Omni Genius

Chapter 2766: Broken ancient transmission array!

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At the same time, there is another strange force sweeping the body of the Qin, like a powerful scan, without any part of the Qin body, it is as harsh as flying and passing security!

Of course, in the end, Qin Fang passed smoothly.

Although Qin did not know what the trick was for, but the intuition told him that if he brought the chameleon to his body, he would most likely force it back to the third-level trial space...

Then Qin Fang is really busy, and it is still posted!

"Fortunately, I made arrangements in advance, or I really lost money..."

The Qin side is also slightly fortunate, and this is also a good mood for a lot of time.

The transmission is still going on...

However, this time of transmission seems to be a bit long... After a full ten minutes, but still has not arrived at the destination, so that Qin Fang feels a little bored.

Another ten minutes passed...

Qin Fang’s face has also undergone some changes.

"Isn't there a problem with the transmission array?"

Qin Fang’s heart can’t help but send out such a question... In the case of a general transmission array, it’s enough to send a person hundreds of miles away in twenty minutes.

Even though the trial space in the Black God Tower is in the void crack, it may be a little distance from the Earth plane, but it does not need such a long transmission time...

The only thing that Qin Fang thought of was the transmission of the problem!

"This Nima, pothole..."

If it is true as Qin Fang guessed. It’s really too pithy!

The transmission is a problem, and it is the transmission between the plane and the plane. It really kills people...

If you are lucky, there may be a way to go back to the trial space, or return to the earth plane, but if you are not lucky, it is very possible to be lost in the endless void forever!

"This is not an endless void, it should not be so bad..."

This is also the only thing Qin Fang can comfort himself.

Endless void, that is the real void... A strong area of ​​the Emperor Wu, the supreme spirit of the beast, can not survive for a long time. It is a real human exclusion zone. Basically, there are nine dead and forbidden places.

This point can refer to the mad mystery that Qin had experienced in the beginning... that is, the little secret that the golden-footed kitten and the silver-footed kitten ruled, and finally collapsed because of the fierce battle between the two supremely beasts. The little secret.

In order to survive, the silver-footed kitten directly abandoned his body. Only the **** of the gods is attached to the person Yuan Jindan. This was brought up by Qin Fang. Eventually survived, and even later reshaped the flesh and rebuilt the horror of the Supreme Spirit.

but. The golden-footed kitten has entered the endless void, I believe that it has been dead for a long time...

If it is the strength of Qin Fang, I am afraid that I have just been torn into a fragment by the Netherstorm. I am strong, but the defense is much worse than that of the Emperor Wu, even Wu Dijin. I can't resist myself, let alone the supreme body.

And this is the crisis that Qin Fang is most worried about now...

If it is confirmed that the transmission array is really a problem, Qin Fang may be sent to the endless void, then the Qin side is really pitted... even he has no chance to save himself.

After all, the Qin party is still in the imprisonment of the transmission array. He can't even control his own body. How can he find a way to crack this transmission array and achieve self-help?

"I hope that I am only worried about people..."

In addition to his own comfort to himself, Qin Fang has no better way at present!


I don't know if Qin's prayers are useful, or whether this transmission array is really a big problem... Qin Fang suddenly felt that the prohibition imposed on himself suddenly disappeared.

His body can be controlled again...

“Is it the delivery destination? Or is it really a big problem with the transmission array?”

The control of the body has returned to his own hands. Although the crisis is still there, the Qin side has already had a lot of peace of mind. He is waiting for an answer to be announced... With the answer, he can decide how to act next. .

Ticking and ticking~~

Time passed by a minute...

For three minutes, Qin Fang was in such a silent void, neither transmitted nor sent into the endless void... as if he had been completely forgotten.

"Damn! Sure enough, it’s a big problem..."

However, the Qin side has certainly been a problem with the transmission of the ... ... that is to say, Qin Fang's trial of the water **** black tower will stop here, and then rely on the Qin side to save himself.

"Fortunately, Laozi is a master of the ranks..."

At this time, Qin Fang himself is quite lucky.

In the case of such a transmission problem, the Emperor Wu’s master is basically the only way to wait for death.

Although the Emperor Wudi is difficult to survive in the endless void, he can only find some void cracks or entry points and enter another space, which can still survive.

However, the masters below Wudi can't survive in the endless void, and one face will be torn into pieces by the Netherstorm. So, is it better to stay in this transmission space and die?

At least, if you die, you can leave a whole body!

Maybe a few years later, some younger generations will enter here, can you still see his complete bone?

Of course, this possibility is minimal...

At least Qin Fang is in the transmission space at the moment, but he has not seen anything... Don’t say anything like a bone, and even the root hair is not left! Clean and empty!

Either the transmission array has never had a problem, or the transmission space is not stable. It is likely that it will be baptized by the Netherstorm on a regular basis, and the bones will be taken away and annihilated!

No matter which one, it has nothing to do with Qin Fang!

"I can leave here alive..."

Qin Fang’s self-confidence is still there, especially after he carefully checked this transmission array, his confidence is also bursting out... The transmission array has indeed encountered great problems, but he can solve and repair it!

"There are also materials, good luck..."

After careful inspection, the Qin side confirmed that there was no problem, and the face finally showed a bright smile.

The age of this transmission array is too long. Although there is an endless supply of energy from the water tower Black Tower, but because of the long-term disrepair, there has been a great leak... It is not too serious a leak, but it is enough to smash countless Wudi. The following strong.

This is the transmission matrix of the ancient heritage, the transmission ability is amazing, and the defensive power is equally amazing... Once trapped here, the possibility of rushing out by its own repair is basically zero.

Moreover, even if the success is rushed out, there is endless void outside, and the possibility of survival is zero!

The only way to save yourself is to repair this transmission array... At least fix a one-time transmission array and send yourself out, so that you can complete your own redemption!

And this requires a master who is at least above the master level, plus enough materials to complete!

However, it is not easy to find a master of the ranks, and whoever has nothing to do with the material of the array, even if it is a master, it will not bring much... Who knows that this transmission is broken?

Very good luck, Qin Fang exactly meets these two points!

First, he is a master of the ranks of the division, the level of the array and the repair method are sufficient, let alone repair a one-time transmission array, it is to completely repair this ancient transmission array, it is not at all problem!

Of course, this is also because the damage of this transmission array is not particularly serious, as long as a little repair, you can recover as ever!

Second, in order to cope with this trip to Atlantis, Qin Fang was well prepared. The layout materials were also one of the necessities he specially prepared. It was just in case, but he did not expect it. It came in handy.

After all, no one else has a prop box like the Qin Fang. It can hold countless materials and props. Even if it is a war, it will not lose or damage any of the same...

In this way, Qin Fang is indeed very lucky.


Using the anti-day ability of the investigation skills, Qin Fang only took a few minutes to find the damage point of this ancient transmission array, and prepared the required materials to directly repair the ancient transmission array.

Qin Fang's skills, sometimes powerful and powerful here!

A skill progress bar appeared in front of the Qin side... This is Qin's skill and repair skills. The combination of the two combines skills, power and efficiency are much stronger.

Only need to read the skill progress bar, this ancient transmission array can be repaired to the original...

In fact, it can't be considered as perfect in the complete sense. After all, the materials in the hands of Qin Fang are relatively "inferior", and the materials in other parts of the ancient transmission array are not one or two grades.

After the repair, Qin Fang's own use is of course no problem, and even two or three times of normal transmission can be carried out, and then it may fall apart at any time, even causing more serious damage to this ancient transmission array!

At that time, it was not the materials that Qin Fang could repair, and even permanent damage, this ancient transmission array will be completely scrapped!


The process of repairing the ancient transmission array is still quite smooth. Basically, after a few minutes, the skill progress bar is read directly, and the transmission array is repaired. There is no accident at all.

It can also be seen from this that the damage of this ancient transmission array is not particularly serious...

However, this has not had much to do with the Qin side.

After delaying such a long time, Qin Fang should continue on the road... (unfinished.)

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