Omni Genius

Chapter 2706: "Resurrection" Poseidon Statue!

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Such a terrible force is enough to turn a person into a pile of meat sauce... Even the strong and powerful Supreme Powerful, with the sturdy and supreme guardian of the Scorpion, must not be able to stop this kind of power.

And this statue of Poseidon is so close to the Qin side, the shot is even more so sudden, it seems that Qin Fang is really inevitable...

Just when the Qin side was almost in the fierce Trident of the Poseidon...

Originally, I have been studying the Qin Dynasty of the sea **** altar, but suddenly it was a cat's waist. It swiftly entered the bottom of the sea **** altar next to it... It is an altar, actually a huge platform, below A huge stone pier holds a stone tray.

There are some very strange reliefs on the tray, and the stone platform in the most central position is used to place the magic source!

Now, Qin Fang directly drilled under the altar of the sea god...


And the thick and heavy Poseidon trident was also squatting in the place where Qin Fang just stood... The power of horror, the earthquake shook the surrounding ground, and it was bombarded a depth of one meter. The hole, the whole sea **** Trident has been plunged into more than a third.

However, this blow of the statue of Poseidon is not even touched by a little bit of the corner of the Qin Dynasty...

Compared with the statue of Poseidon, compared with the thick and heavy Poseidon trident, Qin Fang is lighter and more flexible, although the incident is sudden. But his movements are very fast, and when he turns around, he evades the past.

But the statue of Poseidon is obviously not so flexible, and it is not so high in intelligence and resilience. It can only watch the Qin side evade the past...

The Poseidon Trident is even heavier. The power needed to run it is also very horrible. The endless force is released. It takes a lot of power to move a little. When the inertia begins to erupt, its trajectory It is impossible to change easily.

In other words, Qin Fang’s hiding. It’s already a good calculation!

As for the sea **** Trident bombardment the ground. The gravel that splashed, although it has a lot of lethality, can be threatened to be weaker than the Trident of the Poseidon itself. Qin Fang’s bodyguards directly shattered the stones.


but. This statue of Poseidon is obviously not simple. It has been treated there like a dead object. At the moment, it was completely "resurrection". He walked straight down from the stone platform and pulled out the trident of the Poseidon inserted on the ground. I began to look for the whereabouts of Qin Fang.

Obviously, it has to chase the Qin Fang...

As for the reason, Qin Fang did not know.


However, this statue of the sea **** is extremely dangerous. It seems that the Qin side was found. He directly waved the trident of the sea **** in his hand and swept over the bottom of the altar.

"I rub..."

Qin Fang was also scared of a cold sweat, screaming, and then rushed out directly from the bottom of the altar... This statue of the sea **** does not seem to care about this altar, the trident of the sea **** swept over and made clear Destroy this altar completely.

If Qin Fang is still hiding below, absolutely something is going to happen...

Although Qin Fang thinks that the defensive power is quite good, the body guard Lantern and the Supreme Scorpion are completely comparable to the horror defense of the sacred beastmaster, but in the face of such a terrible Poseidon trident, he also has to recognize Oh.

The power of the Poseidon trident is only swaying, and the Qin side estimates that it weighs more than three tons...

Was swayed by such a horrible force, and the power it envelops is multiplied by a number of times. That is the strength of more than a thousand pounds... This is the real power of the mighty, even if the defense of the supreme powers add up, It is absolutely unstoppable.

Even if it is a defensive master to the ultimate physical master, it will be so slammed, and it will definitely be seriously injured if it is not dead. If it is a little serious, the horrible power will directly blast the internal organs!

It is such a horror... So, Qin Fang also had to admit it, or quickly escaped from the bottom of the altar.


However, when he came out, the attack of the statue of Poseidon came along... The power of the Trident of the Poseidon has risen and it is impossible to pull it away, but it has another hand, which is also fierce. Grabbed the past to the Qin side.

This statue of the sea **** is quite tall, and the altar has been more than two meters, but it is still a little short in front of it. The height of the statue of the sea **** can be imagined, and the visual inspection is more than five meters.

Such a tall statue of Poseidon, that palm is also very large...

A slap can completely wrap the Qin side, it must be too exaggerated, but a slap can hold the body of Qin Fang, this is absolutely no problem!

If this is a slap in the face, then one-third of Qin’s body will basically be smoked without even a shadow... The horrible power may be just a little worse than the Poseidon trident.

"I rub, what kind of monster is this special?"

The Qin side is even more strange, and the body shape has made several difficult twists in the air. In the blink of an eye, it has changed several positions, that is, to avoid the slap in the sea **** statue.

At the same time, Qin Fang was also shocked by this statue of the sea god.

Before he leaned over, he carefully examined the surroundings of the sea **** altar... and did not find any mutant creatures to say, nor found anything that would threaten the existence of his life.

This statue of Poseidon, he naturally did not let go, but did not find anything greasy!

However, due to the constant caution and care, Qin Fang is always vigilant, and this will make the most reasonable dodge in the first time when the Poseidon statue launched an attack...

However, this statue of the dead **** Poseidon, which is not threatened, suddenly resurrected, or let the Qin side marvel at it...

“It’s not the ancient city of Atlantis that has the legend of ancient civilization...”

However, Qin Fang also issued such amazement, "I can actually create such a strong sturdy ... than the best skills of my thousand doors is not much worse!"

It’s true that this statue of Poseidon is not a real living thing, but a monk... a monk similar to the Qin’s monk, but the method of production is obviously different.

Basically, the two are very similar, but to a certain extent, there are still obvious differences and gaps between the two...

The Qin people's monks were made by the craftsman Zuban Luban, which is the best of the best...

If its strength completely breaks out, it can be compared with the top-ranking supreme powers, and even reach the level of Emperor Wu. This is also a message that Qin Fang was accidentally informed when he advanced the master of the thousand masters, but he still has no corresponding The material has not been able to make it advanced and upgraded!

The statue of the sea **** that Qin Fang is now facing is refining using the legendary alchemy. The production method is very complicated... and the knowledge involved is also very massive and terrifying.

In fact, Qin Fang has already acquired alchemy skills, and even when he was bored, he was upgraded to the master level...

However, most of the alchemy refining things can be exchanged with experience values, so Qin Fang did not continue to improve this skill in depth... but did not expect to see the most masterpiece of alchemy here.

This statue of Poseidon belongs to such a "masterpiece", a "masterpiece" that has been completely lost. In terms of strength, it is at least two levels stronger than the monks in the hands of Qin Fang...

In terms of such combat power, it is already comparable to the rank of Emperor Wudi... The "Four Emperors" strong face the horrible statue of Poseidon, and can only avoid its sharpness, resisting its violent blow, and only one dead end. .

Huh ~~~

The statue of Poseidon does not know what Qin Fang is thinking. It seems to have its own set of "procedures". It is launching the most violent attack on Qin Fang. The huge palm is also fiercely killing Qin Fang.

Even the Poseidon trident caught by the other hand was directly lost by it...

The sea **** Trident slammed into the altar of the sea god, and the horrible power directly destroyed the altar by a third. Unfortunately, the statue of the sea **** did not seem to happen at all, and did not care.

Obviously, the "program" set by the statue of Poseidon should be to kill anyone close to the altar of the sea god, not to protect the altar of the sea god... Otherwise, it will not destroy the altar of the sea **** so unscrupulously.

As for why those people in the Temple of the Sea can smoothly take away the magic source from the sea **** altar, there must be a reason...

The Temple of the Sea also has an altar of the sea god, and is also a descendant of the sea **** of Atlantis. Naturally, many of the secrets of the altar of the sea **** and the statue of the sea **** are known. There is even more way to not disturb the statue of the sea god, so that the source of the magic can be robbed. Right?

Unfortunately, they did not expect that Atlantis has now become a site of mutant creatures. They have stolen the source of the magic, but the tragedy has been chased by the mutant creatures. Finally, they met the Qin side and directly suffered misfortune!

Of course, now is not the time to pull these...

"Since the purpose has been reached, then leave here..."

The altar of the sea **** has already seen it, and the source of the magic has already arrived. Even guessing some secrets, Qin Fang naturally has no need to stay here... he does not want to be chased by this statue of the sea god.

After the physique of the figure, before the horrible palm of the statue of Poseidon, Qin Fang quickly mobilized his fastest speed, and quickly retreated in the other direction, with the horrible palm of the statue of Poseidon... (to be continued) ..)

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