Omni Genius

Chapter 2697: The soul control demons!

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In the face of such a strange variant of the demons, Qin Fang looked very careful... With the examples of those mutant creatures in front, Qin Fang could not dare to overlook any object in the ancient city of Atlantis.

This is especially true for mutant demons...

Even in the Qin Dynasty's view, if the mutant demons are enemies with him, they may threaten much more than those mutant creatures.

Man is the spirit of all things, so even if it is mutated, the threat of the mutant demons will be more terrible than the mutant creatures... especially the seemingly calm mutant demons in front of the eyes, but the Qin side will almost all I mentioned the eyes of the blind.


At this time, the mutant demons opened their eyes, and a sultry man shot it and projected it on the Qin side... It also let Qin party notice its green eyes.


Sure enough, the mutant demons are completely different from human beings. It can be said that it is already another kind of creature...

The green eyeball is nothing, but if there is a strange black gas in the eyeball that is flickering and swimming, as if a snake is swimming, it is too scary and shuddering!


More terrible is still behind, the mutant demons suddenly opened their mouths, revealing sharp and sharp Sen white teeth, which looks extraordinarily infiltrating, and the mouth is even so low, and then the feet suddenly burst Force, the whole body turned into a shadow, quickly hit the side of the Qin side.

The mutant demons started...

Originally, Qin Fang was still pondering whether this mutant demonic being an enemy or a friend. I didn't expect it to start at this time... In the end, it is a mutant creature, and all aspects have been greatly strengthened. It is this speed that is not weaker than the mutant wild dog that was killed before the Qin side.

When the devil did not arrive, there was a hurricane coming in advance, and it was mixed with the stench of disgusting...

"I rely on, this guy hasn't brushed his teeth for years, didn't take a shower... It's just a taste, it can kill people!"

Sure enough, this variant of the demons is a huge threat, but the Qin side still seems very relaxed, and even remembered to keep the breath, silently spit in the heart. I can't really eat this stinking smell.

Of course, this stinking smell is not simple...

It is not only a stinking odor, but also a hidden killing trick of the mutant demons... If you inhale such a stinking smell, it will easily be poisoned, and the poisoning is still very serious.

"Good corpse..."

Although Qin Fang closed his breath in time, he still inhaled a little bit of stench. But his brow was slightly frowned. Can't help but smash it up.

With his body, naturally, there is no fear of any toxins, even if this kind of stench, poisonous corpse will not work...

However, this stinking corpse can cause extremely serious lethality. According to the estimates of the Qin side, there is little attention. It is the supreme power of the strong can be recruited...

“Does this mutant demonic change after death?”

Qin Fang is also inevitably pondered.

If it is not after the death, it is reasonable to say that there should not be such a strong corpse... Other variants, Qin Fang also contacted a lot, but did not carry the corpse.

The mutant demons are the only exception!

not to mention……

Although these mutants were not displayed on the small map of Qin Fang, it was impossible for him to determine whether the other person was a living body. Qin can at least judge that this mutant demons should not be regarded as a living body in a strict sense.


The mutant demons are very similar to zombies...and they are not ordinary zombies, at least high-level zombies flying above the deadlock. Have a kind of wisdom, a zombie with a certain degree of independence.

In this case, then when this mutant demonics appears, there will be such a reaction, which is very understandable.


At this time, it was obviously not when Qin Fang was fascinated, and the mutant demons had already been killed.


With the experience of dealing with the mutated wild dog, the Qin side seems to be calm and calm... The strong enemy has come to the front, but he is still fluttering, and seems to be completely unaware of the danger.

Of course, it is more likely that the Qin side has already had a response.


At this time, I saw a necklace with a strange shape on the neck of Qin Fang... The thorn necklace of one of the Holy See thorn suits moved from the hands of the Son of Peter.

Almost at the same time as the thorn necklace appeared, it was discovered that an almost invisible white light was released from the thorn necklace, and instantly hit the rapidly changing mutant.


This thorn necklace is one of the accessories of the Ting Ting artifact thorn set. The power of the space ban is very peculiar... even the mutant demons who are approaching the Qin side at super high speed, like being frozen in an instant, are directly imprisoned.

Even its movements and expressions were frozen at that moment...

The sly face, the sharp white teeth, the green eyeballs, and the sharp and scary claws... If it wasn’t for its body to be banned and frozen, it’s really impossible to see so thoroughly.


However, this mutant demonic is really powerful, not very simple...

Only heard a crisp sound, it seems like something fell to the ground and shattered the sound, the mutant demons instantly broke the imprisonment, and rushed out of trouble.

The space of the thorn necklace is very strong. At the beginning, Qin Fang ate a lot of losses...

However, such a powerful ability in the face of the mutant demons, the obvious power has been reduced a lot, just banned it less than five seconds, it is directly out of trouble.

"It's really powerful enough..."

Although he is his opponent and enemy, Qin Fang can't help but admire it.

There is no first-class and fierce strength. It is very difficult to get rid of the hurricane necklace from the space shackles...not to mention that it only banned for five seconds, and immediately rushed out of trouble. This strength is only a little worse than the "four emperors".

"A mutant demonic is so strong... What secrets are hidden in this city?"

The more so, the more the horror of this lost city.

However, this did not intimidate the Qin side, but it aroused his curiosity and enthusiasm...

He really wants to know what happened to the ancient city of Atlantis, what caused the creatures in the ancient city to have such a strange and powerful variation!


However, the mutant demons are just getting out of trouble. I haven't waited to figure out what happened just now, I feel that a palm is heavily on its head... The violent slamming shock hits it directly into the ground.

The humanoid pit is more than one meter deep... The mutant demons are lying inside. It is very rigid in action and thinking. Suddenly suffered such a heavy blow, it is lying motionless in the pit, it seems that I don’t know the next What do you want to do.

"It's still a simple mind..."

Although this mutant demonic has a certain intelligence. But obviously it is quite limited... Otherwise, Qin Fang will not be able to subdue this mutant demons so easily.

"Controlling the Soul!"

Taking advantage of such a good opportunity, Qin Fang immediately used the soul control technique against this mutant demonic...

This lost city is too dangerous. Almost every one is full of murderous machines. Then there is a soul slave of a "land snake", and the use of nature is much bigger!

"Since it is a demon. So the spirit control should be effective?"

In fact, Qin Fang also has some drums in his heart... Although the spirit control skills are powerful, they are also extremely limited. They are completely useless for some dead things.

Like a zombie...

Mutant demons are similar to zombies, but they are obviously not the same. Qin Fang is also trying.

It is natural, it is gratifying.

Failed. Although Qin Fang will be disappointed, but it will not be too concerned about it... At most, it is a waste of hands and feet to kill this mutant demons.

"The soul control skills are read..."

However, when the progress bar of the skill reading appeared, Qin Fang was immediately happy, and his face was full of excited smiles. "There is a door..."

Qin Fang is afraid to directly come to a "skills can not be used" prompt, it means that there is no chance of success, then Qin Fang naturally can only give up this plan, and use other means to solve.

What is happening now is "Reading the Soul Skills", which means that the Soul Control skill can be applied to this mutant demonics. It hopes to become the soul slave of the Qin Dynasty.

Next... then it depends on the success rate and proficiency of this soul control skill.

This skill wants to be successful, and it is also the most demanding condition... The higher the level of the “Quasi-Soul slave”, the lower the success rate of the Soul Control skill cast, even to a horrible level.

Although Qin Fang has a higher success rate brought by the skill level of the master level, if the success rate is as low as a horrible degree, then even if it is increased by 30% or 40%, there is no Any meaning is still an ultra-low success rate.


This kind of thing obviously did not happen.

"The soul control skills are read..."

This skill reading progress bar has been moving slowly, and the speed is very very slow. If Qin Qin’s mind is left on this, he may not see its progress...

However, Qin Fang is still very patient.

Although there was only a slight progress, Qin Fang did not give up, and continued to wait for it... The hard work pays off, the progress bar of the Soul Control skill is also slowly advanced. After an hour, it finally reads the last. The stage is over.

"The use of the soul control skills is successful!"

Until such a reminder sounded in the mind of Qin Fang, Qin Fang was relieved.

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