Omni Genius

Chapter 2741: a pair of eyes!

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At this time, the masters of the Temple of the Sea have also been desperately killed. In this myriad of mutant creatures, they have spurted a **** path and then rushed to the steps...

Although this process is also a crisis, everyone has mulberry, but standing on the steps, everyone smiles, thank you for living through this almost nine dead life!

"His Royal Highness..."

It was not until this time that they finally relaxed. .

There are even a few serious water-stricken Supreme, sitting directly on the ground, panting with a big mouth... Before he was already very difficult, it was completely supported by the will, and this can be sustained.

This one relaxes and almost hangs directly.

"Give me death..."

As for the emperor Poseidon, he waved the trident of the sea **** in his hand, injecting a sigh of anger, and releasing a terrible force against the bottom of the steps...


Seeing the center of the Poseidon trident, suddenly another violent force spurted out and instantly spread out to the surrounding... This is the horrible power that broke out of the artifact, even more terrifying than the Siren Magic Crystal. More.

As soon as I saw the mutant creatures around the edge of the steps, the body was instantly detonated...

The explosive power of terror quickly spread to the surrounding area, and many of the mutant creatures were bombarded into slag... This is the disadvantage of the mutant organism being too dense, once it detonated. Then die a big one.

The effort between the blinks, the mutant creatures around the steps, whether low-level or high-order, are all cleaned up, the lethality is explosive, and it is impossible to describe the **** and cruel scenes in words. ......

Just looking into the distance, in just a few hundred meters, it has almost become a Shura field, and there are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and blood is flowing everywhere. The smell is **** and stinks...

"His Royal Highness. Will this be done..."

However, this is also to make the side of the sea temple master slightly nervous.

There is nothing important to use the Kraken Magic Crystal. Although it is also powerful, it definitely does not threaten the tyrannical existence of those powerful sturdy half-step sacred spirits. Almost killed more mutants. The ice giants and evil spirits in the war will not take care of them.

But the Poseidon Trident is not the same...

It is a handed down artifact. Under the command of the emperor Poseidon, the full force of the outbreak is enough to threaten those evil spirits and beasts... This is easy to attract the attention of evil spirits. The consequences could be disastrous!


Sea King Poseidon seems to be very calm, and said with a look of disappointment, "They won't, don't dare to come over..."

Obviously, as the leader of the Temple of the Sea, he knows the secrets of the ancient city of Atlantis that many people don't know. At the moment, it must be reliant, otherwise he will never dare to do so.

Otherwise, he will not hesitate to use the Kraken Magic Crystal before.

But this time I used the Poseidon trident, but he was very simple, and there was no hesitation at all. It was obviously already in the chest!

"Well, this place should not stay for a long time, let's go in..."

However, Sea King Poseidon did not dare to stay here for too long, immediately ordered the man next to him, and he himself took the lead, galloping toward the Temple of the Sea above the steps.

The steps are a safe dividing line. The general mutant creatures, even high-order mutants, dare not easily cross this boundary, but there is not much restriction on the evil spirits.

The real safe place is in the temple above the sea god...

Of course, it refers to the Temple of the Sea, controlled by Sea King Poseidon, so that other evil spirits and beasts can not easily approach... Now the Temple of the Sea has not fallen into their control, Sea King Poseidon Naturally, I dare not take it lightly.

Other Haishen masters naturally did not dare to hesitate. They followed the footsteps of the emperor Poseidon and went to the sea temple. The injured were also supported by the next master, leaving no one here.

"Hey, it looks like the secret of the Temple of the Sea is much more than I thought..."

Almost sea emperor Poseidon and others just left, a corner of the edge of the steps, Qin Fang hidden there, is also quite playful looking at the back of the sea emperor Poseidon and other people's backs.

Haihuang Poseidon suddenly shot back against the mutant creatures. Although he did not anticipate this hand, he did not move after the emperor Poseidon stepped into the steps. Qin Fang realized that there must be action.

Therefore, he avoided the main force of those mutant creatures early, and stepped up from a marginal zone...

It’s just better to hide. The emperor Poseidon couldn’t find his presence... Or, the emperor Poseidon actually found out that someone was tracking, and he had the violent blow just now!

Killing mutants is one thing. It is also one of his purposes to force the Qin side out!

Unfortunately, his plan is good, but he did not expect the Qin side to be more difficult than he imagined, actually climbed the steps in advance, avoiding the violent bombardment of the handed-up artifact Poseidon Trident!

In this way, Qin Fang not only avoided the pursuit of mutant creatures, but also let the emperor Poseidon give up the little doubt in his heart!

"Catch up..."

After the emperor Poseidon and others gradually climbed to the top of the steps and entered the magnificent sea temple, Qin Fang immediately set off from the original place, stepped up the stairs at the fastest speed, and swiftly went straight. The hall of the Temple of the Sea went away.

"This is the Temple of the Sea?"

At the top of the steps, there is a fairly large square. In the middle of the square is a huge statue of Poseidon. It is much taller than the statues of the sea gods that guard the altar of the sea god.

"Sure enough, not..."

Qin Fang could not help but swear.

He has been looking at the sea temple outside the core area, and the distance is only about a kilometer. In general, the Qin Fang's eyesight should be easy to see, but in fact he did not see anything.

Even before Qin Fang boarded the steps, he did not see such a tall statue of Poseidon!

Of course, these steps are also quite large and extremely high. From the bottom to the top, the height drop is nearly 100 meters... and that huge statue of Poseidon is in the center of the square, not visible below. It is still understandable.

Behind this huge statue of Poseidon, the large-scale building complex is the legendary Temple of the Sea God!

Although it is incomparable with the Forbidden City of the Forbidden City of the Dragon Kingdom, it is definitely a huge and magnificent giant project...

Similar to the high-rise buildings outside, this sea temple is made of special materials, and it is still unimaginable for more than two thousand years, and it is for this one. The ancient city of Atlantis adds a bit of mystery!

"They have already gone in..."

Qin Fang did not have much time to look at the environment around the square, because he could not see the figure of Haihuang Poseidon and others, it should have entered the hall behind the statue of Poseidon.

At this time, Qin Fang did not dare to have a little hesitation, and quickly rushed toward the main hall.

However, in view of the accident that was attacked by the statue of Poseidon, Qin Fang deliberately circumvented this huge statue of Poseidon, preferring to take more roads and not want to alarm this big guy.

The previous statue of Poseidon has been so terrible that Qin Fang can't compete. The bigger and more powerful in front of him, if it is also awkward, the strength is definitely more horrible. It is estimated that it is easy to kill half a step to the beast. thing.

Qin Fang does not want to provoke such a tyrannical existence...

Although this big guy has a little bit of movement, even Qin Fang’s investigative skills have nothing to do with it!

More than a few roads, the Qin side was safely rushed into the hall.

And when he disappeared at the entrance of the main hall, the huge incomparable statue was also very strange and opened his eyes... Different from the jewel-like eyes of the previous statue of Poseidon, this pair of eyes is **** and fleshy, looks like real !

However, soon this pair of eyes closed again, it seems that nothing happened!

What changed a bit was that the ice giants and the evil spirits who were fighting in the distance stopped their hands and seemed to have sensed its arrogance...

But this is only a moment of pause, and soon they are fighting again!

Because, when that pair of eyes are closed, all the breath disappears without a trace... In the intelligence of the ice giants and the evil spirits, they may only behave a little illusion.

"Oh... what happened?"

However, Qin Fang, who entered the hall of the Temple of the Sea, suddenly couldn't help but feel a sigh in his heart, as if he had sensed something... Because when he entered the hall, he immediately felt that there was a breath disappearing!

"Is it discovered?"

Qin Fang’s heart was very cautious and lurked in the hall.

He did not find the abnormality of the eyes, but worried that he was discovered by the emperor Poseidon... He came to plan to catch the cockroach, the oriole was behind, and if it was discovered in advance, the plan must be flawed.

Fortunately, this hall is very grand, and the interior space is quite large. It is easy to lurk in the hidden skills of Qin Fang... If the sea emperor Poseidon found an abnormality, he might want to find him. Not so easy.

Of course, Qin Fang himself was hidden in the corner, carefully looked at the hall, and also looking for the whereabouts of the sea **** temples such as Haihuang Poseidon! (To be continued.)

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