Omni Genius

Chapter 297: Qin Fang rescue

Chapter 297 Qin Fang rescue

The owner of this pair of eyes is naturally Ning Yumo. She just followed the advice of Qin Fang and she was always staring at Fan Ning, but she did not expect that there was such a big discovery, even though this final result even her own. Can't believe it.

Because the man who finally got the thing is actually the biological son of this high surname Li!


Ning Yumo has something to dare to imagine,

If this person really started with his father, it would be really devastating.

Thinking of this, Ning Yumo quickly took the phone and called Qin Fang. "Qin Fang, where are you? There is something wrong..."

Things have already reached the hands of this young man, but Ning Yumo does not dare to act rashly. It is really the identity of this young man. Even before he is sure that he has any action, even the military and the police will not dare to take any action.

First, it is not sure whether the things in his hands are threatening. Secondly, because of the identity of the young man, the biological son of the protection target and the deputy head of the delegation, this makes them a bit of a rat.

"I am coming back, what happened?"

Qin Fang has already been on the floor at this time. Chen William has basically had a bottom. Although there is no evidence to prove that he is related to this matter, Qin Fang feels that he has a great connection with him.

It is only this matter that Qin Fang can't temporarily insert it. He has already told this matter to Tangcheng. I believe that there will be action on the military side.

"It's not convenient to say on the phone, you are coming up!"

It’s just that the phone is not clear on the phone and can only be said in person.

When he heard the call of Ning Yumo, Qin Fang almost did not hesitate. He quickly went upstairs, although his invitation has been taken away. Fortunately, the security guard at the door knew him, and he was allowed to come in directly.

"What about Fan Ning?"

After Qin Fang came up, he looked around the scene and found that Fan Ning didn't know where to go.

"Being scared, let's talk about business..."

Ning Yumo did not care about Fan Ning. After leaving that thing from Fan Ning’s hand, her eyes did not stay on Fan Ning’s body. She really didn’t know where Fanning went, just The matter is important, she carefully explained what happened just now with the Qin side.

"So trouble?"

Listening to Ning Yumo said that Qin Fang also felt that things had become troublesome.

If it is normal, they can search the military and the police, but the identity of the other party is special and the occasion is special. This trick does not work, and things become quite troublesome.

It’s just that they already know where things are. If they don’t rule out the dangers, then things will probably become quite troublesome.

"See what it looks like? Where is he placed?"

When Qin Fang hesitated, he asked Ning Yumo.

"In the left pocket of his trousers, it seems to be a very small bottle. I didn't see it too clearly..."

Ning Yumo can only guess the impression of her own bottleneck, because she has been watching in the distance, it is not so easy to see clearly, and the process of transfer is very hidden, it is really difficult to judge.

"give it to me……"

Qin Fang nodded and knew what it was like. He naturally had a way to deal with it.

Standing up from the seat, Qin Fang asked for a glass of red wine, accompanied by Ning Yumo, and walked toward the young man, the speed is not very fast, and occasionally greeted the people next to him, even though Qin Fang I don't know them at all.

The young man leaned on the side of the target. The high-ranking officials of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government gathered there. Although the first few hands did not come, they were the leaders of the deputy provincial level who attended the meeting. They can't have their countertops, but Ning Yumo has a veteran of the provincial political and legal committee, but it can have a few faces.

Of course, this is not the goal of Qin Fang. His real purpose is to approach this young man.

Three meters... two meters... one meter...

The distance between the two sides gradually saw that the young man had been chatting with a beautiful woman. It seems that most of them are the daughters of high officials like Ning Yumo, but when Ning Yumo approaches, the young man can’t help but watch. At a glance, I noticed the Qin side next to Ning Yu Mo, and also nodded and gestured for friendship.

Qin Fang also nodded slightly, and then looked forward to the front, just passing by the young man's side, the two gently rubbed a bit, and even did not happen to any physical touch.

"Theft is successful! The proficiency is improved and the sin value is +1."

Prompt as scheduled, Qin Fang’s sinful value also increased by one point in his expectation, but Qin Fang did not regret it. After all, he knew that he must have paid a certain price.

"Things are ready!"

Qin Fang whispered in the ear of Ning Yumo, and the slightly hot air provoked a pretty face of Ning Yumo.

"Go back and see!"

However, Ning Yu ink gently did a few deep breaths, and the mood was calmer, and the flush on his face faded.

The two swayed again and again, and this time they returned to the distance. Qin Fang spread his palm and found a quiet note talking about a piece of paper and a small bottle.

The note was rolled on this vial, and Ning Yumo also confirmed that the young man did not open the note. The Qin side quickly took the note down and flattened it in front of the two.

"Your mission has been completed."

Seeing this sentence on the note, Qin Fang suddenly stunned, and he couldn’t understand what it meant.

"Xiao Ningjie, what do you look at here?"

When Qin Fang felt a move, he immediately opened the small bottle and asked Ning Yumo to check the powder inside.


Ning Yumo is not a professional anti-drug police, but as a criminal police, she has also been exposed to drugs. After a simple inspection, she found that the bottle contained not the drugs, not the poison they imagined, but a little bit of flour. .

"be cheated……"

Both Qin Fang and Ning Yumo’s minds have come up with such a thought at the same time. There is no doubt that the organization is quite embarrassed. Designing such a circle is actually useless. The two of them are being played together.

Subconsciously, Qin Fang recalled what happened tonight. It seems that the departing Chen William played a little unusual role in it, but he clearly knew that Qin Fang was chasing him, not only did he not take the initiative to dodge, but instead The presence of Qin Fang, this makes Qin Fang surprised.

"not good……"

But thinking about it, Qin Fang suddenly noticed the situation on the target side and immediately exclaimed.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Ning Yumo looked at the past slightly, but did not find any abnormalities. The target was chatting with a deputy governor, and his son and the young man were still accompanied by wine glasses. The beauty is chatting, without any exceptions.

"It’s too late..."

Qin Fang did not pay attention to her, stood up directly and walked toward the goal.

Just as a waiter who sent the wine passed by him, Qin Fang hesitated a little, immediately took the tray from the waiter's hand and went straight to the target.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I heard that you are a wine tasting master. I have just hidden a few bottles of very good red wine at home, but I don't know which year it is. I don't know if you can help me to taste it... ”

During the talk, Qin conveniently passed the tray and placed two glasses of red wine on it. He smiled and looked at the high-ranking Li surname in front of him. His heart was actually very nervous. He was afraid that this high official would not speak well, then he would Only violent means can be used.

"Oh? Your young man is interesting... well, I will try it!"

This high-ranking Li surnamed a slight glimpse, then he laughed and looked at Qin Fang’s eyes very harmoniously, without a little shelf.

First, put the glass of wine in the hand on the tray of Qin Fang, and then pick up one of the two glasses of red wine in the tray of Qin Fang, and take a sip.

As soon as the wine entered the throat, Li’s senior official was slightly surprised. His eyes flashed a bit of color, and the cup was put down, and he looked at Qin Fang quietly.

However, he did not say anything, but just picked up another cup, took a light sip, and then the cup was in his hand, but did not put it down.

"Well, very good red wine, the specific year is not very good to say, but the quality of this wine is definitely worthy of the best..."

Li’s high-ranking official laughed and sighed, as if he was really drinking very good red wine, but in fact these two glasses of wine are simply the Chivas in the hospital, there is no special place.

"Thank you for your appreciation!"

Qin Fang smiled and expressed his thanks, and then retired from there, but the glass of wine was in the hands of Qin Fang.

In the process of returning, Qin Fang’s eyes always looked at everyone around him, but there was no abnormality, and Qin Fang was just a small episode, and did not notice his movements here. It seems that nothing has happened with anything.

"Qin Fang, what happened in the end?"

Ning Yumo asked very strangely. Although she saw the whole process, she still couldn’t understand what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of Qin Fang.

"This glass of wine..."

The Qin side was really quite nervous just now. It was a little worse. The goal of their protection would be to drink this glass of wine.

If that's the case, their protection mission can be declared over, because this wine is the real killing of the organization, and they don't even know how the wine is on the target.

If it is not Qin’s habitually lost identification skills, it will not be found that there is a green gimmick after the identification of this wine... There is no doubt that this wine is poisonous!

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