Omni Genius

Chapter 2691: The City of Doomsday!

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As for the mutated thunder battle ants, it became the victim of the knife of his handed down artifact...just a trick, thousands of mutant Thunder ants were almost slaughtered.

It’s all a blink of an eye, and there’s only a dead body on the ground...

The red hair is also flying everywhere, the scene looks extraordinarily strange!


This is also to let Gust breathe a sigh of relief, his crisis has been completely lifted at this time...

Sea King Poseidon holds the hand-painted artifact Sea King Trident. In this ancient city of Atlantis, dare not say invincible, at least to deal with these mutant Thunder ants are still no problem.

This understatement shot directly killed thousands of mutant Thunder ants. Only a few dozen of them survived, but at the moment they did not have the mentality to fight again. They all panicked around. The chaos has gone away.

Gust and Poseidon did not care about this... The purpose has been reached, and these scattered mutant Thunder ants do not pose any threat, and naturally there is no need to waste their own power.

Driving the handed down artifact is not so easy, even if the sea emperor Poseidon can not use it, try not to use it...

The exploration of this lost city that has been abandoned for more than two thousand years has just begun. It is not a wise choice to release your own cards and snuggles.

"His Royal Highness..."

Gust also came to the front of the sea emperor Poseidon.

"Don't say anything, leave here first..."

However, the emperor Poseidon is obviously much more than Gust knows. He waved his hand and interrupted Gust's words, then pointed to one direction, and the two quickly left the place.

Left the body of the mutated thunder battle ant's body...

Almost as soon as they left, there was a large group of mutant Thunder ants rushing from all corners quickly, and then after confirming that no "enemies" were found, they quickly rushed to the bodies. Crazy swallowed up.

If you look closely, you can see that every time a mutant Thunder war ant swallows one or two mutant Thunder ants, they are also undergoing some strange changes, and the red hair on the body is more vigorous, and Their barely covered shells slowly showed some faint lines.

Among them, there are a few mutant Thunder ants who are obviously a lot bigger, should be the leader level... The red hair on the body is very strong. Almost all of their black carapace is completely obscured, but the little bit of the carapace that is exposed has a very obvious strange demon pattern.

Of course, such a change, Sea King Poseidon and Gust are not expected to see...

Or they should be glad to leave faster, otherwise it will be blocked by a larger group of mutant Thunder ants... Perhaps the sea emperor Poseidon holding the handed down artifact is not afraid of these mutants, but if this is entangled . Sea King Poseidon can't afford it either.

And the other side...

“Is it really a living person in such a huge city that can’t stay?”

The Qin side is also on the road to the city with care. It is very incomprehensible. This way, he has killed several mutants, but he has never seen a living person.

All the buildings are empty and there are no people to say. I have never seen anything like bones...

The only thing that is there is the variety of mutant creatures that can be seen everywhere!

Such a lost city is like an abandoned city completely occupied by mutant creatures...

It is estimated that Hollywood film masters will come here to shoot end-of-life movies. They don’t need to do any special effects. They are completely original. They are full of murder everywhere. The slightest intention and slackness may cause one to lose a life.


It’s too late, it’s fast! A flying sword flew quickly, and instantly hit a mutant blood-sucking mosquito that flew quickly. Stabbed its slender but strong body to the side wall.


Just nailing it down, I can't kill this mutant blood-sucking mosquito. I need Qin to force it again. The sharp blade will completely cut the body of this mutant blood-sucking mosquito and completely eliminate it. Kill it.

Of course, the vitality of this mutant is very tenacious. Although Qin Fang cut off his body, it is definitely dead, but it takes a certain amount of time to want a complete death!

However, Qin Fang has not paid attention to such a mortal mutant blood-sucking mosquito.


There was a horrible mutant in front of him that made him feel dangerous and tremble...

A wild dog with a rather fierce appearance and full body red hair appeared in front of Qin Fang, and there were many wounds on his body. Obviously it is a ferocious person who has been "a long time in the sand". At this moment, the red side is licking the Qin side. The scarlet tongue is stretched out, the sharp canine teeth are exposed, and the large drops of water are falling.

Such a look, how to look like the kind of mad dog with rabies!

Qin Fang is now being targeted by it!

If it is just a general mad dog, Qin Fang really does not put it in the eyes... Almost waved to kill it, how could it be in the eyes?

The wild dog that can be seen in front of us is different. It is too powerful. On the other hand, Qin Fang personally estimates that the **** three-headed dog in the Parthenon temple in the Shenshen Mountain may not be more than The wild dog in front of you is strong.

“Is this really an ordinary wild dog mutated?”

Although the results of Qin Fang’s investigation skills feedback showed such a conclusion, Qin Fang is still unacceptable...

This strange and unpredictable variation can indeed make the biological mutation become extremely powerful, but there is one premise that it is constant... The higher the racial grade and strength before the mutation, the stronger the strength after the mutation.

It’s like the variation of the Thunder battle ants encountered in the Temple of the Sea...

The strength of the Thunder war ants can only be considered as general. Even if a group is added up, it is only comparable to the general spirit beast king. After the mutation, even the strong sea of ​​Poseidon needs to use the Poseidon Trident. To annihilate them, the strong man like Gust almost confessed there.

Before the Qin Dynasty encounters the golden rat mutated before the general spirit beast, the attack power is stronger than the Thunder ants, but after the mutation is enough to threaten the strong side of the Qin side, the strength is equivalent to the tyrannical existence of the late Beastmaster. It’s better than a single mutant Thunder ant. I don’t know how many grades.

This is also the gap between the two grades and strengths. After the variability, this gap is even magnified infinitely.

Qin Fang fully believes that if a strong and powerful beast Wang Yufeng's tyrannical existence, after this variation, it is possible to directly surpass the Supreme Spirit Beast and become the general existence of the Holy Beast...

Of course, the premise is that such a tyrannical existence can make such a variation!

“Most of the time is unlikely to happen...”

This Guardian Law has been in operation for more than two thousand years. If such a presence really exists, such a tyrannical existence will not be willing to stay in such an abandoned city for so many years!

Qin Fang returned to God and looked at the wild dog in front of him.

Yes, it was indeed a wild dog before the mutation, a very ordinary wild dog...

But today, it is much more powerful than many mutant creatures of the spirit-beast level. Even the Qin side has encountered more than a dozen mutant creatures, which is not as strong as it is.

This is the king of a mutant creature!

The king who evolved from an ordinary wild dog can imagine how much it cost. But to a certain extent, this also shows that this mutant wild dog is more fierce than other mutant creatures. Cruel much!

In such an abandoned city where the living environment is extremely harsh, it is not easy to live, and it must be constantly strong. It is even more difficult to climb the sky... But once it is successful, it is absolutely terrible.


The mutated wild dog licks its mouth, the saliva is a large drop of water flowing, the mouth is so low, its red eyes are even more fierce, and everyone feels the violent killing from it. meaning.

"Hey...a wild dog, it’s really a matter of yourself!"

However, a wild dog wants to scare Qin Fang, it is a bit too naive, Qin Fang is also a savage shock, while the Scorpio warfare is also suddenly rising, forming a violent around his body position.

Both protect yourself and kill the enemy...

Hiding, it must be impossible to hide, then naturally fight!


Almost without hesitation, Qin Fang first launched the offensive... This wild dog is definitely a mad dog. To clean up such a scorpion animal, it will be directly slaughtered by a wave of it, and any trouble is solved.

The longer the delay, the more unfavorable the Qin side!

It's not a good place here, there are mutant creatures everywhere... This wild dog may be the king's level, but if you show it a little bit, you don't know how many mutant creatures are waiting around!

If you want to have less trouble, then you have to kill all the troubles one step at a time!


However, this mutant wild dog can become a king-level tyrannical, it is absolutely terrifying, very dangerous...

The speed of the flying sword of Qin Fang was very fast, and it was almost in front of him in the blink of an eye, but Qin Fang only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and that a wild dog easily flashed five meters away.

"Good speed..."

Even if Qin Fang saw this scene, he couldn't help but make such a sigh, and the speed is too fast!

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