​​the sea **** temple, but it is not the idea of ​​Qin Fang.

Qin Fang does not want to destroy such a city of miracles, then he wants to get this array of shields through a relatively gentle means, and then sneak into this lost city.

"There is a door..."

Not to mention, Qin Fang found some special settings near the bottom of the sea.

The lost city of Atlantis sank here, but it was not too deep, just above a submarine volcano... certainly a dormant volcano, or it would have been completely destroyed.

At this moment, Qin Fang stood at the foothills of the submarine volcano. When inquiring about the contact surfaces of the two sides, he found some unexpected settings... Accurately, it should be the master of the array of super large arrays. Some of the dark hands.

"It seems that this lost city happened many things more than 2,000 years ago..."

It is precisely because Qin Fang found these "dark hands", his face became quite weird, and the heart could not help but figure it out.

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