Omni Genius

Chapter 2768: Dragon Blood Sea Beast!

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"It looks like it will be quite boring for the time being..."

Looking at the little dragon who is fully absorbing the aura of the water system at the top of his head, Qin Fang is also very bored and snorted.

Looking through the props box and making a lifeboat, Qin Fang was soaking up the sun on the sea and drinking a glass of wine. The little days were quite refreshing...

Although it is a trial space, the water system is full of aura, but other living conditions are similar to the earth.

Even the sun on the top of the head is almost the same as the earth.

Fortunately, there are enough things in the box of Qin Fang, and the space is big enough. This is the preparation for lifeboats, red wine, some food, and so on. It is absolutely not lacking, otherwise it may be boring here. .

Just now, Qin Fang has carefully checked it...

I don't know if there is no creature in this place, or the deterrent of the dragon's tyrannical beast, Longwei, which is around... at least within a kilometer range, there is no ghost shadow!

Originally, Qin Fang also wanted to find the fourth layer of the trial object, using the dragon and the beast to suppress and suppress, can complete this trial faster and easier, and find a way to leave here!

As a result, this plan can only be reluctantly given up...

Even the ghosts have no shadows. How can he find the test objects?

Without the object of trial, Qin Fang will not expect to leave here for the time being...

Fortunately, the environment here is not bad, except that there is no beach. It seems that it can barely be considered a good place for a holiday... At least Qin Fang is now quite leisurely.

The dragon is still in midair, but those water dragons have changed from three or four to more than a dozen...

The height of a dragon is hovering up to a height of 100 meters. The scene is still very shocking. If you take such a scene and make a short film, it is definitely more amazing than the science fiction films made by special effects.

Of course, Qin Fang is absolutely not interested in doing this...

Let's not talk about the rules of the underground world. We can't divulge too many scenes and abilities that are too shocking for ordinary people. The beasts like Xiaolong can't be exposed to the eyes of the powerful people in the underground world.



After nearly half an hour, Xiaolong finally absorbed enough water aura. Immediately closed its huge mouth. And the dozen or so water dragons lost that attraction, and they fell immediately and weakly.

"I rely on ~~"

Immediately led to a skunk in the Qin side.

More than a dozen water dragons, falling from the sky hundreds of meters, it is definitely a downpour... especially the coverage area is relatively concentrated. Directly drenched Qin Fang a chicken soup.

Qin Fang, who was originally leisurely drinking and sunning. A few words are taken for granted.

He also has no meaning to blame. It’s nothing more than a little mischief that Xiaolong deliberately made...

"Little dragon, you go to refining, the trial mission here. I can solve it myself..."

After a few words, Qin Fang also simply told the beast and the dragon... It has absorbed enough water aura, and the next step is to completely transform these water aura into their own power.

In this piece of trial space, Xiaolong is naturally refining.

However, the smell of the dragon's beast is too strong, let the creatures in this ocean... even some powerful tyrannical sea beasts dare not approach this place easily, then pit the Qin Trial's trial mission.

So, consider again and again, Qin Fang still let Xiaolong return to his body to slowly refine!

As for the trial mission, Qin Fang wondered that he should be able to complete it... the most unsatisfactory. When you need help, it is okay to draw some power from Xiaolong.


Although Xiaolong was slightly hesitant, there was no objection. After a dragon scorpion, it quickly turned into a silver light and disappeared into the body of Qin Fang... It also took time to refine these water system auras, together with the one that was obtained before. Element core!

"It’s finally quiet..."

Xiaolong is gone, and the surrounding atmosphere is slowly calming down.

Just a small amount of water aura has been sucked away by Xiaolong, and it has been replenished in a short period of time... From this point, it is not difficult to see how strong the water system of this trial space is.

"Those sea beasts should be back too?"

Qin Fang also silently sighed.

In this ocean, of course, it’s not really that there are no creatures...

Just now, Qin Fang secretly sneaked into the peripheral area. After careful investigation, he found that this sea area still lives quite a lot of sea beasts... There are some super-powerful superpowers.

It’s just that the dragon is a water beast, and the horrible dragon is released. These sea beasts are straightforward, and they are afraid that they will become the prey of the dragon and the dragon’s belly.

Today, Xiaolong has "disappeared".

After repeated confirmation, these sea beasts are slowly coming back!

As for the reason, it is very simple...

The sea beasts have a strong sense of territoriality. When they occupy the site, they are unwilling to give up when they have no choice but to do so, because that means they need to rob the other sea animals, and the death and injury are inevitable.

So, if not necessary, these sea beasts are not willing to leave their territory!

Moreover, other sea beasts do not want their own sites to be "occupied by the sea beasts of other regions". They will also expel and drive away these "cross-border" sea beasts...

Before, the atmosphere of the beast was too tyrannical. Not only was this area where Qin Fang and Xiao Long were located, but it was strongly suppressed. Even the sea beasts in a large area around them were quiet and well-behaved. I am afraid to attract the comet of Xiaolong.

This also gave these "unwillingly evacuated" sea beasts, and there was a temporary place to live.

However, as Xiaolong went, the hegemons of those sites immediately forced the sea beasts to leave their own territory. Naturally, these sea beasts also came back home...

"Is that one of my trial objects should be back?"

Qin Fang also silently sighed, and he also began to look for the position of the sea beast that had been confirmed before...

Although the trial of the water **** black tower, there is no very clear hint, but Qin Fang vaguely feels that as long as he kills this super sea beast, he can pass the trial and clearance of this layer!

And that sea beast, when Qin Fang sneaked out to inquire about intelligence, he had already discovered and noticed it!

Qin Fang is still sitting on the lifeboat, and he is not in a hurry...

Nowadays, although these sea beasts are back, they are still like a stunned bird. It is estimated that they are a little bit swaying, and they can escape again... This is not what Qin wants to see.

Therefore, Qin Fang intends to wait for the first time, until everything is calm, until these sea beasts are all restored to their previous state, he is not too late to shoot!

Anyway, the time has been delayed so much, and it is not anxious for this moment.

The lifeboat swayed slowly on the sea, and it was extraordinarily leisurely, while the Qin side converges on its own atmosphere, running the white tiger spirit in the body, trying to integrate itself into the water system, so it is not so easy to expose itself.

As he expected...

When most of the sea beasts have confirmed that the dragons are really gone, they have all returned to their own territory... including the powerful tyrannical sea beast.

"This is a... dinosaur?"

However, when Qin Fang gradually learned about the body of this sea beast, it was slightly unexpected... It was not only very large, but it looked like a dinosaur that had been extinct on Earth.

Of course, not a dinosaur!

"This sea beast, watching it is not so good to deal with..."

After a closer look, Qin Fang learned that the body of this super sea beast should be a giant sea snake...but it is not the same as the general sea snake, because it actually has four limbs!

This is why Qin Fang began to think that it is a dinosaur!

The snake-like head, neck, and torso have relatively thick limbs... This looks really similar to the dinosaurs.

It was not until the Qin side discovered that the limbs of the sea beast seemed to be just decorative... or, this seems to be the direction of the deeper evolution of this super sea beast, but it has not yet been fully formed.

"Is it phlegm?"

Snake spirit beasts, beasts, if further, most of them are phlegm... And if the dragons go further, then they can advance to the dragon. Of course, this evolutionary dragon is also the lowest level. Dragon.

If this snake-shaped sea beast, the strength is only the strength of the peak of the beast king to the half-step to the spirit of the beast, then after the degeneration, it is the proper level of the supreme beast...

And then further evolved into the lowest level of the dragon, that is the holy beast level!

And the real top dragons are all at the beast level!

"Maybe, the inner beast of this sea beast can be borrowed for use..."

Although this serpent-shaped sea beast is a hundred thousand miles away from the dragon, it can be evolved into a cockroach, which is enough to show that it has extremely thin dragon blood in its body!

And such a sea beast, the value is unconsciously very large...

Its essence, Qin Fang can completely carry out a purification, can get more tyrannical dragon blood... This is the best material of alchemy, and it is an unimaginable magical use to cultivate the beast.

And its inner Dan is even more valuable...

However, this Nei Dan is also very attractive to the Qin side... He is a human being, and there is no dragon blood. Therefore, although Qin Fang borrowed some dragons from Xiaolong, the utility is quite limited.

If you can absorb this inner Dan, Qin Fang can even cultivate dragon gas! (To be continued...)

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