Omni Genius

Chapter 2712: Instantly burst!

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Rumble ~~~

This foot goes down, it is absolutely powerful... The horrible force is stepping on it, just the strength of the shock, and the smoke around it is instantly rising.

Even this building has trembled fiercely...

If the buildings in the ancient city of Atlantis are made of special materials and are more solid than reinforced concrete, I am afraid that this foot can contact several floors of the hi-hat!


As a passively beaten swallowing lizard, it is painful and bitter, and the slender tongue swallows more quickly, which relieves such a severe pain.

Of course, it is also tumbling violently, struggling, trying to rescue himself from this big foot.


However, this big guy who is hands-on is a savage beast known for its power violent temper. He will give this opportunity like a swallowing lizard, and immediately provoke a violent roar, then a pair of sharp claws, and immediately swallow the fire. The body of the monitor lizard slammed down.


The split beast is also completely violent at this time. The claws are sharp and the force is still quite strong. Even if the swallowing lizard is used as a high-order mutant, the attack and defense are greatly enhanced, but at this moment, Passive beating.

I saw that the claws of the cracked beast kept stroking its body, and the palm of the hand slammed its body... the creaking sound. More is endless!


At the moment, the swallowing lizard does not mention how wronged it is. There is a tyrannical power in the air. It can be met with a "buster" like a savage beast. The violent force suppresses it, and it can't break its imprisonment.

Fire resistance, fire immunity?

The cracked beast is the king of the earthly beast. It is not a fire at all... It doesn’t even play much with the soil, let alone the fire that it doesn’t understand. It’s completely relying on its own horrible power to kill. Enemy.

So the ability to swallow the monitor lizard is directly meaningless...


As long as it dares to lift his head, the huge slap of the cracked beast will be fanned out, and he will directly fan him with a squint and a slap in the face. It is completely honest.

The head can't be lifted. Then how do you spray fire on the cracked beast?

In the end, the tyrannical high-order mutants such as the swallowing lizard can only be passively beaten... all their own power is concentrated and defended. Although the injury is constantly increasing, there is no fatal scar.

For the time being. The swallowing giant lizard succumbs to grievances. But the death threat is not there!

Such a scene. Naturally, it also fell in the eyes of Qin Fang. In general, it is still quite satisfactory. The cracked beast has already suppressed this swallowing lizard very firmly, and it has successfully completed its mission.

As for killing the swallowing monitor lizard. The Qin side is not so strong...

The wind and the leopard and the red flames of the **** wolf king are also in a stalemate. Both are known for their tyranny of speed. Even if the red flames are more powerful than the wind leopard, the other party does not give it near. The opportunity of the body, it is also white!

In this way, you come to me and try to sneak into each other, but you must be careful to avoid the opponent's offense. Except for the illusion that flashed quickly, basically there is no frontal touch.

The split-day beast is on the swallowing fire lizard, neither of which uses their own special abilities, but in the end there is still a very exciting battle...even, it is only a unilateral beating of the cracked beast!

It’s too boring to fight the wind leopard and the red flames of the wolf king...

Of course, the real core battlefield is still on the Qin side...

At this time, he also stared at the opposite of the unusual illusion of the genius fox... Of course, the illusion of the fox is also staring at the Qin side, looking for the flaws of the Qin side, it is also possible to start at any time.

This is a high-order mutant creature that is more powerful than the swallowing monitor lizard...not only wisdom is beyond the limits, but other aspects, such as attacks, defenses, etc., are also stronger.

The Qin side does not know whether these mutants in the ancient city of Atlantis need a higher level of top mutants...

If there is, then the wind leopard should be regarded as the primary stage of high-order mutant organisms, but the swallowing lizard is the intermediate stage of high-order mutants, and the magical fox is higher. It should be higher-order mutants. The advanced stage is infinitely close to the top variants! ""

That is to say, the degree of difficulty of the magical fox is that the wind leopard and the swallowing jade are combined, which is completely incomparable... It is no wonder that the Qin side regards it as one of the most dangerous opponents.

"The magic source is in my hand, there is a kind to grab it..."

At this time, Qin Fang has stopped absorbing the miraculous power in the magic source. When the strong enemy is in front, he must play the spirit of twelve points, and dare not have a slight slack, let alone distracted him.

However, Qin Fang did not anxiously collect the magic source, but instead used it to attract the attention of the magical fox...


Sure enough, looking at the magic source in the hands of Qin Fang, and listening to the obvious provocation of Qin Fang, the anger of the magical fox fox is also stimulated by the Qin dynasty...

Not long ago, this precious and extraordinary source of magic almost fell into its hands, but it was hard to be cut off by the Qin side. It had an infinite hatred and resentment against the Qin side!

The provocation of Qin Fang is to raise this hatred and resentment several times in an instant!

It’s like someone who robbed someone else’s wife and said, in front of the green hat man’s face, how his wife’s bed work is like a cow’s fork... This will definitely increase the hatred of each other innumerable times in an instant. .

Qin Fang is doing something like this now...

Although the wisdom of the magical fox is not low, it is still irritated by the Qin side.

Originally it was red-red eyes. At this moment, it was red and bloody, and the red hair on the body was also uprooted. Although it was not comparable to the wind leopard, it was obviously suffocated.

Slightly pointed mouth, at this moment is also Senbai's teeth creaking, it seems that I can't wait to unload the eight pieces of Qin Fang, and then regenerate and swallow it... The squeaky noise is also from its throat It is a deep, horrible feeling.

"Oh, there is a kind... you come to grab it!"

Qin Fang seems to be ignorant of the reaction of the singer-like fox, and he plays with the magic source, and further stimulates it, then...

"Don't dare to grab it, then I can put it away!"

During the speech, Qin Fang turned one hand and saw the black magic source, so the sudden disappearance disappeared from his palm...

Not only is the source of the magic disappeared, but the breath of the magic source is also completely cut off at this moment... even these high-ranking mutants with strong tyranny do not feel its existence.


Such an unexpected situation suddenly makes all the mutant creatures slightly stunned... The magic source is very powerful and has a great effect on these mutants, but also in the ancient city of Atlantis. It's hard to hide its breath.

Otherwise, Qin Fang has just taken out the magic source, and almost all the high-order mutants in this area have rushed over...

However, Qin Fang actually put this magic source away, and isolated the entire atmosphere of the magic source, which is very powerful, almost making these mutants completely unacceptable.


These mutants seem to have forgotten a little... They are now fighting life and death with the Qin side!

Then, such a very obvious loss of consciousness, sometimes very deadly!

such as……


The red flames of the **** wolf king, the extremely handsome body, directly hit the body of the body of a somewhat stiff wind leopard's body ... ... that violent power bursts, directly hit the wind leopard.

It’s not just a collision, but it’s also very clear to hear the sound of the bones in the wind and leopard. It’s obviously hit by the violent impact of the Red Flame King’s blood...


Although the swallowing lizard is slightly better, its defense is also a little lax at that moment, and the cracked beast will let such a good chance, waving the huge palms and claws directly on it. Opened a few holes.

Once the defense is lax, there will be a huge flaw, and the attack effect of the cracked beast will immediately reach the extreme, directly causing great trauma to the swallowing lizard, and the blood is also flowing out without money...

As for the magical fox fox side...

How could Qin Fang let it go?

However, it is not necessarily the Qin Fang...

But the abyss of the abyss that has been hidden in the shadows, almost completely unaware of its breath...

At the moment when the magical fox was lost, it immediately launched its most fierce attack... The black dagger appeared again, and appeared quietly around the body of the magical fox, then directly facing The neck of the magical fox slammed down.

Although the black dagger is not a weapon of the gods, it is the most suitable blade for the abyss slaughter, and in its hands can erupt the terrorist attack that is comparable to the weapon of the gods...

At this moment, it is the opportunity to miss the illusion of the illusion of the fox, the part of the starting hand is the key part of the magical fox fox... Once you get it, even if you can't kill the illusion, you can definitely accept half of it.


At this moment, the Magic Sky Fox seems to have no chance to fight back. Even the dodge is too late.

Qin Fang’s mouth is also showing a bright smile... Although after a few seconds, his smile is slightly stiff! (To be continued.)

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