Omni Genius

Chapter 2864: Just out of the tiger hole and into the wolf nest!

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"The success or failure is here! Go out!"

At this time, Qin Fang also bite his teeth and break through. ()

The thousands of iron-clad red fire ants behind him are almost rushing to him... The Qin side has almost been forced into a desperate situation, and there is no room for choice. Only the road is hard.

It was successful... He entered the “forbidden zone” where the iron-clad red fire ants did not dare to easily set foot. Perhaps there will be more danger behind, but at least it will be safe for a short time.


You can see thousands of iron-clad red fire ants behind Qin Fang. If you take a single bite, you can put the Qin Fang into a pile of bones... You don’t have to pray that these iron-clad red fire ants are vegetarian, that is absolutely nonsense. !


The Qin side obviously does not allow itself to fail!


The Qin Fang’s fierceness broke out, and the whole body was mad and shocked. It seemed to tear everything around him... and then went all out with the most sturdy posture and rushed out in that direction.

In front of him, there are at least thirty ironclad red fire ants waiting for it, almost at the same time, and fiercely rushing toward the oncoming Qin Fang...

When the distance between the two sides is getting closer, Qin Fang can even see the iron-clad red fire ants waving their claws and mouthparts... The black hair is bright and the cold light is shining.


Then the two sides collided together...

The shape of the Qin Fang is hundreds of times larger than the iron armor red fire ant... Now the power of violent explosion. Naturally, dozens of iron-clad red fire ants can be obstructed, and the speed is hardly weakened.

But at the same time, he can't help but sigh...

"These **** iron armor red fire ants ... biting people is really not a normal pain!"

Qin Fang could not help but open it in his heart.

In order to escape the birth of the day, Qin Fang can only endure the twenty or thirty ironclad red fire ants licking on his body...

Some people may have tried to bite by an ant. What kind of pain is it, but if it is replaced by this fierce ironclad red fire ant, the pain is absolutely 100 times and thousands of times stronger than ordinary ants!

Qin Fang is such a kind of suffering at this moment...

More than 20 iron-clad red fire ants bite his body, even if his Supreme Body has an amazing defense, it just barely resists the bite of these iron-clad red fire ants and will not be pulled off, but that kind of The pain is inevitable.

"When I enter the safe zone, see how I clean up you..."

but. Qin Fang can only hold on to his teeth now.

Thousands of ironclad red fire ants behind him followed. He didn't dare to relax a little... As long as his footsteps were slightly slower, he was immediately swallowed up by hundreds of thousands of iron-clad red fire ants.

"Little dragon, help me!"

Ironclad red fire ants are getting closer and closer, and there is still a certain gap from the safe zone. Qin Fang also screamed. The whole body is mad and shocking. Under the impetus of violent power, the whole party of Qin Fang seems to be violent, and the speed has more than doubled. Breaking into the safe zone at lightning speed.


Perhaps it was too much rushing. Qin Fang’s foot was awkward and rolled directly on the ground for more than ten meters. This was a pause.


"Even if it is so embarrassing, but I have escaped from the young master... worth it!"

With a sigh of relief, Qin Fang sat up and looked back. The thousands of iron-clad red fire ants were squatting in the claws and claws, and one could not wait to unload the eight pieces of Qin Fang.

However, a clear and unambiguous boundary is there, but it is to let them not dare to step a step!

"There is a kind of chasing me..."

It’s hard to be safe, and Qin Fang can’t help but yell at the iron-clad red ants.

"Oh... now, it’s your turn!"

Beyond this limit, the number of iron ant ant colonies is too large, and Qin Fang does not dare to easily provoke... He is now very satisfied with his own safety, but he is not afraid to move.

That a large group of iron-clad red fire ants do not dare to move, but does not mean that this small dial does not dare to move...

These iron-clad red fire ants, who bite on the Qin side, did not have the bravery and fierceness before entering this area. It was like a heavy blow, all escaped from the Qin side. Down, at this moment, I am going to the outer ironclad red fire ant colony.

However, will Qin Fangyi let these ironclad red fire ants succeed?

"Do you know you want to run now?"

"When I just bite me and eat my meat, why don't I run?"

Although it seems a little childish to scatter his anger on these iron-clad red fire ants, but Qin Fang also has a very bad pain... even if he uses the blood to save the health value back to full value, but the pain can not be alleviated He has been hurting so much until now.

哧 哧~~~

Of course, Qin Fang is not so perverted to kill these iron-clad red fire ants, one foot, and soon they will be trampled on all these iron-clad red fire ants who bite him!

He is safe, but only temporary...

There is also a powerful chase behind him. It is more likely to hide more fierce beasts in front... Perhaps he just got into another tiger's mouth from a wolf's nest, and the actual situation has not changed at all.

"Leave here first..."

After killing these iron-clad red fire ants, Qin Fang endured the pain and also wanted to leave here.

Looked at the depths of this road, he didn't know what was hidden inside, but he had no choice... unless he was willing to face the ant colony of thousands of iron-clad red fire ants, he could only bite the scalp. Go on.

"set off……"

No choice, then you can only take one step and count!

Qin Fang continues to move forward...

This road looks very ordinary, with flowers, grass, trees... everything looks so peaceful and peaceful. Building a small house here, I believe many people are willing to come here.

The more such a calm environment, the more hidden danger is hidden!

This can be seen from the huge iron armor arsenal ant colony can not easily walk into this area ... not to let the ant colony feel the fear, the horror of fear, they are not so afraid Crossing the boundaries.

Qin Fang is naturally careful at every step...

Whether it's underground flowers and trees, or some of the potential birds, animals, and fish around, he is as cautious as possible, trying not to provoke these seemingly peaceful existences.

Perhaps this move has achieved results. Perhaps these creatures really have no threats, or some other reasons, Qin Fangyi walked one kilometer on this road. Did not encounter any slight danger.

And when the Qin side carefully passed through a forest. The scenery in front of the eyes is also suddenly clear.

"Oh, there..."

At the same time, Qin Fang looked up and suddenly stopped, and waited for him to react. The face is full of smiles. "It’s really a break from the iron shoes. It’s not a waste of time...”

"Eagle Cliff! You are hiding here..."

Looking at the past from the perspective of Qin Fang, I found that there is a very obvious mountain cliff in the distant mountains... The shape is like a eagle mouth. Is it the killing of the eagle-nosed cliff marked on the map?

“It seems that the distance is not far...”

After visual inspection, Qin Fang could not help but say.

However, the saying that Wangshan ran dead horses could not be ignored by Qin Fang, so he also had some psychological preparations for the distance... "I am afraid that it is from here to Yingkou Cliff, at least 10 kilometers away..."

This is only an estimate of the relative conservativeness of the Qin side. The actual distance may be a lot more, and even several times it is possible.


But at this time, suddenly a fierce gust of wind came... The fierce and incomparable direct attack on Qin’s head, the sharp and incomparable strength is also scary, fearing that it is no less than the supreme level The fatal blow of the strong.


The Qin side was not vegetarian. The head did not return, and the flying sword immediately shot fiercely. The rapid flight shot out, and the rapid violent impact of the attack came over!

In such a critical moment, the first thing is to respond quickly and start decisively...

If there is even a slight hesitation, the best fighters have been delayed, which may cause irreversible tragic consequences. In the case of the Qin side, it may be that the Qin side is seriously injured or even killed.


Feijian's attack power is very strong, and the Excalibur is extremely sharp. This time the impact... Although the flying sword was hit and flew out, but the "sneak attacker" did not fall to the good, directly cut off... ...

"One cut?"

At this time, Qin Fang had already come back. He couldn’t help but wonder when he saw a broken piece on the ground. "Hey~~ This is not like the limbs of a beast, it is like the branches of trees. ......"

With one hand and one hand, the "body" of the "sneak attacker" cut by the slashing sword was automatically flown into the hands of Qin Fang. Careful research found that... "Is it really a branch of trees?"

Qin Fang quickly turned his head and carefully checked the surrounding environment...

Since the tree branches are cut off, the sneak attacker may be a mutant tree person similar to the mutant piranha... This is not entirely impossible. Anyway, Qin Fang has seen many strange things in this murderous mystery. Something is not bad!


At this time, a low voice came from afar... Listening to the sound is like a cow, but the atmosphere is incomparably tyrannical, fearing that it is not much worse than the supreme beast.


What is even more terrifying is... After this scream, the trees around the Qin side suddenly seemed to be summoned by some mysterious force, completely violent and active.

In particular, a few vines quickly rose up and turned into a long whip. It was swiftly coming to the side of the Qin side. Although it was only a vine, it was like a tyrannical tyrant. Animal-like, casual movements with endless horror! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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