Omni Genius

Chapter 2924: No way ahead!

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"I know that Lei Ming is very dangerous, and he is known as a peerless land. He thought that only the vicious beast was rampant, but he did not expect..."

Qin Fang is also a bitter smile.

If he is allowed to choose, he would rather face a large number of beasts, and he does not want to face such a terrible natural environment... Even if Qin Fang is not good at the beast, there is at least a chance to smash it, but on the number Thousands of lightning flashed, and he was not enough to give him 10,000 lives!

Wrap yourself in insulation and then rush to the wind with a pleasing wind?

This idea is good, but unfortunately it is a dream!

This purple lightning is not only as simple as electric shock, it also contains powerful suffocating power, and its destructive power is terrible... Insulation material can isolate electric shock, but it can't resist such violent tearing. Once it loses protection, Qin Fang absolutely dies. Upturned.

Therefore, such an idea, Qin Fang has also been, but soon left behind!

"The legendary beasts have reached the ultimate strength. If they want to go further, they must bear the hardships of the Tianlei quenching body..."

Qin Fang couldn’t help but groan, "If it is such a violent lightning, then the powerful beasts will certainly not be able to withstand it. The quenching body is a quenching body, but the body can be quenched and lost. Lost, what's the point?"


At this time, a purple lightning strike came very sharply.

Nourishing ~~~

Qin Fang’s alleged resistance did not rebel, and he directly smashed such an electric shock... Compared with the tens of thousands of lightnings, such a lightning was really weak.

It is nothing more than a decade of physical paralysis.

"It seems that...the body is smaller, it is more advantageous!"

The paralysis caused by this kind of electric shock is holistic, and the bigger the body, the longer the time of paralysis. The damage caused is naturally more and more intense, and even dangerous, even life-threatening.

As a human being, Qin Fang is much smaller. It took ten seconds of paralysis and it quickly recovered.

but. The thunder of the tens of thousands of Lei Qi, Qin Fang is not afraid to easily set foot!

That is not so simple as ten seconds of paralysis, it is absolutely the rhythm of the bones directly broken bones ... This is also a thing that makes Qin Fang feel a lot of headaches, almost directly want to give up.

"Hey, is it really just giving up?"

Qin Fang also asked himself this way.

The treasure house of the dwarves is almost within easy reach, as long as you cross the thunder and walk a little further into the mountains. You can reach the treasure house, and there is almost no danger in the latter part of the road.

The only trouble is this dangerous thunder!

"Maybe I understand why the dwarves put their treasures here, not in the hordes of the Kowloon burial..."

Qin Fang also muttered to himself.

The dwarves are a powerful race with great casting ability. At the same time, they are also proficient in the technique of magic lines. Although the Kowloon burial gods are extremely powerful, they are not too difficult for them. At least self-protection is no problem.

The dwarfs can, other people of the race are naturally also possible, and the Qin side is easily passing through the large-scale burial of the Kowloon.

Then it is obvious that the treasure house is placed in the large array of burial gods in Kowloon. It is not so safe. When confronted with the strong players of the Qin Dynasty, it is definitely a meat buns. I will not look back.

The Valley of the Souls is the same. Holding the things that contain the purple dust and the magic stone, you can restrain those undead corpses. Just be careful to deal with the screaming spirits, and it is also unsafe to put the treasures inside.

Only this thunder is ......

This is a world-famous savage land!

It is almost impossible to use the peerless land that has been changed by external forces... This is the real security of the treasure house. If the thunder is in the middle of the thunder and the power is too strong, the dwarfs may directly put the treasure in the thunder. Not placed behind the thunder.


But soon Qin Fang came back to God. "Since the dwarves have put the treasure house here and shipped so many treasures, then this thunder will definitely be able to pass..."

The Qin side has been pondering the danger of thunder, but has neglected such an important condition.

The dwarfs placed the treasure house behind the thunder. And transporting a lot of treasures into it, this is definitely not something that can be done in a simple way. Even if it is strong, it can't resist such a violent violent blast. The only possibility is that thunder can be passed.

"It looks like I am going to prepare for a long battle..."

If there is a way to pass, then the Qin side does not need to give up so quickly.

He can stop and look for some details, rules, or hidden passages of this thunder. In this case, you may not need to face such a violent lightning array, you can smash through thunder.

Just do it...

The tent that had just been cleaned up for a long time, Qin Fang took it out again, and then set up the camp on the edge of the thunder.... Although it is necessary to smash the purple lightning attack from time to time, as long as there is no danger to life, Qin Fang is also This experience of music.

There is no reason for it...

Every time after such an electric shock, Qin Fang found that his body had been quenched to a certain extent... Perhaps such quenching is still very weak, but if there is too much accumulation, there may be no small changes. .


"Maybe I can try it and wash it in a lightning bath..."

Qin Fang is also a strange smile.

Of course, this is just a joke.

Unless it is to find the right area, the appropriate degree of lightning bombardment, the Qin side can not take this risk... This kind of lightning, a single bombardment, has no effect on the Qin side, but in case of a chain reaction, then Very scary.

A flash of lightning is not dangerous to the Qin side. If it is replaced by ten lightnings?

Even twenty, thirty, one hundred?

After the tent was set up, Qin Fang sat down and sat down to rest... It was not that he wanted to be lazy, but that he had basically nothing else to do except patiently observe.

The area of ​​Thunder is not small, but most of the area is covered by the violent lightning. It is not the area where Qin can be involved. The rest is small. Part of it is where Qin is now, and part of it is thunder. After that, it is the passage leading to the dwarf treasure house!

The latter is not the Qin party to be involved in, and if it can enter that side, Qin Fang will not be guilty here...

On the other side of the Qin side, it is also empty. Except for the towering cliffs, there is only the bottomless cliff below the bottom... There is no good place to go, but it is better to stay here waiting?

"Maybe, the thunder of lightning is also time-limited..."

Looking at the dark clouds like the black ink, Qin Fang is also whispering.

The powerful Thundercloud, after a certain period of discharge, it is also necessary to resume energy... Perhaps this thundercloud is accumulating energy faster, but it may also bring a short break.

Looking at this thunder, I estimated the distance, the time of passage, etc., and Qin Fang’s heart is also a bit of a bottom. "In the absence of lightning strikes, it takes only five minutes to easily cross the thunder." ”

"If there is such a single purple lightning interference, the time can be doubled, and ten minutes is enough!"

The purple lightning that came from the volley was blocked, and Qin added another sentence.

"For security reasons, at least half an hour can ensure that I will not have any accidents... Oh, this is really not a problem! I don't know how the dwarves thought of looking for treasures here!" ”

This is only a rough estimate of the Qin side. Actually, it is really hard to say.

And the lightning strike stopped, this is only a personal guess by Qin Fang.


Qin Fang has been on this cliff for three days, and the lightning strike has never been broken...

"I wipe! For three days, how come it is endless..."

At the beginning, Qin Fang was still waiting calmly, but after three days of bitterness, Qin Fang was also a bit overwhelmed!

In addition to being boring, the frequency of purple lightning that attacks him is much faster... It will only happen once in an hour, but now it will be almost three minutes.

Once every three minutes, this frequency is absolutely too frequent.

Moreover, if you follow this frequency, it is likely to become one minute, or even ten seconds, which is very scary...

"It seems that it is not a problem to wait for this to do so. You have to find another way out!"

They have been waiting so hard for three days, let Qin Fang give up, he is even more unwilling, Qin Fang is also beginning to find another path, "the cliff ... this is basically impossible! Can be excluded..."

The dwarves can pass the thunder, so there must be a way to follow.

Next to it is the towering sky, the top is very smooth, there are no traces, basically can be ruled out!

"The cliff below..."

Then Qin’s attention was concentrated on the cliff next to it.

The cliff, the bottom is almost abundance... In fact, it is not so exaggerated. According to the height of the Qin Dynasty, the height of the cliff should be about 1,500 meters.

Just because the bottom is too dark, it seems that it will be so deep.

"This high drop...maybe hope is there!"

Qin Fang is also whispering.

Thunder, you are covered with endless thunder, so a huge hole is bombarded by lightning, absolutely deep bottomless... and the river below is connected with the depths of the thunder, the water flowing down the waterfall, After thunder, then the river was formed and flowed all the way to the Tongtian River.

"Maybe... this will be a way!"

Qin Fang also pondered in the heart, can you go up from that river, perhaps you can avoid the endless horror of the lightning array, and thus through this abnormal thunder! (To be continued) r655


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