Omni Genius

Chapter 285: 1vs7, winning!

Chapter 285 1vs7, victory!

"What! Joe's grandson!"

At this time, Deputy Director Tan was sitting in the office leisurely, dreaming that he had already boarded the throne of the Secretary. It was the time when he was excited. The police officer who caught Qin’s party got the news and was lost. I came in and reported the situation, and I almost didn't scare the deputy director Tan to pee.

What kind of position Joe was in politics, but his grandson was caught by himself, and still...

Deputy Director Tan suddenly thought that Yang’s son had already beaten Joe’s grandson, and he still had a green light, and his body was completely wet by sweat.

"Quick, go stop him!"

Where does he still have the mind to be his own secretary's dream? If Joe's grandson is beaten, his deputy director must be at the end of his life, and he will not care so much. He immediately squats from his seat and trots all the way. I rushed over to the interrogation room.

Don't look at his pampering for so many years, his body has long been dragged down by the wine color. At this moment, he actually broke out the speed and endurance of the world championship level, so that the subordinates behind him are stunned.

In the interrogation room.

"Brother, can't you do it?"

Qiao Zhenfei looked at the other seven people, his face was relaxed, but his eyes were cautious. Although he was also a soldier, he was still a colonel, but in fact it was really virtual. He himself was not in the army. In a few days, I learned a lot about the techniques of grabbing and fighting, but those who have spent a lot of time in these years have long since disappeared.

However, his foundation is still there. If he is to deal with Yang Shao, these three people should have little problem, and five can barely, but the seven can only persist for a while, then passively beaten.

"Fei brother, go to the side, or I will come..."

Qin Fang smiled and protected Qiao Zhenfei behind him. He didn't want Joe Zhenfei to swear for himself. That would be really unreasonable.

"You are being shackled, don't be tempted, or I will come!" Qiao Zhenfei is very interesting, and wants to block in front of the Qin side.

"Fei Ge, you stand there and give me a banner to cheer and cheer. Just forgot to tell you, I am the descendant of Ninghai Chua's Xingyiquan. To deal with these idiots, even sweat does not need a drop..."

Qin Fang said with a smile, he did not put these few people in his eyes.

"Xingyiquan Chuanren?"

Qiao Zhenfei gave a slight glimpse. He really didn't know, but he still wanted to say something. The opposite Yang Shaoke didn't have such a good temper.

"Paralyzed, look for death, start!"

Yang Shao is also quite depressed by the attitudes of Qin Fang and Qiao Zhenfei. It is clear that there are many people here. Qin Fang and Qiao Zhenfei should be very scared. He also wants to condemn them and then let them both. The **** squats and drills his crotch.

Unexpectedly, it was not what he imagined. Qin Fang and Qiao Zhenfei were not afraid at all. When they spoke, they were still in the air. They seemed to be battling to defeat their opponents. He was like a scorpion. A big watermelon, he was all uncomfortable.

This kid is angry, and his heart says: Laozi has an absolute advantage. You dare to despise me so much that I don’t dare you all to be disabled!

So under Yang Shao’s order, the six men waved their plastic sticks and rushed toward the front of the Qin side.

This interrogation room is not very large. There is also a table for interrogation in the middle. It is even narrower. Six people can only be two people, and they rush from both sides, and there are only three people on one side.

Although Qin Fang’s hand is squatting, the problem is that he does not have to use his hands, even if he uses his feet, it is quite powerful.


The Qin side chose a way, a big foot fly, only heard a muffled sound, but also mixed with the sound of broken bones, accompanied by a scream, saw that the person was directly flew out by Qin Fangyu Then hit the companion heavily.

The Qin side took advantage of this opportunity and rushed to the other side. The hands were closed and it was a heavy blow. It was beaten on the head of a bad luck, and then it was two consecutive feet. Another killer who tried to break through was jealous. Fly.



The dull blows, and the screams that are constantly coming out.

It was almost a moment of effort, and the six people were all cleaned up by Qin Fang alone.

" kid is really not covered, so you can play!"

Seeing Qin Fang’s shot, he knocked down the other six people in three, five and two. He did not have the opportunity to relax with his hands and feet. Qiao Zhenfei really admired the five-body cast.

"I have told you that I am a descendant of Chua's Xingyiquan. It would be too easy to deal with this group of shrimps and crabs..."

Qin Fang is still very arrogant in the baggage, want to put a wind ***s, I saw that the surname Yang, seeing his own hand was actually easily stumbled by Qin Fang, where he dare Staying again, I don’t want to want to rush out from the door.

But when he just opened the door, he found that his collar seemed to be lifted up, and then the whole person flew like a piece of paper, and finally slammed into the wall and fell softly. Ground.

"Fei Ge, this kid will be handed over to you!"

This time, the nature of the shot is still Qin Fang. With his power, there is no weight in the smashing of the body by the wine. It is easy to grab and throw it, and also greeted Qiao Zhenfei.

"This is easy!"

Qiao Zhenfei was sighing with a sigh of relief. This kid was sent to death by himself. He would naturally not be polite. He was a stunned guy on the ground.

If the plan for the afternoon is relatively light, this time, Qiao Zhenfei will start to get off the ground and get a lot of kicks. There are signs that the kid will be directly disabled.

Qin Fang did not stop, anyway, something happened by Qiao Zhenfei, he is not afraid!


The door of the interrogation room was slammed open.

"Give me all the time!"

When Pang was drinking, he rushed in with a few people.

However, he immediately became dumbfounded when he came in. Qin Fang and Qiao Zhenfei were sitting in the interrogation room, but the two of them sat there laughing and laughing, and there was no scar on their body. Even the clothes were not messy.

Then look at the ground, there are several people in the vertical, almost everyone's face, body is scarred, especially one of them, it is completely turned into a pig's head, the face is completely blue, almost can not see the original It looks like it.

However, he can guess that the pig head is the son of Pingnan District Party Committee Yang, that is, the object he wants to stop, but he did not expect that he not only failed to retaliate against each other, but was also smashed. pause.

"Two...all right?"

Although Yang Zheng is a big man, it is not a level at all compared with the old grandson of Joe. So he is very wise to ignore the mourning of Yang Shao, but to the Qin Fang and Qiao Zhenfei. In front of me, I asked carefully.

"This police officer, these murderers suddenly rushed in to beat us, we are self-defense..."

Seeing Pang’s director, Qin’s convenience immediately began to complain. Regardless of whether the winner’s victory or not won, he did not care, just said the facts.

"Of course it is self-defense! Come and pick up these people..."

Pang Bureau is not stupid, immediately told his own confidants, and these people were squeezed out in the bureau, listening to the boss said that there is such a good thing, immediately rushed over, although knowing the pig head lying on the ground It is the son of Yang Zheng, but for their own future, they will also get rid of this.


Several policemen shot and immediately smashed all seven people on the ground, while Pang was a respectful guardian next to Qin Fang and Qiao Zhenfei.

"Qiao Shao, there is a comrade in the middle of the branch who is waiting for you, do you want to go out first?" Secretary Pang said cautiously.

"No, you send someone to call him in! I am waiting here..."

Qiao Zhenfei sat down directly. He also got a handcuff from Pang, and he buckled himself. The director of Pang’s face was depressed, but then he thought of something and his face showed a smile. He was cleverly guarded by the side. He knew that he had made such a big outing. He must have been alarmed by Deputy Director Tan. He estimated that the other party should also come over.

However, he wants to go left. Deputy Director Tan does not know that he brought people to take the action of robbing people. Instead, he knows the contents of Qiao Zhenfei’s transcript from the police officer Sun, and quickly comes to save people.

Of course, the purpose of deputy director Tan to save people is to save his own.


The door to the interrogated room that had been locked up was opened again from the outside, and then a Mediterranean sea with a topping on the head was seen rushing in.

"Yang Shaoxu Assistant!"

The first sentence that almost entered the door was this. Even he didn't have time to look at the movement in the interrogation room for the first time.

However, he shouted out the scorpion, but he was unfortunately introduced into the ears of everyone in the house. Qin Fang and Qiao Zhenfei looked at this deputy director Tan with a look of eccentricity, and then bowed his face with no expression.

Deputy Commissioner Pang was a sinister smile. He knew that Deputy Director Tan was unlucky. I didn’t expect this person to be unlucky. If you drink cold water, you will have a tooth, actually shouting this in the face of Qiao Zhenfei, even if it is Helping Joe Shao, but that means still killing people.

"Prince Pang, you see someone looking for that Yang Shao, you go to help wake up Yang Shao, let them both talk..." Qin Fang is really bad enough, the surname Yang has been beaten very badly. Then he has to sprinkle salt on the wound.

It should be said that not only Yang Shao, but also salt on the wound of Deputy Director Tan...

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