Omni Genius

Chapter 2743: Hunting net!

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"Hey... what happened to Sea King Poseidon?"

The speed of Qin Fang’s coming is also very fast. This hall is just behind the Temple of the Sea. It is still very easy to find... However, I noticed that these masters of the Temple of the Sea stood there, and Qin Fang was quietly lurking in. .

His actions were very careful and he did not dare to alarm these people...

However, after he settled down, he noticed the abnormality of the emperor Poseidon!

"what is that?"

Of course, he also noticed the ice blue heart that was enshrined in the center of the main hall. "Oh... the power of the charm is so strong that even I am almost in the middle of it..."

However, at this glance, it was a shock to the Qin side. Immediately, with a strong mind, relying on the sturdy spirit, the force of the enchanting charm was forced out of the brain.

"The sea emperor Poseidon actually recruited?"

At this time, Qin Fang was also very surprised to find out what happened to the abnormality of Haihuang Poseidon. "This is really surprising... even the sea emperor Poseidon will be recruited, the ice blue gem is not Simple!"


Then Qin conveniently and carefully checked the surrounding environment, and his eyes flashed a trace of color. He was surprised to find that the hall was not as simple as it seemed.


However, when the water system of the Sea Temple tried to enter the hall and tried to get close to the confusing sea emperor Poseidon, it found that the hall suddenly shocked an invisible force. Then the water system is directly shocked and flies out!


This force seems to be very powerful, directly shocking this guy to guilty shocks, blood rushing, a blood spurt out, the whole person followed the down, pale and terrible!

"This... what is going on?"

This result is also stunned by everyone, and everyone has become amazed.

They are all supreme, especially the Supreme Powerhouse who was shocked. This is the third master of Poseidon and Gust, but it is not so easy to be It has been hit hard.

"It really is not simple..."

Such a scene. Nature also fell into the eyes of Qin Fang. He was not surprised. He could only say that he had expected this point... After all, he was a great master of the law, and he was easily found in the prohibition of this hall.

"How to do how to do?"

This is also anxious for everyone in the Temple of the Sea.

Sea King Poseidon has been moving forward. Although the pace is not too fast. But if this state continues. No one can guarantee that something will happen...

The sea emperor Poseidon is the leader and pillar of the sea **** temple, and he is in charge of the trident of the sea god... In the event of any flaws, no one of them wants to leave the ancient city of Atlantis.

and so. They must save the emperor Poseidon!

"Use the Hunting Net..."

Silence for a moment, the water system of the wounded Supreme also bite the teeth.

His strength ranks third, and his status is naturally high. Otherwise, he will not rush out to obstruct Haisai Poseidon without hesitation. Others have no qualifications for questioning.

At this time, the emperor Poseidon is still still unconscious, they want to obstruct but can not break through the main prohibition of the hall, and only he is qualified to take the idea!


Hearing this sentence, several other people looked at him with a stunned look. "Lord Anderson, kidding?"

What is Hunting Net? How can these people not know...

The sea **** temple spans the ocean for more than two thousand years. It can be said to be a storm in the ocean... Apart from some terrible sea beasts and natural disasters, there is basically no fear of their existence.

Even if they are half-steps to the beasts of the spirits, they have also hunted a lot.

And this involves a weapon... Hunting Net!

It is said that the hunting **** net is the best treasure that the sea **** deliberately created in order to capture a half-level super sea beast. The materials used are also the top-notch terrorist weapons that the legend can even kill.

Of course, the real hunting net has long since disappeared...

However, the method of creating the Hunting Net was passed down by the Temple of the Sea, and then spent a considerable amount of energy, quite a lot of materials, which re-created a hunting net...

It is definitely a lot worse than the original version of the hunting **** net that can kill the semi-sacred strong, but it is also used to capture the existence of the half-step to the level of the beast, but it also has a great success rate!

For the success of this plan, they also brought the Hunting Net!

Even before facing the overlord squid, they almost couldn't help but use the hunting nets... but in the end, they still resisted, after all, they didn't really go to the bottom of the mountain!

After all, urging the Hunting Net to attack once, the loss is also an unimaginable horror...

Just because you know what it is, they will have such a reaction!

Even half a step to the spirit of the beast can be hunted, not to mention the sea emperor Poseidon is barely considered to be the peak of the supreme level, than the half-step supreme spirit beast is still a grade, one can not do, the hunting **** network If you can't save people, you will become a murderer.

"Do you have any better ways?"

The water system Supreme Anderson's tone is very blunt and asks a question...

Everyone is also silent!

If there is a way, they will not be as uneasi as this kind of supreme power... In the face of the horrible and strange prohibition of this hall, they are completely helpless.

They even dare not let the emperor Poseidon continue this way...

Lost in mind, holding the trident of Poseidon, if it merges with the heart of ice blue, the real Poseidon Trident will be restored to the original, at that time... I am afraid that no one can live!

Not only themselves, but also the sea emperor Poseidon who was taken advantage of it!

"Then... use it!"

no choice. Several water supremes also bite their teeth and agree to this decision... The risks are definitely there, but apart from that, they really have no better way.

"Hunting God..."

Qin Fang naturally heard their dialogue, and at the same time, the heart was moving, and the attention was also concentrated on the water system of these sea gods. The name of the hunting **** net, he also heard it!

"These guys reacted very quickly..."

Although Qin Fang has only heard of the Hunting God net, he does not know the true power of the Hunting God net. However, from the level of his master of the tactics, this method is undoubtedly more feasible.

"Hey, Hunting Net... I heard that it is a good thing!"

But that is not the point. Qin Fang is really thinking about this hunting net.

And this time. I saw that the injured water system, Supreme Anderson, had found a black object with a material of ten centimeters square and unknown material. It looked like a piece of cloth from a distance. It can be found a little closer to it. It has some holes in it. Grid.

"This is the hunting net?"

Qin Fang is also very curious.

Anderson is not hurt, although it will not hang. It can be repaired in one body but it has suffered a great deal. This one is also handed over to another mid-level master.

"Barbidos. Look at you..."

Anderson is also very serious account of the road, obviously this task is also very critical, not to be lost, he can not personally shot because of injury. The heart is also quite worried!

"Don't worry, Lord Anderson, definitely won't let you down..."

The water system Supreme Barbidos took a deep breath.

Then he went to the forbidden entrance of the main hall. The other water system supremes also protected him for the law. He took a deep breath and the whole body was completely violent.


The most powerful reaction is the hunting net. At this moment, it is automatically detached from the hands of Barbidos, and automatically turned into a shadow in midair, and the banned passage of the hall is extremely fast!

Yes, it is crossing...

The speed is almost reached, even if the hall is banned from earthquakes, it has not stopped it from entering!

"It is!"

Seeing such a scene, the masters of the several temples of the sea have a look of joy, especially the Barbidos, pale and bloodless, but did not hide his excitement and joy,

Even Qin Fang, who was hidden in the dark, knew that their action was successful this time.


The hunting **** net flew out quickly, and when it was about to approach the sea emperor Poseidon, it suddenly opened... A huge giant net was instantly formed, and then quickly covered the sea to Poseidon. !

If the sea emperor Poseidon is in a normal state, he will certainly react... either directly to fly the hunting net, or to quickly dodge, avoid this hunting net...

However, the current sea emperor Poseidon is completely lost. For the arrival of the hunting net, he has no reaction at all!

Brush ~~

Then, the Hunting Net quickly approached the sea emperor Poseidon, as if it had a sense of autonomy. The hunting **** net relied on the body of Shanghai Huang Bobo Sedong, and quickly climbed up and quickly moved the sea emperor. Poseidon's body was completely wrapped up.

The other side of the hunting net is in the hands of the water system Supreme Barbidos...

"Fast! Quick hands..."

Barbidos's manipulation of this hunting net seems to be quite laborious. When he saw the hunting net, he brought the sea emperor Poseidon to the net, and immediately shouted to several companions next to him.

Although his strength is strong, he is not able to pull back Sea King Poseidon.


The same is true. Although Poseidon was lost in consciousness, he felt that his body could not move, and immediately subconsciously struggled and violent, and the fierce arrogance immediately came out.

The power of violent is to make Barbidos almost unable to hold the hunting net! (To be continued.)

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